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Chapter Five

The Hogwarts Express was now decreasing its speed. A few moments after, the scarlet engine drew to a screeching halt beside Hogsmead station. Doors simultaneously opened and an array of students clad in school robes emblemized with red and gold, green and silver, blue and bronze, and yellow and black detail stepped out and gathered round.

Amidst the pandemonium, Cedric did all he could as Head Boy to sort things out. He bellowed to older students to hurry up in climbing the carriages and gave some poor first years directions in where to find 'a man named Hagrid' (as if a man of his size was difficult to find). Things would have been better if the ice-cold rain didn't come crashing down.

Panic now consumed the crowd as each student now hastily pushed each other in futile attempts in staying dry. Cedric sighed and silently cursed Merlin for the circumstances. He was about to climb on a thestral-drawn carriage himself when he saw a vaguely familiar mass of dirty-blond tresses nearby. He paused halfway through the step and watched as Luna trip and try to stand up but in vain. Somehow, he had a strong desire to go and help her but stopped as the familiar face of Harry Potter fought his way thru the crowd to aid Luna.

Seeing the incident, the Head Boy shrugged and entered the cozy interior of the carriage.

Lighting flashed mercilessly through the sky as students dashed towards the Entrance Hall. So far, it was turning out to be a horrible night. People keep sliding and slipping through the floor – with much credit going to Peeves, the poltergeist, throwing water bombs at everybody who passed and adding more to the soaked evening. And a much-aggravated McGonagall was barking at them to proceed to the start-of-term feast. Some grumbled, nodded and went – while dodging those nasty water bombs – hastily to the Great Hall.

'Thank Merlin its warm here'. Cedric thought as he passed by the Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables and took a seat at his own house (Hufflepuff). As he did so, murmurs of 'hello' and 'how was your summer?' gushed around him. He could do nothing but smile through his chattering teeth.

Behind him, the large double-doors of the Great Hall opened and silence fell. Professor McGonagall strode hastily, leading a long line of first years – who admirably sailed through the raging waters of the lake – in front of the Hall to face the other students. She placed a stool and the Sorting Hat in the middle and stood back.

After a moments silence, the patched hat opened its mouth-like brim and broke into a song.

And so the Sorting had begun.

Luna sighed contentedly as she finished her Treacle Tart. She pushed her plate away and reached for a paperback in her pocket. The excited buzz in the Hall diminished as she, along with many others, watched as Albus Dumbledore stood up for his welcoming speech. Luna simply admired the old man. He was wise and good-natured, like a second father to all his students. She listened as he went on with the usuals (Filch's never-ending list of rules, the Forbidden Forest and such).

What caught her ear, however, was the announcement that the Quidditch Cup will not take place that year. Outraged cries exploded beyond her. She wasn't a die-hard fan of Quidditch really, but she was rather fond of hearing the commentator's explicit, biased and yet entertaining account of each game.

Ignoring the open-mouth gapes of the Quidditch players, Dumbledore was about to continue his speech only to be interrupted by the sound of the Great Hall doors banging open.

All eyes were at the gaunt man standing by the doorway. He aptly ignored all and proceeded to the staff table limping, a loud clunk echoing every other step as he did so. People gasped as the lightning struck and illuminated the stranger's appearance.

Grotesque features were etched in his face, from his irregular nose to the diagonal gash that was his mouth. But the most frightening of all were his eyes – one was black and beady while the other was round, vividly azure and moved incessantly. He made his way to Dumbledore, who greeted him most warmly. He sat down at the Headmaster's right-hand side, not minding the silence of the Hall and began to eat.

Luna immediately registered that this man was their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She watched, in total fascination, as he took a swig at a hip flask he brought. His electric blue eye stopped swerving and somehow stared at her silver ones. She shuddered though not breaking eye contact. She broke from her trance when Dumbledore finished his speech and the Great Hall had regained its noise. She eavesdropped at her seatmate and found out what the fuss was about.

'Triwizard Tournament, eh'? Luna thought. 'Lovely.'

And she continued in reading her paperback.

Excited Hufflepuffs gathered round their Common Room and talked ravenously about the upcoming tournament. Some expressed their outrage at the implemented age limit while others contemplated on who will be the Hogwarts champion.

"Just imagine, a thousand Galleons!"

"Stupid, bloody age limit."

"Wouldn't it be exciting to watch it?"

"Yeah. Whom do you reckon is going to be champion?"

"Bloody Dumbledore and his stupid age limit."

"Hey, Diggory!" One of them, a sixth-year, hollered.


From the far end of the room, Cedric looked back. He had just finished his Head Boy duties and was preparing to rest.


"You're seventeen, right mate?"

He raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, so?"

The one who shouted, Roy Quirke, jumped from his cushion. "So, why don't you have a go at it? Join the bloody tournament!"

Murmurs of agreement rose around.

"Me?" Cedric pointed to himself. "Yeah. I suppose getting myself killed wouldn't be too bad now, would it?"

Roy's spirit did not waver, though. "Come on mate! A thousand Galleons! And think how popular you'll be with 'em ladies! Wait, come of it, you don't need it… Hmm… Maybe I'll give it a shot…"

The handsome boy gave his friend's proposition a thought. "I'll think about it, Roy. But first, a good-night's sleep. G'night, everybody."

Flashing one last large grin, he gave a little wave then raced up to his dormitory. He settled into his bed and imagined what would happen if he really was Hogwarts champion.

Images of applause, proud friends and family swirled through his mind… Dumbledore holding out the golden trophy to his outstretched hands… The sea of students dividing and leaving a lone silver-eyed figure in the center, looking at him with pure admiration… Him sweeping down and taking her lips into his…

He suddenly opened his eyes. Whoa. Where did that come from? He shook his head vigorously and placed his head back on the pillow. He eventually drifted off to sleep. Forgetting his fantasies and taking the lone silver-eyed figure with it.

Her face drifting and merging with the sea of faces that is everyone else.

Yuri-chan's notes: Sorry for the delay you guys. All this time I thought that this chapter was already posted. Guess I was wrong. Just keep those reviews coming in, ok? Peace.