For disclaimer and other information, please refer to chapter one.

A/N: I am very sorry it has taken me so long to update my story. Pregnancy has been rough and by the time I get home from work, all I want to do is get in bed and sleep. I promise I will do my best to finish this as soon as I can. For now, I hope you enoy this one, I decided to make it short, but I liked it very much! I hope you do too. Thanks again for all your wonderful reviews and wishes.



"Sam, Sam…" Jack called as he approached the crystal capsule. Sam opened her eyes slowly, trying to focus on the figure standing by her.

"J-Jack?" she called weakly.

"Yup, it's me. You o.k.?" he asked gently, as his eyes traveled to her now very noticeable stomach. "Wow," he exclaimed and Sam started to sit up as she followed his gaze.

Her hands came to touch her belly and she gasped as she felt a hard kick coming from inside. "Oh. My. God," she said, barely in a whisper.

Jack turned his attention to her face as she blinked repeatedly to mask the tears forming in her eyes. He smiled softly, thinking how similar they both were, not even allowing a moment like this to show their feelings. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders as he helped her up and kissed her gently on the cheek. "You sure you're o.k.?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She shook her head trying to get herself out of the strange fog clouding her mind. "Jack? I'm… feeling… something…" she started but was interrupted by a sharp pain, followed by a loud scream.

Jack felt his heart stop for a moment as she started breathing heavily and looked at him with what he could only describe as fear. "Sam… Thor forgot to mention you are ready to give birth… now," he explained as he wrapped his arm tighter around her and turned to Daniel.

"NOW?" Sam asked, terrified.

"Looks like it," Daniel said as he approached the pair.

"Daniel?" Sam continued, shocked.

"Hey, Sam," the young archeologist said with a smile as he stood by Jack. "Thor brought me to help you with the… delivery," he told her as he exchanged looks with Jack who appeared just as scared as Sam.

"YOU? Why?" She turned to Thor who stood by the controls still. "I mean, no offense Daniel, but… Thor, couldn't you beam a… medical doctor?" she asked as another contraction began.

"My thought exactly!" Jack said as he looked between Thor and Sam with concern.

"I am sorry, Colonel Carter, O'Neill, but I cannot involve anyone else in this. The Alliance can only be witnessed by the four original members of SG-1," Thor said as he too approached the capsule. "Now, I have prepared a room for you, Colonel. I would suggest we head there before your condition escalates."

"Right," Jack said, as he and Daniel helped Sam out of the capsule and inside the room Thor led them to.

Thor had placed a variety of items that appeared to come from the SGC's infirmary on a table close to the small bed in the middle of the large room. Sam turned to look at Jack and her eyes could not hide the horror she was feeling. "Jack, I'm not too sure about this…." She shut her eyes and cringed as another contraction appeared.

Jack was feeling quite useless and he hated that. He knew she was going through a lot of pain but was being the brave soldier she always was. He remembered that when Sara gave birth to Charlie he wasn't around much, simply waited outside the delivery room for the news of the birth of his son. He had not lived any of what he would have to live now, and even though he wanted to, he was scared for Sam and for the baby.

"Jack, we'll be fine," Daniel said as he read his friend's mind. After a small tap on Jack's shoulder, he checked the items on the table and began gathering towels and a bucket. "Thor, we need water."

"Very well, Dr. Jackson," Thor responded and showed him to a room close by that, Daniel assumed, was a kitchen of some kind, a very advanced kitchen.

When Daniel returned, he found Sam breathing hard and Jack sitting with her on the edge of the bed.

"Daniel! Get back here, now!" Jack barked as he saw the other standing in the entrance.

"Whoa, Jack, calm down, I'm here," Daniel started as he approached Sam. He handed Jack a couple of wet, warm towels and a bucket of ice. Now for the first time he began to feel very uncomfortable because of what he was about to ask her. "Sam, never in my life did I think I would ask you to do this, but I need you to… um…" He signaled for her to spread her legs, while he blushed furiously.

"Yes, Daniel! I know what I have to do and what you have to do! Just… please get this baby out of me… please!" she said as she felt a much more painful contraction. She squeezed Jack's hand hard and breathed as it ended.

"O.k.…. Here we go," Daniel said bravely, as he brought a stool to the foot of the bed and began his work.

"No pressure, Daniel, but you better pull this off," Jack warned as Sam freed his bruised hand and he looked at it in pain. "Ow, Sam, this hurts!" he said to her as he shook his hand painfully.

She threw him a dark, menacing glare as the next contraction began.

"Never mind," Jack said apologetically.


Four hours later, Thor heard the loud cry of a human baby and stood from his chair at the controls of the ship. He made his way to the 'delivery room' and walked in as Daniel wrapped the small baby in a white blanket and handed her to Sam.

"I would assume things went well, Dr. Jackson?" the small alien asked discreetly as he stood a few feet from Sam's bed.

"Yes, Thor. Sam and Jack have a beautiful baby girl," Daniel answered, and he watched with watery eyes as the new parents admired the tiny baby in her mom's arms.

Nobody spoke a word for the next couple of minutes, as Daniel and Thor began to walk out of the room to give Sam and Jack some privacy.

"Daniel, wait!" Sam called before he disappeared into the hallway.

"Sam?" Daniel asked.

She smiled. "Thank you, Daniel. I can't think of a better way for our baby to be born."

Daniel smiled back and looked at the now exhausted but deliriously happy Sam Carter. "You're welcome, Sam. Now rest," he finally said as his eyes met hers and then Jack's. With a last nod he lowered his head still smiling and left the pair alone.

Sam looked down once again to meet her daughter's blue eyes. She was beginning to fall asleep, but fought hard to keep her eyes open.

"Well, she definitely takes after you. Look! She refuses to sleep," Jack said with a wide smile as his eyes never left his daughter's face.

Sam turned to look at him and for the first time, let the tears fall down her cheeks. Jack immediately met her gaze and caressed her cheek gently with his thumb. "I love you so much… you know that, don't you?"

She nodded as the tears continued to fall.

"I never thought it would be possible to feel this happy again. Thank you." He leaned forward and captured her lips with his.

When they came apart, they both turned to look at their sleeping baby. Jack moved to lay with Sam in the bed and continued his soft caress of her hair as she closed her eyes, a peaceful smile painted across her face. He looked at her for a long time, with more love than he ever thought was possible and took the baby gently from her embrace. She shifted for a moment and then stilled, falling deeper into her sleep. He stood from the bed and sat in a chair close by, holding their daughter to him, and crying his own silent happy tears as he watched her in awe for what seemed like an eternity. The happiest eternity of his life.
