Dana's POV:

I was back up in my dorm room. I hate being at the movie theatre. Even though John Tucker was amazingly hot, I got up and left anyway. I mean, who could focus with Nicole babbling about how hot he was, and Zoey chewing like a cow. But still! Zoey! Chewing like, a Neanderthal. Ew, it's discusting just thinking about how discusting it was. Gross, now I got the chills. Just like Logan gives me the chills...

See! Look Dana, there you go back with thinking about Logan. You shouldn't give Logan the time of day, any day. Just like today. You shouldn't have even spoke to him. That jerk-faced, skirt chaser. Oh, how much he had changed since the summer before 8th grade. He was a prince. Okay, you need to stop talking about him like he was your "Knight In Shining Armour". He turned out to be a "Loser In Aluminum Foil". Okay, now you're just quoting lame quotes. But this is what Logan does to me. He doesn't know it, and he sure of hell doesn't even care about anything about me. He pretty much made that clear by not keeping in touch with me at all. I mean, how pathetic does that sound? Ehhh, he was like, supposed to keep in touch, whiiine, and he never did.
Whaaa, I'm never talking to him again.

But this is different. He made me feel something I've never felt before for another human being. Besides my mother and sister of course. Heck, I'm pretty much admiting to myself that I cared just as much for Logan, than I did for my own sister. Wow, that's impossible. I love my sister more then this whole planet. But Logan, how he made me feel so long ago, that was love. I was "in-love" with Logan Reese. I could have sworn he felt the same way about me! He almost told me he loved me! I think... was that was he was going to say? OH MY GOSH, I completely hate my mother now. She just haaad to make me leave.

You see, we had gotten in an argument about Logan earlier that day. She had told me that I was just a 13 year old girl, and I shouldn't be thinking about boys that way yet. Expecially about a boy that lived in California, and who was willing to love me. You see, my father had left my mother when I was 8. And she hasn't gotten over how much he had hurt her. So, she pretty much has it 0out for all men. I think in some twisted way she was trying to protect me. Pahh, how well did that work out? But I had gone to find Logan, and to say goodbye to him, as it was the last day of the cruise. And I had told him to keep intouch. And he promised. I mean, seriously, like I have probably said before, no one, and I mean NO ONE, breaks a promise with Dana Cruz. But he did, and now he has to pay for it.

My thoughts were interupted when my cell phone rang from across the room. Greeeaaattt, now I have to get up and go get it.

I got up from the lower of the bunk bed, and looked at the screen. Mom. Great, I wonder what she wants.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly. I really didn't like talking to my mom too much.
"Dana..." My mom started weakly. Oh my gosh... was she... crying?
"Mom? W-What's the matter?
"It's S-S-Stella." Oh no.
"T-The cancer came back. And this time they can't get rid of it! S-She only has 2 months!" NO! Oh my gosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! This can't be happening! They said it would never come back! They had promised! Another promise broken! OH my gosh! Stella!

I fell to the ground, in a full out screaming cry. Now, it wasn't like me to cry very often, but this, this was the worst thing that could ever happen!

"Dana! Dana, honey! Are you there!" My mom was screaming into the phone. I had dropped it a long time ago. I couldn't handle myself. I mean, it was my sister! Ohmygosh, this ISN'T happening. I groped around the floor for my phone.

"M-Mom, I'm h-h-here."
"Okay good, because I need you to do me a huge favor."
"Oh god mom, anything!" I know that sounded completely lame, but my sister is dying!
"S-Stella, she is coming to visit you for 2 days. I would come myself, but we just don't have that kind of money right now, you know? S-So, I'm sending her out there to spend time with her big sister... okay?"

Was she kidding! Of course it was okay!

"Of course, Mom!" I screamed into the phone.
"Okay honey, she'll be there in 3 days."


I was waiting for my sister's cab to pull up to the gates of PCA. I couldn't wait to see her, expecially before... ohmygosh.

Suddenly, I saw a faint yellow thing approaching. Why was it so blurry? I wiped at my eyes, and my hands were soaked. Oh, that's why.

"Dayyyyy-nuhh!" I heard her yell. Oh, I'm going to miss that so much. She ran out of the cab, arms wide open and came straight into my already extended arms. She was a big ball of 5 year old energy.

"Hey kiddo." I said whiping my tears away. I didn't want to see her see me crying.

"Dana... why are you sad? Is it because I'm going to meet... God?" She had looked around the campus before she whispered "God". I guess Mom gave her a talk.

"Yeah, but I know you'll have a lot of fun with him, right?"

