Chapter One

What the hell I am doing? thought Kara, as Zak pulled up outside his mother's house.

She still wasn't sure how he had talked her into this. Not just into meeting his family, but into spending the whole Winter Solstice week with them.

She'd flat out refused when he first brought it up. He hadn't argued with her. He never did. Just made throwaway comments over the next few weeks about how nice it would have been to have her there and how much he would have liked to be with her over Solstice. And then looked at her with that damn wistful expression in his eyes that always made her feel like she'd kicked a puppy.

So she'd given in. To make him happy. If she felt secretly relieved that she wasn't going to have to spend another Solstice alone at the Academy with a bottle of ambrosia, trying to pretend she didn't care, it was her own business.

But there was still the whole hurdle of meeting his family.

Kara Thrace wasn't the type of girl that guys took home to meet their mothers. She was the type of girl that mothers warned their sons away from.

Not that the issue had ever come up before. None of her previous boyfriends had lasted beyond a few months before she managed to piss them off or push them away. Certainly not long enough to get to the meeting the family stage.

She still wasn't sure how Zak had managed to stick around so long. It wasn't as if she hadn't given him opportunities to leave, or reasons. But it seemed whatever she did, however she screwed up, he stayed put. Still loved her.

It warmed her to the core, but it also scared the crap out of her.

Almost as much as the idea of meeting his family scared her. Strangely, it wasn't his father, the battlestar commander, whom most people would think the most intimidating, that worried her. He was in the military, after all – she was sure she could find things to talk to him about. Plus they'd only be visiting him for the day, in his apartment in Caprica City.

No, she was more worried about his mother, with whom they would be staying the whole week. What if she expected Kara to help her in the kitchen or wanted to take her shopping? She shuddered at the very idea.

Then there was the older brother, Lee, the one Zak talked about the most. He alternated between slightly envious pride in his brother's achievements – first in his class at Academy, on the fast track in War College – and affectionate mockery: "He was the only cadet in the history of the academy who graduated with a 100 per cent attendance record and was still an ambrosia virgin."

He sounded like a stuck-up bore to Kara – the kind of man who would take one look at her and decide that she was totally unfit to be with his baby brother. And that worried her, because underneath all the jokes and the stories, she could tell that Lee was the most important person in Zak's world, and his approval counted, perhaps even more so than that of their parents.

Kara could tell that this week was not going to go well.


Her first impressions, however, were better than she had expected. The house and Caroline Adama were both warm and welcoming.

"Call me Caroline, do. Mrs Adama makes me feel about a hundred."

Caroline didn't look much like her younger son, but she had the same easy-going manners.

"I'm pleased to finally meet you, Kara," she said. "I would say that I'd heard so much about you, but that would be a lie." She shot a mischievous glance at Zak. "My sons like to keep me in the dark about their love lives as far as possible."

Zak grinned at her. "And I'm sure you kept Gran posted on every detail when you were dating."

"Of course," said his mother blandly. She ushered them into the living room. "Now, I'm sure you're both hungry after that long trip. I thought we'd have a quick bowl of pasta, if that suits?"

Kara opened her mouth to agree – she was starving – but Zak elbowed her before she could say anything.

"I don't know, Mum – we had a snack at the spaceport-"

Two hours ago. Kara stared at him, confused.

Caroline started to laugh. "Relax, Zak, I didn't make it myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Quite sure. It's the supermarket's finest." Her mouth curved. "I'll show you the packet if you want."

"No, no, I trust you." Zak dropped onto the sofa.

Caroline turned to Kara. "As you may have gathered, cooking is not my strong point."

Kara smiled tentatively. "Mine neither."

"A girl after my own heart. So, would you like some pasta?"

Kara nodded, and sat down next to Zak. Somehow this casual teasing between mother and son was not quite what she had expected – but then she didn't know what she had expected. She didn't really know enough about proper families to expect anything.

"I'm just glad you discovered microwaved meals," Zak called to his mother as she moved around in the kitchen. "Otherwise I would have wasted away before I was ten."

"Wasted away? On the amount of junk food you used to eat?" Caroline snorted. "I don't think so."

"So does this mean that we're going out for Solstice dinner?" Kara joked.

Zak took her hand. "No, we're staying in. Mum's cooking her speciality – microwaved turkey."

Caroline appeared in the doorway to wave a fork at him threateningly. "You should count your lucky stars that Lee didn't decide to stay on Aerilon for Solstice."

