Author's note: Hello, I've been reading a lot of FF fanfic and finally decided to try and write one. This is a story about Paine falling in love with Rikku. Shoujo-ai, girl x girl, so if you don't like it then too bad for you. This is the first fanfic ever for me so please review with critisism and tell me how to get better.

Author's new note: I'm back after almost 3 years and decided to make this into something good.. So I'll be editing my grammar errors and hopefully... bring you all a bunch of new chapters!

: I don't own any characters and all that. It's just borrowed from squaresoft etc

Silver and Gold

Chapter 1: I'll always be there for you.

Paine sat on the deck of the Celsius, enjoying the nice warm day. It was a peaceful day. It could have been the weather that caused the extraordinary peacefulness, but it probably was because Brother and Buddy had come down with some virus and had to sleep all day. Shinra had said they'd be down for a few days so Paine and Rikku now had a bit of time off from sphere hunting.

Paine thought about Rikku, how she had been feeling down ever since Yuna went to live with her blitzing boyfriend on Besaid. How her usual, hyperactive, bubbly and talkative self had become notably sadder and even though she acted like nothing was wrong, the smile she usually wore had somehow lost its energy.

But even long before Yuna left about a month ago, Paine had been thinking a lot about Rikku in a way she never had before. Over a few months she had more and more started seeing her in a different way, and now as time had rolled along, she had realised and admitted it to herself: She was in love with Rikku. She loved everything about her. Even the things that she always had thought so annoying. Like the way she was always hyperactive and giggly, how she always made up silly nicknames for her and pulled pranks. It was these things she now realised was what made her into the wonderful person she was, and was the most attracted to. And of course, her smoking hot body and revealing clothes didn't exactly turn her off either. Paine now sat beside the seagull on the front of the deck, and just melted in a mix of sun and warm thoughts about Rikku.

"Rau drana! Enjoying yourself?" Paine heard a sweet voice say right next to her ear.

"Rikku!" She let out as she jumped from the shock. She blushed a bit when she turned to face the al bhed, as she had just been thinking about the thief in a rather inapropriate way.

Rikku let out a few giggles, seeing the warrior actually startled for the first time since they met. "Did i scare the big bad warrior?" She asked hopefully while poking her softly on the shoulder.

"45 Rikku, your respect points are taking a beating." Paine exclaimed, but couldn't fight a small smile when she realized the thief had succeeded to sneak up on her for the first time.

"What are you doing here?" Paine said, accidentally using her usual, cold tone of voice. Damn, why did I have to use that tone when i know she just came to talk, Yuna's not around so of course she wants to hang with me. I have to stop being so darn cold around her! She is feeling sad dammit.

"I just wanted some company, just someone to talk to and I thought..." Rikku voice trailed off and Paine couldn't help but to hear the hurt in it.

She sat down beside Paine and leaned a bit towards her, making Paines heart beat a little faster. She decided to try and be more comforting and just let her defenses down for a bit. She hated seeing Rikku sad, and now she wanted to be able to be more than just a grumpy warrior all the time. She spoke in al bhed, trying to make the younger girl feel more comfortable.

"Oui secc ran y mud, tuh'd oui? Oui secc Yuna." She said to the blonde in the softest tone she could muster.

"Yeah... Dont you Paine?" She asked quietly.

"Of course I miss her sometimes." She answered truthfully.

There was a brief moment of silence as Paine tried to put together something to lighten up the mood. "Hey Rikku, want me to go kidnap her back for you?" Paine asked with a little smile, trying to sound cheerful. Rikku just shook her head.

"Why not?" Paine asked.

"Because that would make her unhappy, and that's not what I want. She deserves to be with him. He makes her so happy, and she deserves that. One day you'll find someone too and then I wont stop you from leaving the ship." She said and sighed. I already have, and I will never leave your side. Paine thought to herself, wanting to say it out loud. But she couldn't make the words come out. Damn it, I can't tell her that! What if she becomes disgusted with me or even wants me off the ship. I cant risk it, I can't risk losing her.

