Ch.06 The 'WOW' Factor

"Oh dude, this is pissa awesome!" Amber exclaimed as she watched the rolling scenery of the school grounds pass by. Wide eyed, she was practically falling out of the carriage, her whole upper half sticking out into the cold night.

"Amber dear, if you stick your head out like that mane eating bats will swoop down and mangle your face up," Fred informed matter of factly. Amber briefly stuck her head back in and scowled at Fred.

"I'm not buying another one of your tall tales, Weasley!" she huffed before resuming her sightseeing. Earlier, as they has been leaving the Hogwarts Express, Fred nearly had Amber believing that the lanterns were pixie powered, and she nearly blinded herself trying to peer into the lights to see them.

And amidst this whole fiasco, Oliver couldn't help but notice just how GOOD Amber looked in her school robes. Of course, the house colors hadn't appeared yet (those would be determined later) but despite that, but it was clear NO ONE was supposed to look THAT good wearing a uniform. And it didn't help Oliver that her current position hiked her skirt up a few inches. Cute…alluring…tomboyish…sexy…it wasn't supposed to all go together so well!

"Enjoying the view as well, Ollie?" George asked in a hush. Oliver looked at his friend, mouth agape as he tried to defend himself. But the Weasley had an all knowing grin on his face and Oliver knew it would be impossible to convince him that he wasn't thinking about "those" sorts of things. "Don't worry, I won't impose," he added with a teasing grin.

"Sh-shut it George…" Oliver muttered, turning his face away as he felt a twinge of heat rise in his cheeks.

"Dayummm…that's some huge castle there! Oh, with turrets and everything!" Amber cheered in awe, kicking her feet like a child in her excitement. Fred jumped back as she nearly knocked him out with her attacks.

"This is too dangerous even for me," Fred said with a huff. "Here Ollie, you and me switch places!" And before Oliver could even voice his protest, the twins tossed him to Amber's side of the carriage.

"You two little-" Oliver snarled before dodging another one of Amber's excitement attacks. The girl could definitely kick.

"This is soo neat!" Amber said with an uncharacteristic giggle as she brought herself fully back into the carriage. Closing her eyes in calm, she promptly leaned her back against Oliver's arm. Her could hardly move.

"Definitely looking forward to this school!" she muttered. Settling into his shoulder, she rubbed the side of her face against his cloak, a satisfied smile on her face which reminded Oliver of a cat. That, in turn, reminded Oliver of petting and purring, which immediately made him uncomfortable again. Fred and George were valiantly trying to hold their laughter.

"Fred…" Amber said with a frown, her eyes still closed. "When did you put your cloak on…?" she asked warily before finally opening her eyes. She blinked as she looked at the twins sitting next to each other OPPOSITE of her.

"….Fred…" she said slowly, pointing at him. He smiled at her innocently. "George…" He mimicked his twin's seemingly oblivious nature. "Which means…"

Slowly, Amber tilted her head backwards against the broad firm shoulder of her head rest…until she eventually met the flustered face of none other than Oliver himself.

"Sunnava…!" Amber yelped, jumping back into her corner of the seat. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG YOU PEOPLE AND PULLING SHIT LIKE THIS?" she screamed at the three of them, to the twin's amusement and Oliver's confusion.

"We didn't do a thing," the twins said in unison with their best innocent faces. Oliver looked at the two with a face of disbelief.

"Don't go pinning your tomfoolery on me now!" Oliver exclaimed, pointing at the two twins who were still putting up their "It wasn't me" feign. He looked at Amber, who seemed incredibly miffed. She must have seriously thought he was some sort of guy who went around trying to cop cheap feels on girls.

"You know what guys…I'm not even going to ask!" Amber said with a frown as the carriage stopped. With a forceful kick, she opened the door and jumped out.

"Honestly Oliver, boy, you always have to go do such indecent things like that!" Fred said in a mock scolding voice. He shook his head at Oliver as he followed Amber out of the carriage. Oliver opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Most unbecoming in a future Quidditch star, sexual assault that is," George chided with a snicker before hopping out.

"Bunch of mental cases, the whole lot of them…" Oliver grumbled as he followed the other students to the castle, his walk resembling a giant's lumber.


Amber took a deep breath as she heard her name being called by Professor…Manacle? Monocle? McDonalds? She honestly couldn't remember. Slowly, she made her way up to the front of the room, ignoring all the inquisitive stares. Picking up the hat, she pulled it on over her head, sitting down promptly.

Then, a little voice began talking to her.

"Is this how they do it here? Talking hats?" she wondered.

"That's right little lady, a talking hat…but don't be so degrading, now!" it scolded lightly. "Now…let's see…where to put this late bloomer…"

"I am NOT a late bloomer. Get the facts straight," Amber argued mentally with a frown.

"Alright alright, I know that, don't get so upset! Now then…you're remarkably bright for your temperament…" Amber frowned again. "See? Already angry. Pity…but you are passionate, I'll give you that. Creative, very unique imagination. You think on your feet well too."

"Why thank you!" Amber thought with a small smile.

"Though most of the time your schemes are a bit too impossible, but your heart is in the right place for the most part. You are incredibly conniving however-"

"I AM NOT CONNIVING!" Amber shouted out loud before clasping her hands over her mouth, Sniggers were heard from the students, especially from the Weasley's and even from Oliver, who found her inability to hide emotions extremely amusing.

"Done making a scene out of yourself?" the hat asked. Amber decided then that the hat was a total smartass, wherever it got that personality she had no idea. "Moving along…you are loyal, though…and very honest…albeit unnecessarily brutal at times. So, I'll say…GRYFFINDOR!"

Smiling broadly, Amber neatly placed the hat and walked briskly over to the table where Fred and George were welcoming her back. She sat down next to the pair and gave high fives to both before looking across the table at two brown eyes.

"Awww, Woodless, and you're so happy to see me too!" Amber said in a sugary sweet voice with her best smile. Oliver only grumbled and turned away, eliciting a giggle of mirth from Amber.


Two hours later, a very full and satisfied Amber was strolling out of the Great Hall patting her tummy. The Weasleys had gone off to find their brother and sister and their friends, leaving Amber to herself. Not that she minded. She knew she just met them, and they had other responsibilities, for lack of a better term considering that the two were hardly responsible.

Noticing a familiar, tall lone figure trudging up the stairs a little distance behind the other Gryffindors, she jogged to catch up with his stride before knocking him behind the head.

"Wassup Woodless G Masta Flex?" Amber greeted with a smirk. Oliver narrowed his eyes, setting them straight ahead. The two fell into silence as they walked along, and the two stayed silent as they entered the common room through the portrait hole, and not a word was said when they parted at the stairwell to the dormitories.

That night, Amber was desperately trying to sort out her emotions. It wasn't an easy thing for her to do on normal occasions, never mind something as CRAZY as this. Oliver Oliver Oliver. The name was just repeating in her mind over and over, like a dripping faucet in the middle of the night. It taunted her, and she wasn't even sure what she was being taunted with! It was complete madness how in less than a day, the only name and face that she could see was HIS.

Amber groaned in her pillow, kicking her feet soundly against the mattress. "Dear lord, NOT with a broomhead!"