A/N: One of my friends showed me a site with fanfic challenges and I found this one that I wanted to try. The rating will obviously be M...I hope I don't suck this up. It was going to be one chapter but I got really, really into it and it's too long for one chapter. So I'm making it into about four or five. I'm posting all of it almost immediatly though. I hope you like it!

SUMMARY: Rory goes to France to asist to her bestfriend's (Paris) wedding. She bumps into Tristan and has the time of her life.
- Rory is 20, Tris is 21
- Paris is Rory's best friend
- Full passion
- Rory and Tristan in a hotel room (you get the idea... right?)
- Rated: at start: PG-13, finish it as R or NC17 your choice
- Paris has to say: Aahhhh another Kodak moment

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Gilmore Girls, especially CMM...but I don't...I own nothing.

A/N: Oh yeah, part of my AU, Rory never slept with Dean...that whole part never happened. Also,Iknow she took French class in high school, but I know like no French and I'd butcher it using a translator. So I'm pretending she's not so great at French. Thanks for understanding! Read on!

Rory shifted the pillow in her lap anxiously and pulled her black leather messenger style bag out from under the seat in front of her. She hated landing. It was the worst part of flying.

She waited immpatiently until the flight attendent dismissed her row. She hurried out of the plane and into the airport. There was a large sign saying something about Paris when she walked in. She had never been very good at French so she wasn't quite sure what it said.

Rory headed down to baggage where she was meeting Paris Gellar. Rory couldn't get over how ironic this whole situation was. She and Paris being best friends and Paris Gellar getting married...in Paris, France. They weren't even done with college yet but Paris claimed to be in love.

During their sophomore year at Yale, Paris took an internship in France and then transferred to a college there. She'd lived there for the past year and fallen in love with a man she worked with. Apparently, he was American and from Connecticut. Small world. Go figure.

Rory glanced around but didn't see Paris anywhere. She walked over to the belt with her flight number above it and it started to spit out luggage. She yanked off her huge pink suitcase and was greatful that it had wheels. Otherwise, she'd basically be screwed.

"Gilmore!" Rory heard her name being shouted over the din and she whipped around.

She finally spotted Paris, "Paris!"

The two met in a hug as a man trailed along behind Paris.

"Rory! I'm so happy you're here! Otherwise, I'd be forced to stick one of the nitwits from work or school in as my maid of honor. Damn bimbos."

Rory laughed, "You haven't changed a bit Paris."

"This is Connor." Paris introduced the tall, handome man behind her.

He stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you. I assume you're Rory Gilmore."

"Guilty as charged." Rory smiled.

He grinned at her, "I've heard a lot about you. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, my best man andone of myother groomsmen are flying in right about now. I've got to go meet them."

"Go ahead." Paris said,"We'll take a cab to Rory's hotel and meet you there."

The couple kissed briefly and Paris grabbed Rory's pillow from her hands so that Rory could pull her gigantic suitcase. Paris led the way outside and hailed a cab without a word. As soon as they were settled inside, howevere, Paris was talking a mile a minute.

"Now, We've got you at the Hilton where we're having the ceremony. It's only about 20 minutes from Connor and my apartment so you're close. We'll be there most of the time anyways. The wedding is in two days, can you believe it?"

Paris went on without allowing Rory to answer, "So, Connor's groomsmen and best man are staying at the Hilton as well. You've got your own room and they're all sharing one. You're right across the hallway from them, though. I've never met them but Connor says they're not so bad. Of course, he's more of a people person than I am."

"Paris!" Rory exclaimed, effectively cutting her off.

"What?" Paris looked slightly shocked.

Rory gave a small smile, "You're getting married."

Paris smiled back and soon both their smiles grew into full fledged grins. Rory let out and squeal and Paris laughed. "God, I feel like such a girl!"

"Paris, you are a girl! Actually, you're a woman! A soon to be married woman!"

"I know. Who would've guessed? Me, getting married."

"Not me." Rory teased.

"Shut up and let me finish talking."

Rory pretended to zip her lips, "Go ahead."

"Okay, so, tonight my other bridesmaids decided we're doing a bachelorette party and Connor is doing his bachelor party. Tomorrow morning, I'm coming to get you bright and early for your dress fitting."

"You got my measurements in that email, right?"

"Yes. Then we have to pick up my mother at the airport."

"I'm sure you're thrilled." Rory teased.

"Oh, of course. Then we're doing the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. The next morning will be spent getting our make up and hair done."

"Oh! Fun!" Rory exclaimed.

"I knew you'd think so. My dad and Connor's parents are flying in tomorrow morning. The wedding isn't until 7 because we wanted the black tie affair and of course, it's best to do that in the evening."

"Of course. There's no other way for a black tie affair." Rory joked.