All these thoughts stopped her from voicing her feelings for the blonde and instead she told herself that she would have to think about that stuff later and right now, just focus on cheering Rikku up. She needed her bubbly little al bhed back so decided to be honest with her. At least about some things.

"When Yuna left, I was really happy for her, but mostly I felt sad." She paused and Rikku looked up at her. "But the bad feelings didn't last very long, because... True, I was separated from one of the best friends I've ever had. But I started to look at the whole thing differently." She took another pause and as she looked up, her eyes met Rikku's.

"Sure she left for Besaid, but it's not like we can't see her ever again, and secondly... And when I realised this, I couldn't really feel sad anymore... The thought was that you would still be there Rikku. That thought made me realise that since you are here, there's no reason for me to feel down... Wow that was a lot of words coming from me, I just hope I didn't say anything that sounded too stupid.

Rikku just kept staring at her and Paine could soon see tears starting to run down her cheeks. Oh no... I made her cry! Stupid, stupid Paine!

Then without warning, Rikku attacked her with a soft hug and pressed a tearstained cheek against her bare shoulder. Paine blushed fiercely at this sudden intimacy and hesitated for a moment, but then decided to return the hug and rubbed Rikku gently on the back. She heard Rikku whisper a "Thank you so much for being here for me." Paines face burned hot from the blush she got from hearing Rikku's words, and said before she had time to stop herself: "I will always be there for you Rikku."

Even though she didn't want this to end ever, Paine decided to break the hug before she did anything stupid, like kiss her. Her heart raced and she noticed that Rikku was sitting on her lap, still softly nuzzling into the embrace. She loosened Rikku's grip gently and faced her. Damn it stop blushing already!

"No more being sad, ok... And no more crying." She said softly but firmly as she wiped Rikku's tears off with a gloved hand. Rikku nodded and gave her a real smile without any hints of the sadness.

"Good." Paine said and couldn't help but smile warmly at Rikku's happiness. Then she realized Rikku still sat on her lap and blushed a little but raised an eyebrow to the blonde sitting there. "You comfy Rikku?" She asked, unable to stop smiling.

"Oh..sorry. Umm I'll get off your lap now." The al bhed got off and giggled. "Thanks again Painey." She said happily as she stood up.

"Hey I'm gonna go grab a bite! Wanna join me?" She suddenly said.

"Sure, I haven't eaten since breakfast." Paine stood up and walked up to her. Rikku smiled and ran ahead. Paine called out to her. "Hey Rikku!"

"Fryd?" She said as she stopped dead in her tracks, tripping herself. Paine chuckled at the little blonde's clumsiness but then put on a more serious face and walked up to her.

"You know I dont show much emotion and usually keep kind of hard and cold. And... there is a reason for that, but I feel I can let my guard down with you and all that and... But to get to the point: Could you please not tell people about me being all soft and comforting." She said this with a rather serious face and thought. It's true, its time to let her in.
I mean I trust her dont I? Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen head over heels in love with her...And besides, I really should stop being so cold because if I keep it up, I might push her away...I can drop my guard with her.. Like Rikku always says: "Loosen up a bit Painey!"

"Of course I won't! Trust me Painey, I'm too happy right now that you let me see this side of you. I wouldn't want to risk you killing me for ruining your reputation as an ice-cold-hard-core-ass-kicking superchick." She said and giggled. "Dont worry, your secret is safe with me! But come on, I'm starving!" She said as she ran ahead into the ship.

Paine walked after her. She is happy, and I'll just have to be enough to keep her happy. She thought as she smiled, feeling that everything was perfect. Well...almost everything. She still wanted Rikku...

Al Behd Translations:

Rikku: "Hey there! Enjoying yourself?"

Paine: "You miss her a lot, don't you? You miss Yuna."

Rikku: "What?"

There you have the first chapter. I've got three more which i will put here if you like it. Please R&R people!