Summary: With his days numbered, Akito hastily decided to have Yuki back in The Room, where history repeated itself. What will it cost when Yuki finally avenge for himself? It was worth it. …Wasn't it?

I am Sohma Yuki (Chapter 1:Resurfacing)

Sohma Yuki sluggishly clamped his hand down on his alarm clock, which was ringing offensively, intruding his dreamless sleep.

He cringed at the sunlight seeping through his blinds and buried his head deeper into his covers. He felt so… heavy…

He made no move when a gentle knock sounded at his door; nor did he crack an eye when he heard…something –or someone –talking. "…Wake up, Sohma-kun… There's a call waiting for you downstairs… Sohma-kun?" Yuki slowly sat up in his bed as the distant voice finally reached his senses.

He rubbed his eyes and stared unfocusedly at the person in front of him.

"…Huh? H-Honda-san?" He blinked his eyes in the morning light. '…Honda-san? In my room?' It was very hard to figure out what was happening.

Tohru smiled enthusiastically at the waking boy, "Hai! Ohayo gozaimasu! Ano, Shoma-kun, I'm sorry for going into your room without your permission; Shigure-san told me to wake you up because there's an important call waiting for you downstairs. Breakfast is ready in the kitchen!"

Yuki shook his head slightly, his sleepy mind taking an eternity to process the girl's words. Finally, he stumbled blindly out of his room, saved from falling down the stairs as Tohru guided him straight towards the phone. "Arigatou, Honda-san." He mumbled softly.

"Moshi Moshi," He said.

"Ah, Yuki. I see you're still the same in mornings, hm? I've waited on the line for so long…"

The silky voice jerked Yuki wide-awake.

"H-Huh? A-Akito?" He choked, obviously confused.

On the other side of the phone, Akito smirked. "What's the matter, my nezumi?" He drawled out the words. "Am I not supposed to phone my dear Yuki?"

Yuki shook his head numbly, unable to utter a word.

Upon hearing no answer, Akito scowled. Yuki quickly apologized, realizing his mistake before Akito could open his mouth to yell.

"Iie, Akito-sama. I am just surprised to hear from you at such an early hour." He let out an inaudible breath as he tried to compose himself.

"Oh? Then is it a pleasant surprise?"

Yuki silently debated, knowing that Akito was enjoying his inward struggle. Finally, he answered, "H-Hai, Akito-sama. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Akito smiled again. "Of course, Yuki. I've been missing you. Are you busy tonight?"

Yuki shook his head again, "I am free tonight, Akito-sama."

"Wonderful, Yuki, wonderful… Actually, that's what I expect; it's the last day of school before the spring break, am I correct? I trust you'll join me for tea right after school?"

"Hai, Akito-sama." Yuki's eyes cast on his toes; he had expected the request.

"So, Yuki-kun, here's another surprise," Akito purred. "You will stay with me during the spring break; Shigure will take your belongings to the main house for me." He waited for the effect of his words.


"I look forward to seeing you, my dearest Yuki." He hung the phone, his smile plastered on his lips.

Yuki hung up, his unused hand twitching. Numbly he looked up to see Shigure leaning against the kitchen door, gaze averted.

He walked slowly towards the man, not trusting his legs.

For a few seconds neither of them said anything, and Yuki at last, found his voice.

"You knew." He murmured hoarsely, his cracking words changing to an accusing tone as he went on. "You knew, and you didn't tell me. That's why you made Honda-san wake me up, isn't it? You just need to make sure you are safe and…" He trailed off, suddenly realizing that any other people would have done the same; Shigure didn't have a choice, did he?

Taking a deep breath, he made his way to his room.

"…Ano, Shigure-san?" Tohru started worriedly from the kitchen, but Shigure cut in absently, "Things you'll understand later, Tohru-kun." His usual flirty smirk was gone, and even Kyo said nothing.



The boy was sitting on the floor in front of Akito, who was leaning against the door of his room. Pale hands cleared away the dishes they had used for dinner, and pushed them outside of the room.

