Riza ate her second slice and again, she and Tsuki took small bites... to look feminine.

Sasuke and Gaara had finished both slices already. Sasuke and Gaara oddly began to compete for the girl they liked to pay more attention to them. It was the first time they had done that... It was totally weird.

Sasuke: So GAARA, what do you do when you train? I'm usually practicing jujitsu or taijutsu.

Gaara: I usually open my gourd and use my jutsu to practice controlling the sand.

Sasuke and Gaara glared at each other.


Gaara & Sasuke: nothing!

Riza: This is totally unusual. You guys never fight.

Sasuke stopped and looked embarrassed.

Sasuke: Sorry.

Gaara: mumbling chicken.

Riza slapped Gaara:

Riza: Gaara you asshole! Don't you ever say that!
Gaara's cheek was totally red.

Gaara: Bitch.

Gaara: Do you want to take this outside?

Sasuke: I'd rather not fight a loser.

Gaara: You! &#$ and you need to &#$ so stop #$ #$in $$#!

Sasuke: Immature baby.

Riza ran to the DJ. "Liar" by Korn began to play.

Riza was jumping up and down next to Tsuki while Tsuki was doing the same.

Riza grabbed Sasuke.

Riza: Yeah! Another one of my jams!

Sasuke: You have a lot of jams.

Riza slipped while jumping on her high heels.

Riza landed flat on her ass.

Riza: OW SHIT!

Sasuke: Are you okay?

Riza: Heh! Yeah!

After the song finished they went home.

Riza walked down the street with Tsuki and Gaara and Sasuke took small steps down the streets to talk.

Riza: God, Sasuke loves me. I don't know what to say.

Tsuki: Yeah and Gaara loves me.

Riza and Tsuki looked at each other, blushed, and jumped up and down, screaming super loudly.

Sasuke and Gaara smiled. Sasuke paired with Riza and Gaara paired with Tsuki.

Sasuke: Well Riza? Did you have a good time?

Riza: Oh! The best day in my whole life! I mean come on! I got to kiss you!
Sasuke looked down and blushed.

Riza took his hand and began to skip toward his house.


Sasuke: Stop...pulling...

Riza: Tee hee!
Sasuke: Come on Riza, I'll race you!

Riza: Okay! Bye Tsuki! See you tomorrow!
Tsuki waved to her.

Gaara and Tsuki also raced back to his house.

Riza landed flat on the couch and knocked out, the same thing happened to Sasuke. Man, they looked really cute. Sasuke was asleep with his mouth open and Riza was snoring softly.

In Gaara's house, Temari and Kankuro were waiting on the couch with the TV on.

Temari: Where has your ass been Gaara!

She looked really pissed.

Kankuro: Who's your girlfriend?

he thought this would tick Gaara off, but you know. Tsuki is Gaara's girlfriend. So what could he say?

Gaara: Well this is Tsuki. Tsuki, this is Kankuro and Temari.

Tsuki: Hello. Tsuki looked extremely tired

Temari: Tsuki are you drunk?

Tsuki: No Temari-san. I'm just really tired.

Temari: Go show her around the house Kankuro. I need to talk to Gaara.

Gaara: You do?

Steam came out of Temari's ears.

Temari: YES I DO...

Gaara: Help!

Tsuki giggled.

Kankuro: Wow, Gaara made the right choice, you're cute.

Tsuki slapped him.

Tsuki: Don't you talk about me that way! I'm Gaara-san's!
Kankuro: Geez bitch. Don't gotta make it sound like I'm treating you like a 20 dollar whore.

Tsuki glared at him and walked in the guest room.

Temari: Gaara, why do you do this to me? I got worried sick.

Gaara: Temari, I'm not a wimp.

Temari: You're right. I just get scared far too easily.

Gaara: No. You're wrong for once. I'm your brother. You should worry...

Temari: Get to bed, you look tired. Go say goodnight to your girlfriend.

Sorry it's really shory but R&R