Paris ignored her sarcasm, "Then the reception. Connor and I have a suite at the Hilton for a night and the next morning we're flying out to Jamaica for our honeymoon. When are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving Sunday too, but not until the afternoon."

"Good, good. Oh, here we are." Paris leaned forward to pay the cab driver, "Merci."

"Merci." heechoed and they got out.

Paris helped Rory pulled her suitcase out of the trunk and they started inside.

"God, what did you pack in here?"

"Don't ask."

"I don't get it. Today, is Thursday. You're leaving Sunday. You don't need this much crap."


"I mean, how many pairs of shoes do you have in here?"


"Sorry. Here, I'll check you in." Paris stepped up to the front desk and spewed off in French to the receptionist.

Rory waited patiently. In a minute Paris was back holding a keycard in her hand. "Here you go. You're up on the 18th floor in room 1812."

"Thanks, Paris. You coming up?"

"Nope. I've got to get home and finish up some stuff before Connor gets back. You've got my number if you need anything."

"Okay. What time are we going out tonight?"

"We'll come buy at 8."


"Semi. My bridesmaids have some club they want to go to."

"Okay. See you at 8."

Paris nodded and disappeared out the front doors. Rory went up to her hotel room. It was the nicest she'd ever stayed in. And while dating Logan, she'd actually stayed in a few nice hotels.

She was getting used to a life of luxury until Logan cheated on her with one of her friends. Rory had dumped him then and even though he begged forgiveness, she'd said no. She'd been single now for about 5 months and she was actually okay with it.

Later that night, Rory was ready and waiting down in the lobby for Paris and her friends. She was prepared for a semi-casual night in her dark straight legged jeans, suede black pumps with round toes and chunky heels, a simple, silky black camisole, and a silver, glittery sweater. Her hair was down and curly but held back with a thick black headband.

"Gilmore!" Paris headed into the lobby, followed by three other girls.

"Hey, Paris." Rory stood up and headed over to see her.

"Okay. Guys, this is my maid of honor, Rory Gilmore. Rory, this is Amy Bronson, Kaely Morrison, and Rachel Burhman, my other bridesmaids." Paris made the neccessary introductions.

"Hey." Rory smiled.

"Hi." They all echoed.

"Let's go, we can talk in the car." Paris led the way outside to her car. She tore off into the road. Rory had claimed front and left the other three girls in back.

"So," Rory began, "How do you all know Paris?"

Kaely laughed, "She attacked me verbally, how else would we meet?"

Rory laughed and ignored Paris, rolling her eyes, "No other way."

Rory decided instantly that she liked Kaely. She was nothing like Paris, more outgoing and bubbly.

"Well, you know Paris. Actually, you've known her way longer than any of us." Kaely joked back.

Amy cut in then, "I'm Connor's sister. And of course, I love Paris to death."

Paris rolled her eyes again and whipped the car around a corner, "Yeah right."

Amy laughed, "Aw, Paris, just because we had a rough start doesn't mean I don't love you now. I'm thrilled that you and my baby brother are getting married!"

"Of course you are." Paris shook her head and swore at another driver, giving Rachel her opening.

"And Paris and I were roomies when she first moved here."

"And you're all American?"

"Paris isn't great with theFrench people. Or the language."Amy explained, "She prefers American friends."

"Oh, shut up. My French is friggen amazing."

Amy laughed, "I actually live in Illinois. I'm just here for the wedding with my husband."

"How long have you been married?" Rory asked.

"Almost two years." Amy smiled proudly.

"Congratulations." Rory smiled back.

"As for me and Rachel, we were in the same internship program as Paris was." Kaely explained. "After the internship, I moved back to New York City, though. I love NYU. Rachel, however, also transferred here."

"I love Paris." Rachel shrugged. "It's a beautiful city."

"It really is." Rory agreed and gasped as Paris whipped the car into a parking space and jammed on the brakes.

"We're here."

"Obviously. God, I thought I was dying." Rory muttered under her breath and slid out of the car.

"I heard that." Paris glared over at Rory.

"Now, now." Amy cut in,"We're here to party. We all know Paris drives like a maniac but that's the French way."

Paris glowered at Amy next who smiled good naturedly, "Now, Let's head inside and-"

"Party!" Kaely cut her off excitedly and led the way inside the club.

The girls spent the night dancing and drinking. There were bubble machines placed around the club ensuring that there were always bubbles floating everywhere.

And when Kaely mentioned to the bar tender that it was Paris' bachelorette party, he gave their group a free round of Tequila shots. Kaely of course, managed to flirt her way into a few extra drinks for them as well.

"Woooo!" Kaely yelled loudly as they finally made their way outside.

"I can't drive!" Paris exclaimed.

"We'll cram into a cab." Amy said."We can get your car tomorrooooow!" She sang out.

