Okay this story is set about six years into the future and Oliver and Lily are still going out. Of course they had a few break-ups but they always got back together. Enjoy and review. Reviews make me happy. Even flames.

I do not own Hannah Montana.

Lilys P O V. It was a late November night, while I walked to Mileys house. She's engaged to Johnny Collins, and we are going to meet up and I'm going to help with Wedding plans. They are having the wedding January 18th. I was shivering in my jacket while I walked up the steps. I looked down at Olivers shoe laces. He gave them to me so I can always bring around a part of him. I smiled. Oliver is the one for me. He's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. He doesn't seem to understand how much I love him, being as it's been six years already, and he hasn't proposed. I don't know what to do. Anyways when I walked up Miley steps I noticed thanksgiving decorations in the windows. They were little turkeys. Probably for Jacksons daughter, Amy. Jackson got married two years ago when he was my age. Her name is Lauren. They went to school together ever since kindergarten. Amy is two and a half, so she loves that kind of stuff. Yesterday I had to color easter eggs with her to keep her thinking of any holiday. My fingers are still blue and green. Anyways when I opened the door Miley ran to me.

"Lily! Thank goodness you are here! I'm about to loose it! I really need help! First I can't decide on wedding colors. I'm thinking, peach and teal, or orange and lime green, or red and light blue. What do you like? I've got the bridesmaid dresses picked out but I have to decide on wedding colors first before I can order the dresses."

"Okay! Miley! Take a deep breath!" I'll help you but you have to breath. Now, what colors does Johnny like?" I asked.

"He said he'll take care of the guys' tuxedos if I get the dresses."

"Okay, umm, what colors do you like best?"

"If I knew that, wouldn't I have the dresses ordered by now?" she asked. I must of looked as hurt as I felt.

"Sorry Lily, I'm just stressed."

"It's okay just don't snap at me again," I said.

"Okay, I don't know, I think... I don't know what I think," she said.

"Don't use red and light blue. Red is so not you. You're spunky and outgoing and fresh, and red is so blah, I just splatted on the canvas."

Miley and I laughed a little bit.

"Okay, now either peach and teal, or orange and lime green," she said.

"Well I love the lime green but it's a little to playful I think. For your wedding it should be elegant, and beautiful, and peach and teal are closer to that then orange and lime green," I said.

"Good idea! Now come see the dresses," she said walking over to an open magazine on the bench.

"Cute!" I squealed when I saw them. I got to be a bridesmaid. The dresses where tube tops, long, but not wipe the floor long, and had a hawaiian floral print on it.

"And this is Amys dress," she said pointing a flower girls dress on the next page.

"Oh, how adorable, look at the matching shoes, and chorsages!" I said.

"Yeah, okay now we need to decide what kind of flowers," she said.

"White and yellow roses," I said.


"Because you love white roses, and yellow is your favorite color," I said.

"Um... I was thinking more lilacs and pink tulips," she said.

"Okay," I said.

After a while Miley needed a break so we went out and got a drink. I made sure I wasn't drunk so I could drive home. Miley had a buzz, but nothing big. I drove Miley home and walked back to me and Olivers house by myself.

The next morning when I woke up, Oliver was getting changed. He didn't know I was awake because his back was to me so I decided to surprise him.

"Hey sexy," I said.

He jumped and turned around, to see me resting my head on my arm.

"Oh hey, baby," he said. "How did the wedding planning go?" he asked.

"Great, we've got the colors, dresses, and flowers picked out."

"Awesome, have you seen Mileys dress yet?" he asked.

"No. Only her and Johnny have."

"Hmm. I figured since you are one of her best friends she'd let you see."

"Me too, but I understand."

"Hey I've got tickets to the Anaheim Angels this weekend. They are playing the Detroit tigers."

"Okay, what time?" I asked.

"Uh, seven o'clock," he said.

"Alright, I'll keep tonight open then," I said.

I got out of bed and went right next to them. Then I slapped his butt and said, "wow, packing on the pounds for winter huh?"

He came at me and put me over his shoulder and then threw me on the bed and tickled me.

"Oliver, I can't breath!" I cried.

"Oliver!" I shouted.

He stopped shortly after. When I had control over myself, I got dressed and had breakfast.

The rest of the day is boring, so I'm going to cut to the game.

"Hey honey, you want a hotdog?" asked Oliver.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Oh, that's unamerican," he said.


"To not have a hotdog, at an American baseball game, is unamerican," he said.

"Fine, grab me one," I said.

"Alright but we better get to our seats," he said.

"What's your rush?" I asked.

"We got to get there quick," he said.

He got me a hotdog and we ran up to our seats. When we got settled, he pulled out his cell phone, and dialed someone.

"Hello? Ray? Now!" he said.

"Oliver whu-?" I tried to ask but he just pointed up to the electronic score board and said,"Look!"

I turned my head enough to see it. In little green letters read, 'Lily, will you marry me?'