Ahem, this is unbeta'd cuz I wanted to get it out before I leave for camp, from the 6-16. I will replace it with beta'd version later, huge thanks to kakashinu, my wonderful beta.

Disclaimer: Nope, belongs to the one and only Kishimoto-sama.

Itachi POV

I sighed in complete and utter agitation; how in all the hells did I let Obito talk me into coming to a party? I don't really have anything against them, but I can only handle so many people drunk and high in an enclosed space. That's why I'm currently out on the porch, feeling the night breeze and trying to ignore the couple a couple of yards away, who look to be trying to eat each other's faces. Stupid Obito…

"What's with the long face, Uchiha? Not enjoying yourself?"

I turned silently to see Sasori grinning at me, drink in hand. Surprisingly, he didn't seem drunk, only loosened up. He offered me the cup.

"You should loosen up a little. All work and no play make's Itachi a dull boy, even though that's your general state in life. Or did Mizuki's fucking around ruin your knowledge of social interaction?"

I scowled at him, Mizuki was a sore subject for me. I eyed the drink in his hands, thinking things over. Sure I'd been drunk before; what teenager hadn't? Felt like shit in the morning, but one little drink couldn't possibly hurt. Obito and I had walked here anyway, so it's not like I'd be driving later. I accepted the drink and took a sip; I hate beer, but spiked punch is fine with me. Sasori pulled me inside the party again, and my senses were overrun with the stench of alcohol, and the heat of dozens of people dancing in the crowded enclosure. I took another sip of punch and let my eyes run over the crowd. I caught sight of a familiar figure and immediately choked on my punch. Sasori, concerned, began to slap me on the back while I struggled to regain my composure. Obito, attracted by the spectacle I was making of myself, came over.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

I coughed a bit to clear my throat of all remaining punch and stood up, finally back to normal.

"I saw… Iruka, from the library. Over there."

I pointed in the direction I had looked and indeed saw the spiky, telltale ponytail he had his hair in. I noticed Obito's eyes widened slightly also, and he pointed excitedly.

"Hey, you see that silver haired guy next to him? That's the guy I saw, Kakashi! Man, is this awesome or what? C'mon!"

Before I could protest Obito had grabbed me by the arm, bodily hauling me over to where the other two were. Sasori followed, understandably a bit confused.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Well 'Tachi and I both met some people yesterday, and now we found them again, so we're going over to talk to them!"

Sasori raised an eyebrow and decided to continue following us, for whatever reason. Obito used the arm that wasn't holding tight to me to wave at the two teens.

"Hey! Kakashi! Iruka! Remember us?"

Sasori POV

I decided to follow the two Uchiha to the guys they had apparently met earlier. It was pretty funny to see Itachi choke just from the sight of someone, and I really wondered what he was like. Obito seemed excited too, and I guess it's contagious. The two looked up when hailed by Obito, and recognition flashed in both their faces. The one with the spikey ponytail waved cheerfully while the silver haired one raised his eyebrow. Obito began to chat, and decided to introduce me.

"Yeah, you guys know us, and this is Sasori, a friend of mine. He likes to design and stuff. Sasori, this is Iruka and his friend Kakashi."

I was about to wave in response when a new voice joined the conversation.

"So you guys did come, yeah? How do you like the party so far, yeah?"

I started when I heard the voice; it sounded so familiar…

"Hi Deidara, this is Itachi, Obito, and Sasori. Did you know that Sasori's a designer?"

Deidara… No way, that Deidara? I turned around instantly and caught the face of a shocked blonde boy, one of his blue-green eyes staring at me in shock. Yep, without a doubt it was him. Before I could even say hi he was gone, weaving through the crowd. I quietly cursed underneath my breath and started off after him, wondering why the hell he had run away.

Deidara POV

Yeah, so I was at the party looking for Iruka and Kakashi when I finally spotted some spiky silver hair. I walked toward it and caught sight of Iruka.

"So you guys did come, yeah? How do you like the party so far, yeah?"

The spiky haired teen turned around and smiled. I noticed some new people around.

"Hi Deidara, this is Itachi, Obito, and Sasori. Did you know that Sasori's a designer?"

I froze where I was. Sasori? That Sasori? What… what was he doing here? Before I could turn away he turned around, and our gazes locked, his flashing in recognition. I can't deal with this… I turned around and weaved through the crowd, trying to get outside. When I reached it I took in a deep breath of air, attempting to calm myself down. Shit, why'd I have to run into him again…? That jerk...


Deidara looked at his artwork, which was hanging on the wall, and smiled proudly. He'd won first prize, and was looking forward to earning an art scholarship. He decided to look at the other exhibit, which centered on fashion and design more than art. Going in, one of the mannequins immediately caught his eye. He walked up to it, totally transfixed by the beauty of the clothing. It had lace, intricately layered, black fabric, in a gothic design that was somehow modern and ancient at the same time. Deidara reached out a hand to stroke it.


"It is, isn't it? One of my best works yet, I think."

The blonde started, he hadn't noticed someone come up behind him. A boy with reddish brown hair stared back at him. He held out a hand.

"Hi. I'm Sasori, the designer. What's your name?"

"My name's Deidara, yeah, I won the art contest."

The other teens eyes widened in surprise.

"Really? I just passed by it. It was a beautiful piece, I really liked it a lot. So do you live around here?"

"No, I just came for the contest, yeah. You?"

"Same. So, what are you going to do with your art when you get it back?"

"Burn it."

The other boy looked mortified.

"Burn it? Why? It's a really good piece of art! Why would you waste it? Are you crazy?"

The blonde looked hurt.

"I'm not crazy! It's just… something I have to do, yeah. There are different ways to make art, don't judge me like you think you know everything, yeah, you jerk!"

The blond stalked out of the museum, leaving the surprised red head behind.

-End flashback-

I leaned on the rail and let my head droop down. I guess I didn't really have to go off on him like that, it's not like most people burn their best artworks. But… he didn't have to judge me on it either, apply to my art the rules of his art. Why can't anyone understand why I do it?

"Hey, there was no need to run away. Sure, we didn't part under the best of circumstances, but there was no need for that."

I didn't bother to answer him. He waited for a while.

"Look… after you went off on me I took the time to think things over. Now I think I understand why you do what you do."

I still didn't turn to face him, but I was listening now. He thought he understood?

"I think you burn your pieces because you don't want them to limit you. You don't want to be tied down to one piece of art that people think is your masterpiece, the best you could possibly do. That leaves you in the past, doesn't allow your inspiration to run free because people think you couldn't possibly be better. You create beautiful art… then destroy it so something better can take its place. After all, destruction is an artform in itself."

I was awestruck. I turned to face him.

"You… you understand, yeah."

He'd actually taken the time to think it over? After what I said to him? He grinned sheepishly.

"So… do you forgive me now for what I said? Or do you want me to grovel on my knees or something?"

I grinned at him.

"You're forgiven… as long as I get to see your portfolio, yeah."

He grinned back.

"Any chance that you have one too, or were they all destroyed?"

I never destroy a piece until I finish it, so I actually do have a portfolio of half finished works.

"I do have one, yeah. So when can I come over?"

Us artists should be friendly with one another, right?


Hmm... not a lot of the main pairings there, huh.

Iruka/Itachi/Obito/Kakashi: -glare- No.

-sweatdrop- Sorry, but you'll definitely be in the next chapter!

Review please!