"Tomoorrow, tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow!" Kaely began singing.

Soon Rachel and Rory joined in, "You're only a daaay aaawaaaaay!"

Kaely giggled and hailed a cab, tripping over the curb into the street. "Whoops!"

"Get up here." Amy pulled her back on the sidewalk and they all climbed in the cab.

Paris claimed front and the other four girls smushed in the backseat together. They spent most of the ride just giggling over nothing.

Suddenly, Kaely leaned over to Rory and started singing again, "Gooooing to the chapel and we're-"

Rory, Amy, and Rachel all joined in, "Goooonna get maaarried! Goooing to the chapel and we're, goooonna get maaarried!"

"Shut up! It's a hotel! Not a chapel!" Paris argued.

"Paris, you're crabby when you're drunk!" Rachel exclaimed.

"But don't worry." Kaely said solemnly. "Know why?"

"Why?" Paris asked, a bitter tone crawling into her voice.

"Becaaause-" Kaely winked at Rory who immediatly caught on and joined her, "The sun'll come out, tomooorrrow! Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrooooow! There'll be suuuuuun!"

"Shut up!" Paris growled, trying to keep a smile off her face at their off tune singing.

"Juuust, thinking about, tomorrow! Keeps away the sadness and the sorrow!"

"Ah! I'm smiling, just stop!"

"Toooomorrow," Amy and Rachel joined in on the chorus, "Tomoorrow! I love ya, tomorrow! You're only a daaaay awaaaay!"

"One more time!" Kaely cheered.

"No!" Paris gasped through her laughter, "My ears are bleeding, please!"

"Fine." Rory huffed, "Don't appreciate our singing. Then again, maybe it was just the song. We could pick a better one."

"Oooh! Let's sing a better song!" Kaely agreed.

"The hotel is right up the street here! Can you stay quiet till then?"

"No." Rory decided. "Ya know what? We're gonna sing your song. Cuz, you're crabby."

"My song?" Paris frowned in confusion.

"You're getting married. So the witch will now be dead." Rory nodded seriously.

Rachel laughed as she caught on and helped Rory start, "Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch!"

The other joined in while Paris glared playfully, "Ding dong, the wicked witch is deeead! Wake up you sleepy heads, rub your eyes! Get out of bed! Ding dong the wicked witch is deeeead!"

"Gee, thanks ever so much. How is that supposed to cheer me up?"

"We told you, the other song will cheer you up so much more."

"God, I need a camera. You guys are a mess. Your hair is messed up and you can see soapy stuff from the bubbles on your clothes. Your makeup is smeared and your singing sucks. Actually, this is like a video Kodak moment."

Rory glared playfully, "Happy song time!"

Kaely giggled and the four girls started with their favorite song again, as they pulled up to the hotel.

"Oh, look. Connor and the boys are here!" Paris exclaimed, trying to distract them.

Connor and four other men stood on the sidewalk. Paris jumped out of the car, looking none too happy. The other four girls piled out of the back singing 'The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow' yet again.

"This looks fun." Connor commented with a smile.

The girls all giggled.

"It is." Kaely agreed.

"Well, I'd like you to meet my groomsmen. This is Ed, Chris, Dave and my best man, Tristan."

Paris' jaw dropped and she stuttered over her introductions to them, "I'm Paris. This is Amy, Rachel, Kaely, and Rory."

Tristan and Rory stared at each other.


"E.T." she frowned slightly at him.

"Kodak moment." Paris snickered.

Rory turned and glared slightly at Paris, "Is that your new favorite saying? Everything's okay. We're fine."

"Good. Since you have to walk down the aisle together." Paris said. "God, I didn't know Tristan meant Tristan DuGrey."

"Yep."Connor stated the obvious.

Rory nodded, "Nice meeting everyone but I'm pretty much tipping over and ready to go to bed."

"Me too!" Kaely squealed. "I forget where my room is, though!"

"Come stay in my room!" Rory squealed back, getting back into giddy, drunk mode.

"Yay! Sleepover!" Kaely shrieked.

"Oh! Me too!" Amy giggled.

"I just lost my wife." Chris rolled his eyes.

"And me!" Rachel joined the group.

"God knows Rory has enough clothes for them all." Paris rolled her eyes. "I'm going home."

"Bye!" The groom and bride left and the other eight piled into the elevator and headed upstairs.

The girls were giggly and loud the whole way up and didn't bother conversing with the guys. Finally, they ended up in Rory's room.

Rory pulled on her pajamas and gave the extra pair to Amy. She gave Kaely an oversized tee shirt and Rachel a pair of sweatpants and a teeshirt. There were two queen sized beds and the girls fell into them and were asleep instantly.

A/N: What'd you think of the first chapter? Good? Please review! Thanks ya all!