Hi! This is my very first XS fic…at least, what I plan to post, anyway. I've made one or two in the past, but…they never exactly got off the ground, if you know what I mean. Anway…here we go!

A/N: This is going to be in script format for most of this fic. The first paragraph is just to keep to The Rules.

Whose Line is it Xiaolinyway?



Disclaimer: I don't own XS or Whose Line. I own myself, the host. (evil grin)

Chapter 1: And So it Begins…


-Godell/My POV-

I sat at my desk, waiting for my computer to load up. "C'mon, you stupid, crappy piece of junk!" I screamed. My normally slightly-tame brown hair began to fizzle. "Oooh, so THAT'S how you wanna play, eh!" I snarled, and yanked out the plug that connected my computer to the internet. "Geh. Now I'm bored…" I muttered, stretching my arms. Then, I got an evil, insane idea. "Hey…that's IT! I'll put the XS character's on Whose Line!" I laughed manically, and hurried out the door.

-Normal POV-

The scene opens again to a crowded TV studio. There are many XS characters milling about—Hannibal Roy Bean, Jermaine, Catnappe and several Jackbots to name a few. Also, there are several fanboys and fangirls waiting impatiently for the show to start. On a red stage, we see the main characters seated in chairs in this order: Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko, Clay, Jack, Chase, and Human Wuya. Each of them are looking slightly confused. Before them, there is a podium with the host reclining in a swivel-y chair.

Godell: WELCOME to "Whose Line is it Xiaolinyway?" I'm your host, Godell. She waves to the audience HI!

Audience: HIII!

Godell: Okay, then. Whaddya say I introduce our guests? Cricket's chirp. Oh, right. I don't need to be persuaded. ANYWAY, here we have the baldest-and-boldest Dragon of Water, OMI!

Omi: Greetings, vulnerable hostess! He bows to Godell

Several Omi Fans: Cheer wildly, waving Omi-plushies

G: Er…it's "venerable", Omi, but whatever. Next, we have the super-smirky-Dragon-of-Wind RAIMUNDO PEDROSA!

Raimundo: Yo!

Audience: Goes nuts

Rai Fangirls: WE LOVE YOU RAI-RAI! They wave "We Luv Rai!" signs wildly

Godell: grins Looks like I was right in inviting him after all. clears throat Here she is, the red-hot Dragon of Fire…KIMIKO TOMOHIKO!

Kimiko: She waves, showing off her sparkly rhinestone jacket Hi everyone!

Fanboys: Wolf-whistle loudly

G: shocked Hey, she DOES have fans! Wow.

K: She pouts, and looks the other way Chase junkie.

G: She blushes, and glares at Kimiko hotly SHUT UP! …Next on our list, we have the gentlemanly cowboy (and Dragon of Earth), CLAY BAILEY!

Clay: Howdy, ma'am.

Audience: Cheer wildly

G: rubs the back of her head Hehe…thanks. Now, then, next we have THE evil-boy-genius…JACK SPICER!

Jack: MWAHAHAHA! Yes, it is I, Jack Spicer, Evil Boy Genius!

Jack Fans (half of the audience): Go nuts and fling flowers at the stage

Wuya: Who'd of thought HE had fans.

J: You're just jealous because you don't have as many as me.

G: Smirks at Wuya He's right, y'know. Suddenly turns slightly pink N-Next, we have the amazingly-cool, evil Dragon…CHASE YOUNG! YAY!

Chase: smirks I'm glad you find me as such.

Chase Fans: go ballistic CHA-ASE! CHA-ASE! cheer wildly

G: grins widely to herself Er…ahem! Last but not least, we have the evil witch WUYA!

Wuya Fans: …Whoo-hoo? scattered clapping

G: I honestly don't know how many Wuya fans there are…I'm sort-of one, but not really, so…

Wuya: glowers at Godell Do you want an early death?

G: sighs and folds her arms Do you want to be kicked out of this show for murder?

W: …No.

G: GOOD! rubs hands together NOW, we can get going to the first challenge…"QUESTIONS ONLY"!

Audience: Go NUTS

G: Right. The rules for this game are you can speak only in questions. When you can't think of a comeback, or don't speak in a question form, then you are beeped out and replaced with somebody else. She looks to the players. Got it? Everyone nods. Okay, Chase and Jack, you first!

Jack and Chase: They reluctantly leave their seats and go to face each other, while Omi and Raimundo stand back a few paces from them

G: Now, the setting is a scuba-diving lesson. And…GO!

Jack: steps closer to Chase Is this the place for the scuba-diving lessons?

Chase: What do YOU think?

Audience: laughs

J: …Are you the instructor?

C: Isn't it obvious?

J: Do you have any extra equipment I could borrow?

C: What happened to yours?

J: Would you believe me if I told you my dog ate it?

C: Are you lying?

J: widens eyes Why do you ask that?

C: I don't know…the way you have your fingers crossed?

J: Are they really?

C: Can't you see straight?

J: …CRAP! The buzzer is heard

Audience: laughs and claps

Omi: steps up Tell me sir, is this where the scuba-diving is?

Chase: smirks Why the formality?

Omi: He thinks for a minute, then grins Is this not how I usually speak?

Chase: I suppose it is…why?

O: He is getting slightly frusterated. Are you getting as confused as I am over this!

C: Why are you getting confused?

O: Why do you think?

Audience: laughs and cheers Omi on GO GET HIM, OMI! YOU CAN DO IT!

O: His ego and head begin to enlarge My victory is at hand, no?

C: How can you be so sure, young monk? His smirk widens.

O: Is getting nervous Uh…hmm… Can't think of anything to say NOOOOOO!

G: She presses the buzzer. Your turn, Raimundo!

Raimundo: walks boldly up to Chase How's it goin', Chase?

Chase: Not so bad, you?

Raimundo: Are you really teaching scuba diving?

Chase: Did you just come here to ask me about my job?

R: His eyes widen and his smile grows Mr. Chase, could I get a free lesson?

C: He folds his arms Do you have the money?

R: …Could I give you some Wu instead?

C: He chuckles. What do you think I'll answer with?

R: …No?

C: …Yes?

R: No?

C: He suddenly realizes Rai's plan. What do you mean, "no"?

Audience: Cheers for the excellent comeback

R: Why do you think I mean "no"?

C: Well, I— the buzzer is heard. BLAST!

G: …And that's all the time we have for that game! Next, we have "Theatre and Movie Styles"!

Audience: goes NUTS


So, is it good so far? If anyone has any more ideas, you're free to PM me them or have them in your reviews! Which reminds me… R&R please!