Story:Bed Head


Type:one shot


Summary:Kurogane watches Fye getting ready for the day and wonders. KuroFai drabble.

Day Completed:08/06/2006

Disclaimer: Look at me. I have acne face, ratty hair, googly-eye glasses. What makes you think I have enough style and flair to write something as finessed as Tsubasa Chronicle? Not.

A/N:This story was spawned as my sad attempt at writing some romance. I've never been in a relationship before so I'm out of my depth. I'm in the process of writing a much larger what looks to be 8 chapter fic about Ceres. I can't seem to put any romance into it. As a break from the bigger story and as an excercise in writing romance I wrote this drabble. The author's note is bigger than the fic itself! The Horror!

sitting up

clouded and hooded eyes

messy blonde hair

rumpled night clothes

dirty face

stumbling feet

washing up

Kurogane sits on the floor next to the bed and wonders.

Why did he always have to see the idiot's face every morning?

Why wouldn't he have it any other way?

OWARI (it means END in Japaneeese)