Sorry for the wait! I haven't had a lot of time on my hands lately. Anyway, here's the final story in the trilogy! It'll be a little different from the rest, but I hope just as good!

Chapter 1. The Night


Melissa woke up in the middle of the night to an empty tent. She had woken up partially to Daley leaving the tent, but that had to be at least an hour ago. Taylor wasn't there either.

Curious, she walked outside to see where everyone was. She saw two figures sitting on the beach about a hundred yards away. She could see Eric's hat on one and the other even from a distance looked like Taylor, so she knew where two people was, but where was Daley? She looked over in the direction of the fire pit and saw some one sitting infront of a small fire.

Melissa walked over to the fire pit half expecting it to be Daley. But to her surprise it was Jackson.

"Jackson? What are you doing up?" Melissa asked sleepily.

"I could ask you the same question." Jackson said still staring at the fire.

"I woke up and didn't see Taylor or Daley so I thought they might be over here. But Taylor and Eric are..."

"Together." Jackson half finished and half interrupted.

"What?" Melissa asked not knowing what he meant.

"Eric and Taylor are a couple, so are Daley and Nathan." Jackson sighed never breaking his glaze with the fire.

"But, what about the rule. I thought no couples until we get home." Melissa asked confused.

"Yeah, well, I guess I kinda knew from the beginning that we couldn't keep that rule." Jackson said still not looking away.

"Oh, ok. Well, then I..."

"And don't even think about trying to get close with me." Jackson said scowled as he got up and stormed away from the fire pit and in the direction of camp, leaving Melissa standing there confused beyond all belief.