First chapter, hope you enjoy it! )


No, I DO not OWN Naruto..wish i did, then i wouldn't be writing all these stories


By FadingCrescent

Seventeen year old Uchiha Sasuke rolled over on his luxury bed. It was HUGE especially for one person. His room was covered in posters, awards and his memories. Those memories…of a special girl. A pink-haired one to be exact.


"Sasuke-kun!" squealed a small pink-haired girl. She was dragging a raven haired boy who was glad to be with this special girl. They both were the same age, the boy just older than the girl by nine months.

"What is it Sakura? You said you had something important to tell me," asked the boy, raising an eyebrow. They arrived at the bridge where both of them had first met. She lowered her head and her green orbs stared at the ground.

"Sasuke, I'm moving…to a new town…" she whispered softly. Sasuke's onyx eyes widened. He first lost his family except his brother and now his best friend was leaving him. He could see tears dripping from her pale face and her short bangs covered most of her grieving face.

"But I PROMISE you I will come back! To marry you… just like I promised!" She said cheerfully, clasping his hand. He smiled back. Now, no-one would ever see the lonely boy smile ever again…


Sasuke opened his obsidian orbs. He looked around the room and saw those pictures of his one and true love; Haruno Sakura. Sakura also lost her family when she was younger except for her aunty, who decided she needed to grow up in a new place. He now lived in this empty house all by himself, his brother had gone off to the US to continue their family business.

"When is she coming back? She promised me…" He thought. "I really want to see her smile again…" He went out of his bed and took a long, cold shower. He always thought of her every night before he went to sleep and every morning he woke up. He changed into his uniform and had a quick breakfast of eggs and bacon. Sasuke then went out to his black Jaguar and drove to school. While he left, he was still thinking of that girl who always made him smile.


"Eek! Aunty! Why didn't you wake me up! I need to go tothe new school now!" squeaked a green-eyed girl with an abnormally large forehead. She quickly dressed in her new uniform. Her aunt watched her with pride. Her aunt Shiikure had enrolled her to Konoha High where all the elites went to.

"Gomen! You were sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't bring to wake you up!" apologized her aunty, who was making Sakura's breakfast. The girl picked up a piece of toast off the plate and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Pa reh ranty (Ja ne aunty)," Sakura muffled, grabbing her school bag and rushing out the door.

Shiikure sighed. It had been ten years ever since Sakura had last been here. But she doubted it…


Sasuke drove to school quickly. He had to get there fast, but that didn't really matter because his sensei was ALWAYS late, giving some lame excuse for arriving around 30 minutes after class had started (Guess who). He turned a corner and skidded when he saw a pink blur. Sasuke's eyes widened. There in front of him, stood a pink-haired, green eyed girl. Her forehead was larger than average and she was in his school's female uniform. Sasuke stopped the car and ran out.

"Sakura?" he asked the girl. This time, it was her eyes to widen.

"How do you know my name?" she whispered, looking into his eyes. Sasuke could feel them piercing his mind, just as she had doneten years ago.

"Sakura, don't you remember me? Sasuke!" he exclaimed. How could she not remember the boy she fell in love with?

Her look of shock turned into confusion.

"I don't know a Sasuke…or do I remember one…" she said, without a doubt.

hope u liked the first chappy


FadingCrescent: sweatdrop

Sasuke: How come I have to fall in love with pinky?

Sakura: HEY! Don't call me pinky chicken boy!

Sasuke: Don't call me chicken boy pinky!

bickering in background

FadingCrescent: sweatdrop

Yeah, I know it was a bit short, just wanted to have a cliffy there

The pairings will be; SASUSAKU (of course!), NaruHina, NejiTen, ShikaIno. Itachi will appear sometime but I'm still not sure. And HE'S A GOOD GUY TOO.


The more reviews, the faster I'll update ;)

Ciao! Lots of Love, FadingCrescent