"Shhh! Mommy said I wasn't allowed to say it infront of anyone." She said giggling, covering her face with her 2 little hands.

"Oh, okay." I said giving her a smile. "Hey, look what I got you!" I pulled out a walkie-talkie out of my bag, and handed one to her, while I had the other one. "So, if any reason we get split up, you can talk to me, okay?"

"Okay, Dana." I could tell she liked the present. Okay, is there someone watching us? I just got this weird feeling...

I turned around to see Logan there, smirking like a goon. How dare him!

"Hi, cutie." Logan giggled walking up to my sister and tickling her stomach.

"H-Hi, Mr." Stella said giggling. "Do you know Dana?"

"Why yes I do." He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. He must know I can't say and/or do anything to him while she was there. "She's my bestest friend in the whole wide world. And what's a pretty little girl like you doing here?" Stella was smiling like an idiot again. I think she has a crush on Logan. HA! I laugh at that!

"I'm visiting my sistah before I go to h- um, I mean, uh, I'm not allowed to tell you... sorry Mr." Aww, Stella was so cute. I'm going to miss her so much!

"Aw, why aren't you allowed to tell me?" Logan asked her, pouting. Okay, now I hate to admit it, but he's being really adorable...

"Okay..." Stella started walking up to him, and he knelt down infront of her. "I'm going to heaven, so I get to see Dana." That was what she whispered in his ear, I heard most of it, and I saw Logan's eyes grow wide, and he looked over to me, his face pretty much asking me if this was all a joke. I nodded at him.

"Ohhhh... uh, okay. Well, hows about you spend the day with me AND Dana!" Logan thinks he's going to pull a fast one over on me, does he? But I saw Stella's face. She was so excited. I couldn't say no to her.

"Fine Logan, you can hang out with us to."


Logan's POV

I can't belive that's the reason why she's here. I feel so bad for Dana now.

We walked over to the basketball court, showing her all around. Go figure, there was a slushie man on campus today, since it was so hot outside.

"Dana!" I heard her sister call. If I remember correctly, her name was Stella. "I want a Slushie!" Dana smiled at her, and replied, "Cherry? Right." ''Yeah!" That girl was too cute. It runs in the family I suppose. When I saw Dana walk away, I don't know, this feeling just washed over me. I had to sit... or lay. So I just layed down on the basketball court, since it was not being occupied.

"Loo-gan, are you otay?" Stella asked me.

"Yeah, Stell, I'm fine." I replied back to her, not really up to explaing myself to a 5 year old. "Loo-gan, do I know you from some where?" Ha, don't tell me she remembers me.

"Yeah, Stell, you do. We met from that cruise, do you remember?"

"Yeah! And you were spending all your time with my Dana." She crossed her arms at the memory. "Oh, sorry, Stell, I just really like Dana... you understand, right?" Her face brightened up.

"Right. Loo-gan, do you still like Dana?" Oh gosh, geez, how long does it to buy a slushie? "Um, yeah, I d-do." Stella giggled at me. "Do you looooove her?" She put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. I'm sure she's not going to tell Dana any of this anyway, so... I might as well.

"Yeah... I think I do. I love her so much it hurts... because she doesn't love me back." Oh gosh, that sounded so cheesey. But Stella looked worried... I wonder why?

"It hurts? Where does it hurt, Loo-gan?"

"Stell, it hurts my heart..." Stella's eyes were very wide. I guess she just didn't think someone could love her sister or something. I didn't even noticed when she left to the slushie man.

"LOGAN!" Was that Dana yelling for me. I leaned up a bit from the ground, as I was still laying there. "OHMYGOSH. Are you okay! Are you having a heart attack or something! I mean, Stella said that you told her your heart hurt, and you're laying here on the ground! Oh my god, do I need to call an ambulance? Oh my god... not you too!" Stella told her that! And she thinks I'm dying!

"Dana! It's okay! I'm not dying or anything." I proved it to her by standing up. "And Stella, why did you tell her that my heart hurt!"

"Loo-gan! You told me! You said you loved Dana so much that your heart hurt, so I thought that your heart was broken or something! I was helping!"

Dana was standing there, her eye's were bugging out of her head. Ohmygod, she did not just say that. Oh god... oh god!

"Stella! My heart is broken! But NOT because I'm dying or anything! But because Dana hates me and I love her too much!" Oh please tell me that did not just come out of my mouth.

"See Loo-gan! You just said your heart is broken! I did good!" She just doesn't understand teenage logic.

"S-Stella, let's go." Dana said completely wired. She scooped Stella up into her arms and carried her away. "By Loo-gan! I hope you feel better!"

Author's Note: Hehe, enjoyy.