Summary: You would think Miley has the perfect life. She's got two best friends, an awesome house, and is living the dream as teen pop sensation Hannah Montana. But while what you don't know about her may not hurt you, it is hurting Miley. Bad.

A/n: Okay, I just thought of this so sorry if it sucks... And also it's Miley's POV.

I drug myself out of 7th period, the last class of the day. Quickly, I walked towards the front doors, but Lily unfortunately caught up to me before I could "escape." Drats.

"Hey Miley, do you want to come to the movies with me and Oliver tonight?" Lily questioned, now at my side. A movie date with my two best friends sounded great, but I knew if I wasn't home before my dad I would be in big trouble.

I bit my lip and after a few silent seconds said, "Um, I can't."

"Why not?" asked an obviously very confused Lily. Normally, I wouldn't pass on something liie this.

"Well... you see I've got to do this thing, with my dog and..."

Lily cut me off before I had a chance to continue. "Miley, you don't have a dog. I can tell you're lying and I want the truth." I had nothing. This was the first time in a while I couldn't think of an excuse not to do something. It had been a week since the lies started, and unfortinantely Lily and Oliver were beginning to catch on.

We approached my house and I saw my dad's truck sitting in the driveway. Great, now I was in for it. "Look Lily, I gotta go. I'll call you, okay?"

"Okay...," I heard Lily mumble as I ran up the driveway. I stopped at the front door and took a deep breath I walked in to see my dad and step mom sitting on the couch. I put my bag down by the door and ran upstairs, closing my door behind me. I lay down on my bed, knowing "she" was probably standing by the door, making sure I wasn't on the phone or sneaking out or something weird like that. My new step mom, Linda, would be under the catigorey of anything but motherly. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps outside my door at night. The doorknob turned and I flinched, somewhat relieved to see it was Jackson.

"Jackson, what do you want?" I asked annoyed. I set down the phone I had picked up seconds before.

"Have you seen my other shoe?" he asked, pointing to his single shoed pair of feet. I gulped, flashing back to the night I saw the real side of my new 'mom.'

"No, please stop!" I shouted. Linda slammed the door shut and eased toward me. I backed up on my bed, but she kept coming. "What did I tell you, I want you home before your father, you hear me!?" she screamed. Linda reached down and grabbed a tennis shoe off the floor. She threw it at me, the side shooting toward the side of my arm. It bounced off the bed and onto the floor beside my bed.

"If you ever speak of this, you'll be sorry," she muttered as she walked out the door, slamming it behind her.

I looked down at the foot of my bed to see Jackson's shoe. I picked it up and mumbled, "Yeah, here it is." I tossed it towards him and he left after muttering a thank you. I pulled up my sleeve to examine the bruise she had left. I almost fell out of my bed when the phone rang. I picked it up to see who it was; Lily. I sat the phone down and walked over to the computer. Once there, I opened IM and signed on. Thankfully, Lily was on. Before starting a conversation, I opened up another window and set it on Ask Jeeves. I got out a sheet of notebook paper and pencil, writing a fake essay beginning on my paper. If Linda were to walk in, I could x out IM and it would seem like I was doing homework. Plus I could easily tell Lily my internet had unexpectantly gone down when she asks me about it the next day.

Lil'LilyTrescot: Hey Miley, why won't you answer the phone?

MiLeY-sTeWaRt: Um, I can't find it. I didn't know you called.

Lil'LilyTrescot: Oh, okay. So, what's going on?

Just as I was about to reply back, I heard the doorknob turn. I quickly xed out IM and picked up my pencil. I looked toward the door and of course, to my luck saw Linda.

I turned back to my paper, hoping she was just coming in to pick up laundry. She walked over to the computer and said, "What are you working on?"


"Oh, what's it about?" Linda asked, putting her hand on the back of me chair. I gluped, and thought of the first thing that came into my mind.

"The lifestyles of modern Indians," I replied, nodding my head. She walked to the other side of the room the second before my dad walked in. Saved. "Hey guys, whatcha doing?"

"Oh, I just came in to pick up her laundry," Linda said as she picked up my laundry basket. She gave me a glare before walking over to him to give him a kiss and walked out the door. My dad walked over to the computer and sat down beside me.

"Hey bud, whatcha workin on?" he asked.

"An essay on modern Indians," I lied as I looked up from my paper.

"Oh, sounds... interesting."

I chucked, glad he couldn't see through my fibs. "Not really."