A/N: I have no excuse for not updating in so long… please don't yell, or send me flames, it will not speed up the process. All I can do is apologize for my lack of updates, so I'm very sorry – and I mean that! If you're still reading this please review!

Disclaimer: HP not mine

Prompt # 9: Dash

Lily Evans leaned against the stone wall of the Charms corridor and tried to even her breathing. At this rate she would never catch James. She'd been chasing him around since breakfast and every time she thought she was getting close, he'd up and disappear. She was really starting to get sick of it.

Sighing, she pushed herself away from the wall and began making her way back to the Gryffindor common room.

Honestly, she thought as she reached the staircase, What does he think I'm going to do huh? We agreed that we'd be friends this year, and that we'd both grow up. He's laid off on the pranks and I've only yelled at him twice all year and it's already March! Besides, I'm not angry with him at all, I just wish I could catch him long enough to explain that to him.

It bothered her greatly that he kept running away from her like he was afraid of her. In all her years of knowing him, James Potter had never been afraid of her, or anything for that matter. But all day, every time he saw her he'd get this funny look on his face and dash away from her. A couple of times she'd attempt to chase him down, but James knew that castle better than anyone one and oftentimes she'd turn a corner and he'd be gone. She was really starting to get tired of it.

As she reached the top of the staircase she turned right to take a short cut up to Gryffindor tower. She'd found it by chance last year when she hid behind a tapestry to escape Peeves, only instead of finding a stone wall she had found a door. Ever since then she used the passage regularly to get to the common room and was pretty sure only a few other people besides herself knew of its whereabouts. As she reached the tapestry, she quickly slide behind it and opened the door.

As she stepped inside and closed the door, she came face to face with the person who she had been chasing all day, James Potter. He immediately turned on his heal to run back the way he came, but Lily was going to make sure he did not get away this time.

"Pertrificus Totalis!" she cried, pointing her wand at his back. The spell hit him dead on and James went stiff as a board before falling to the ground. Lily slowly walked over to where he had fallen and picked up his dropped wand.

"Now, I'm going to let you loose, James," she said, staring down at him, "But if you try to run away from me again I will re-jinx you and leave you here, got it?" She waited a moment to let her message sink in before performing the counter-curse. Once he was free, James sat up, but remained sitting on the ground.

"Lily! I'm so sorry for cursing those Slytherins! I know I promised I'd lay off and up until now I've been very good about it, but you weren't there and you didn't hear what they were saying, and it was just awful, some of the things that came out of their mouths made me sick, and I started by taking house points away, but they still didn't stop, and then I tried detention, and the they started having a go at you, and the just really made me angry and I acted without thinking, and I know I shouldn't have, but they deserved it and I'm not sorry."

James sat on the floor, trying to catch his breath, as Lily fought down giggles, he was rather amusing when he thought he was in trouble.

"James," she said, "I'm not mad at you, I was chasing you all day because I wanted to thank you."

James shot her and incredulous look.

"I mean it!" She said, I heard the last part of what they were saying and while you shouldn't have cursed them, I appreciate you coming to my defense."

James slowly stood up and stared at her, "Who are and what have you done with Lily Evans?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "You dolt! I'm trying to say thank you and then you have to go and ruin it."

James grinned, "Sorry, but I really thought you were going to give me a piece of your mind."

Lily smiled, "Not this time," she said as they headed down the passage way to the Gryffindor common room. After a short walk they reached the exit and James stopped before opening the door.

"By the way," he said, "I'm really sorry for running away from you all day, I must've given you a really hard time."

Lily nodded, "Oh, believe me, you did," she said standing on her tip toes and planting a light kiss on his lips, "But that makes up for most of it."

Without giving him time to recover, she quickly dashed out of the passage and ran to another. This time, he could chase her around for a while.

A/N: Erm… I'm not sure I like the ending of this chapter, but there it is. Once again if you're still reading this then please review!!