"He wouldn't dare. He knows we'd starve without him."

"So your brother's the cook in this household?" Kara was surprised. It didn't seem to fit with what Zak had said about him.

Zak nodded. "He went on a healthy eating kick when he was fifteen and decided it was his duty to save me and Mum from the calorific horrors of ready meals and junk food. He taught himself to cook and we've kept him chained to the stove ever since."

"Well, except when I let him out to go to Fleet Academy." Caroline re-appeared in the doorway. "Pasta's ready. I'll bring it in here, it's more comfortable than sitting round the table."

Kara enjoyed the pasta, despite the fierce concentration needed to make sure she didn't spill any on the sofa or the carpet. Not that Zak seemed bothered.

"Speaking of Lee," said Zak, looking at his watch, "we'd better go to pick him up from the spaceport in an hour or so. He told me he was getting in at two, and there's no point him spending money on a taxi when I've rented a car."


They chatted for an hour after finishing the meal, and it was unexpectedly comfortable. The combination of a long flight, a full stomach and a comfy chair began to catch up with Kara, and her eyes drifted closed a few times.

"Someone's had a long day," said Caroline softly, and Kara straightened with embarrassment. She didn't want Zak's mother to think her rude.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Ada - Caroline. It's just been a hectic week. Paperwork, last minute evaluations – the usual end of term chaos."

"You know, you don't have to come down to the spaceport to meet Lee," said Zak. "You can always stay here, have a quick nap while we're out."

Gods, that was tempting. Not just the nap but the chance to avoid meeting the scary older brother for a few more hours. Plus, it would give the three Adamas some time on their own without her hanging around.

"That's sounds like a good idea." She looked at Zak uncertainly. "You're sure your brother won't mind?"

Zak looked puzzled. "Of course not. Why would he?" He laughed. "He's not so important he needs some kind of reception, Kara. He's lucky that Mum and I are deigning to meet him in person."

So it was settled, and Zak and Caroline headed off on their own.

"I've put you in the spare room, Kara, if you want to lie down," said Caroline kindly. "Top of the stairs, second room on the left. There are towels on the bed if you want to freshen up."

"Thanks," said Kara awkwardly, though she liked Caroline's manner. Taking care of her guest without fussing over it.

Left alone, she took a deep breath. First hurdle cleared, and it had been easier than she had hoped. Caroline wasn't half as intimidating as she had expected. Maybe the rest of the family would follow suit.

Yeah right, she thought with a wry smile. She never got that lucky.

She entertained herself by wandering around the house. It wasn't large, but not so small that the people who lived there would be constantly falling over each other. It had a nice feel to it, as well. Kara had seen houses that were cluttered and chaotic, and houses that were so painfully neat that no-one dared touch anything. This house fell in the middle. It wasn't pristine – Kara could see stains on the carpet and scrapes on the woodwork that showed two boys had grown up in this house – but the imperfections only made the house feel cosy and lived-in, like a proper home.

She wandered upstairs, and amused herself by peeping into the bedrooms. A wide grin crossed her face as she opened the first. She knew whose room this was. Between the music posters, the viper wallpaper and the clutter of possessions covering every available surface, every inch of it screamed Zak.

The next room, cool and green, was obviously Caroline's, and Kara moved on hastily. She didn't want to intrude.

She thought the third room was the spare room for a moment, but it wasn't the one Caroline had directed her to. It was decorated in a suitably bland style, with magnolia walls, beige carpet and plain navy bedcovers. Then she noticed that although the desk by the window was bare, there was something on the shelves above it.

She looked closer, and found they were trophies. Cross-country running, swimming, even some pyramid ones. All inscribed with the name Lee Adama.

So this was his room. Kara took another look round, marvelling at the stark emptiness. Either Zak's brother was incredibly dull, or he liked to keep anything personal hidden away.

When she noticed a large built-in cupboard in the corner of the room, and found the door was locked, Kara inclined towards the second theory. With someone as nosy as Zak could be for a younger brother, keeping your private possessions locked away seemed only sensible.

She left the room and finally headed to the spare room, intending to have a quick nap before the Adamas returned. But as she passed the head of the stairs she heard a key turning in the front door.


Author's Note: I enjoy reading pre-mini Kara/Lee/Zak stories, so couldn't resist writing one. To be honest, I mainly wrote it for myself to get what I think is their backstory straight in my head, but I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback appreciated, as ever.