As he rose to his feet, a hand gripped the sleeve of his uniform.

"Let the servants carry on from there Yuki… I want you to stay with me." The god nuzzled Yuki's hand. The mouse shivered.

"Are you cold, Yuki? Do you need warmth?"

Akito pulled the rat nearer, his hands circling the slim waist.

"A-Akito-sama, I-I –" Yuki started to protest, but he was unable to get the words out.

Akito smirked at the rat's hesitation. He traced the amethyst-eyed teen's jaw line slowly, seductively, and his other hand started to untie the loose knot on the uniform's tie.

"A-Akito-s-sama…" Yuki murmured.

"Do you want to spend the night in my room, Yuki?" Akito whispered in Yuki's ear, his free hand dancing around the exposed skin below the younger boy's collar, now unshielded by the school uniform.

A tear slid down the nezumi's cheek and onto Akito's trespassing hand.

"You don't have to cry, Yuki…" Akito nibbled on the youth's ear. "There's nothing to cry about."

The older boy gently wiped the feminine face with the sleeve of his kimono, but the tears continued flowing. Akito sighed, and steered the mouse onto his bed. His hands began working, his actions swift and hungry.

Yuki shook his head, gasping. The hands, the pressure, the smile… The very bed he was sitting on… Long ago.

'Iie…' The hands would not stop. His white yukata was torn violently off and through to a corner. His face flushed as a hand was laid below his navel. 'Iie…'

"A-Akito-sama…" His shirt was removed, joining his necktie on the floor. Humiliated, he closed his arms in front of his exposed chest.

Akito growled. Gripping the pale wrists, he yanked at them.

'Iie…' Pain. He felt pain. Heat engulfing him, pain flaring inside him. Pain, pushing him, clawing at him. He was dirty, shamed. 'Iie…' No…

Akito was on top of him, pressing down on him. 'Iie…' The hands were touching him. 'Iie…' His god was positioning between his legs. 'Iie…'

He knew part of him was enjoying the closeness. Part of him honored his 'god'. The bond between god and nezumi, was unbreakable, invincible.

But then… He gripped the bed sheets, closing his eyes.

It cannot happen again.

The bond…

If it happened again, it meant he was too weak; too weak to protect himself.

The zodiac would never defy.

He was not only the Nezumi; he was also Yuki… Sohma Yuki.

It was god above him…


He could not oppose the god…



Silence sealed the room.

Yuki gasped, sweating heavily. His mind was fogged, his gaze unfocused. He had defied the god.

Akito slowly turned his eyes on the nezumi. The teen refused to meet his gaze.

"No?" Akito murmured quietly. He pursed his lips.

Yuki saw stars when his cheek was slapped. The blow was unexpected, just as the ones following were. The night passed in a blur, as when he finally saw dawn, he felt his throat tighten and he knew his asthma was brewing.

Hatori was beside him; he didn't keep track of the time, but the sober face soothed his senses.

"Iie…" He was so tired… There were footsteps, many other people running towards him. He jerked himself; Akito was still near him.

"Pathetic…" He was too drained to protest…


…He could feel them, the whispered words, and sympathetic glances.

He felt care, from Tohru smoothing his bed sheets, from Haru's grip on his hand and Momiji's caring hug before the rabbit was pulled away from him, most likely by Haru.

He felt pity, from Shigure's silence and Hatori's treatments. He didn't need sympathy…

He had not a care to the world revolving around him; his secret was out, he knew.

Everyone knew what had happened; everyone knew he had been too much of a weakling to prevent it.

All because of the damned bond… The damned bond of god and nezumi.

The door was creaking open silently; he closed his eyes, willing himself to be asleep –or at least look asleep to the person above him; he couldn't stand facing anyone…

"O-Oi, nezumi…"

He almost gasped.

-----End of Chapter 1-----

Author's Note:

Um… This is my first Fruits Basket fan fic; how was it?

Yes, Akito is a male. It just suits the storyline more. Thanks you, everyone for reading:)

-Solitude Sky