Summary: Starfire starts a journal, and for one full week, upon Raven's advice, she seduces Robin into like her, writing down everything that happens.

Rating: R--for Language and Adult Situations.

Standard Disclaimers Apply.

Author's Note: There were 7 chapters, (one for every day of the week) and you'll get the story through Star's journal. Enjoy.


By: The Inevitable Remy

Monday, Apri 1st, 5:30 pm.

Dear You, (Forgive me. I have yet to come up with a name for you.)

I've decided to write in a "journal," or a Liktnar, as we would say on our planet. The reason? Well, i've taken it upon myself to try to "seduce" The Boy Wonder. The idea surfaced when friend Raven and I had the "girl talk" the other night. It was a very pleasent talk, I must add, and Raven knows quite a bit of stuff about the earth boys. I sha'll record the conversation for your pleasure, You.

"Starfire. If you keep staring at me like that i'll have to remove your eyeballs." raven said.

"Oh, forgive me, Raven. I have the upmost wish to ask you a question about our fellow team member, Robin." (during this part, You, I could feel my face blush. Note: That is not the same as the make-up device.)

"Okay, Starfire. Ask away." she had put away the book she had been reading, and gave me her attention, which I appreciated immensely.

(Here I lowered my voice, for fear that someone would hear my ridiculous question.) "Rave, I--wish to seclude Robin and make him like me."

Raven had responded the way I knew she would. Well, she always basically responds the same way, with a raise of the eyebrow, but I was grateful that she did not laugh.

"Um, Starfire. I think you mean "seduce." I could tell she was trying not to smirk.

"Oh, yes. Seduce. Raven, can you help me with this task? I'm afraid I lack the ability to get Robin's attention."

Here, Raven actually chuckled. Chuckled! Raven! I couldn't help but be surprised. I've never heard Raven chuckle before. I also got the sense that she hadn't either.

"Starfire, you can float passed Robin and he'll immediately notice you. The guy is head over heels for you."

I have to say, I was very happy about this.

"So, will you help me, Raven? Will you give me the pointers?"

Raven had stood up, and started to walk torwards the hall. I followed.

"I guess, Starfire. I mean, i'm not a genius at this, but--I guess I could help you out. I mean, if you would like that."

Here I paused from the walking and gave Raven a very large, very long hug.


For fear of killing my friend, I let her go.

"When sha'll we start, Raven?"

Raven had to get her breath back before she replied. I made a mental note not to squeeze to hard when I hugged people. It is strange, You, for when I hugged at my own planet, hugging someone until they couldn't breath was a sign of appreciation and love and affection. Here people seem to get annoyed.

"I guess we'll start today. I'll give you lessons for a week, at this same time, (as long there arn't any criminals at the time) and on Sunday night you'll be abel to Seduce Robin. How's that?"

"Oh! That would be most enjoyable Raven! I thank you!"

This is where Raven and I went into her room to start my lessons. The first thing Raven wanted me to do was get rid, (well, partially she said,) of my innocent look. She sat me down on a soft cushioned stool in front of a mirorr. It was a very odd mirorr, with a few spiderwebs hanging here and there, and a weird markings along the edges in a language I did not understand.

"First off," she had said, "let's do something with your hair."

I'm really fond of my hair, You, and I was rather reluctant for Raven to do something to it. But I reminded myself of Robin. The way he smiled, the way he fought...the way his legs hugged his motorcycle...

After these thoughts, You, I was ready to do anything and everything.

"Let's pull it back, alright?" Raven pulled uncomfortably on my hair pulling it into the tail of a pony. Then she took my bangs, pulled them back over my head, and secured them with a clip, making sure it had a bit of "volume."

"There. Isn't that a lot better?"she said, looking pretty pleased

I have to say, I did look Forgive me, You, I have to pause because I have the sudden case of giggles at using this term.

Any of the ways, after my hair Raven showed me how to walk. It was a very different walk from what i'm used to, and it had to do with swaying your hips from left, to right. I found this very confusing, and asked Raven why I must do this to catch Robin's attention.

Raven, who already seemed pained from giving me these pointers that were so unlike herself, seemed annoyed at my question.

"Starfire, on your homeplanet, do guys have any particular...likings, for a women's body part?"

"Of course Raven. On my planet The male population are very fond of a women's feet and ears."

You, I do not think Raven took me seriously.

"Right. Well, on this planet Starfire, guy's are interested in different things--which um, will be in later lessons--and one of them is your backside. Swinging your hips left from right will give the guys a great view. Trust me."

After the lesson was over, I was eager to try out my new wisdom. I walked into the gym, my hair made up along with my face, and found Robin on his back, lifting the weights. I started to float in, but remembered the swaying of hips. So, I swayed my hips, making sure Robin saw.

He had frowned and sat up and said, "Star, do you need me to take you to the hospital? It looks like your hip popped out of place."

This had not been what I expected.

"Um, no, Robin, my hip is fine." I had said. The I felt very awkward, for I did not know what to say.

Though he did spot my new look!

"Star, did you do something to your hair?" then- "are you wearing make-up?"

I was very pleased he'd noticed. Even more pleased that he started to smile, as if he really liked it. I gave him a bright smile, to accentuate my happiness.

"I, er, just wanted to try something different. Do you not like it?" he stood up and walked over to me.

"I think it looks...great. You look great. I mean, whatever you do you look great, but I, you really look great. I'm--just great."

I think the term for this was called, "babbling." I had picked it up from Beastboy when Cyborg's car have been demolished by the Cinderblock.

"Why thank you, Robin."

I turned around and left here, for I knew that he was still looking my way.I swayed my hips, too.

Day 1 is now completed, and I have 6 more days to go before Robin can really really notice me. I feel my palms tingle and my armpits sweat whenever I see Robin. I really like him. He is my most wonderful friend, and I would really like to go further in our relationship. First-- I just have to show him that I can be more than a naive alien friend.
