Chapter 27

Dom opened her door as quietly as he could. She was asleep on her bed, and he prayed to any gods listening that he wouldn't wake her up. Silently, he snuck into her room, a tiny silver box in his hand, wrapped in a blue ribbon, and set it on her pillow beside her head.

He starred at her sleeping form for a moment, a nervous smile on his lips. He could only guess her reaction, but hoped she'd like her present.


Kel stirred, her eyes fluttering open. The faint light coming through her window told her it was almost dawn. She groaned. Maybe she could sleep in a little later today. Would anyone really notice? She turned over on her other side.

"What the—?" She picked up the little box with curiosity and opened it. Inside was a single piece of paper.

Good morning Love,

Happy Midwinter! So how badly do you want your present? Because you're going to have to work for it. Follow the clues and you won't be sorry. (I hope)



Clue # 1

To find your first clue

Think of the head of meat

Now who do you know

That likes to make it squeak

He has your next clue

P.S. Don't you dare laugh at my rhyming.

Kel did laugh. He couldn't rhyme to save his life. But her interest was thoroughly sparked now. She climbed out of bed and got dressed, then headed to Peachblossom's stall.

"Good morning, Peachblossom," Kel told the gelding. She gave him a pat and began searching the stall.

She finally found a second box, identical to the first one, in a side pocket of Peachblossom's hanging saddle. She opened it eagerly and took out the next clue.

Good job, Protector. Of course, that was the easy one. Let's see if you can get this next clue.

Clue #2

For your second clue

A trick of the book

That tilts the scale

The same sort of look

There lies your third clue

What in Mithros's name was that supposed to mean? What book? What scale? She sighed, but was smiling. She was getting excited.

Knowing Dom, it wasn't an actual book, but rather some sort of word play. Book…library…study…words…pages…reading…PAGES! Something from her page years? And tilting the scale…That part was more obvious after the pages. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully.

Then she smiled, proud of herself for figuring it out. Joren filled her lance with lead!

She nearly ran to the tilting field.

When she got there she went directly to the bin of lances and began looking over them all. On the fourth lance she picked up she found a tiny groove with her fingers and wedged it out, just as she had done to find the lead in her first lance. Inside was a piece of paper.

Not bad, Love. I always knew you were clever. (Unless of course you got Yuki to help you.)

Clue #3

Pure as the moon

Stone and earth is clue number three

Where colors burn as bright as the sun

And there you will see

Your final clue

Kel was officially at a loss. Where colors burn as bright as the sun… Where was that? What was that? Stone and Earth…She looked at the first part of the note. Asking Yuki was a wonderful idea. And Dom would never have to know, after all.


She knocked on Yuki's door. "Yuki?"

"Shh! Come in Kel, but be quiet," Yuki said softly. Kel opened the door. Kelly was in Yuki's arms, fast asleep. Yuki looked exhausted. "I finally got her to sleep. I don't want her to wake up."

Kel took the baby from Yuki's arms, giving her a small break. "Yuki, would you mind helping me with something?"

If she'd been looking up, Kel would have seen the grin flash across Yuki's face before she put her Yamani mask on—but she was looking at Kelly's sleeping face. "Sure, Kel, with what?"

"Well, Dom's put together this whole puzzle of sorts for me. And…I'm kind of stuck."

"Oh Kel, that's so sweet! How can I help?" Kel handed her the paper, keeping the other arm firmly gripping Kelly.

Yuki quickly read it and smiled, letting Kel see this time. "Well, it's something to do with the chapel where Neal and I were married."

"What? How do you see that?"

"Really, Kel. You were the maid of honor, you should know this. Dom certainly does."

"Know what?"

"Our wedding vows," she said simply. " 'May our love burn as bright as the sun and as pure as the moon.' "

"Oh." Kel blushed. Yuki was right—she should have known that. "Sorry. But any idea what the 'Stone and earth' part is? Or the colors?"

"Kel, this is Dom's gift to you. Don't you think you should try to figure it out?"

Kel sighed. "I know, you're right." She sat down in a chair. "Stone and earth…stone and earth…colors…" Earth probably meant outside the chapel somewhere. But stone, and colors…Her eyes brightened. "Oh! Oh oh oh!" Kelly twitched in her slightly tighter grip and stirred. Kel handed her off to her mother gently and ran out the door.


The garden! The stone bench in the garden outside the chapel where Neal and Yuki were married! She skirted through the paths, towards the bench. The colorful flowers were all gone of course, being winter and all. Please let this be right…

There it was, sitting right on top of the bench. She hurried over and picked up the silver box. Opening it, she found another paper.

Clue #4

The final clue

And you're standing there, waiting

On the garden's earthy ground

So how badly do you want your present?

Maybe you should turn around

For your present

Turn around? She obeyed, and nearly ran into Dom. She smiled. "So are you my present, then?"

He smiled and kissed her nose lightly. "Part of it. Do you remember the last time we were here?"

"Neal and Yuki's wedding?"

He nodded. "You asked me something that night. Do you remember what it was?" She shook her head, puzzled. "You asked me if I'd ever been in love, and I said yes. Then you asked me who she was, and do you know what I said?"

She smiled—she knew the answer to that question. "You said you'd rather not say."

"Well maybe I've changed my mind, and now I want you to know. Would you care to ask the question again?"

"All right," she said, playing along. "Say Dom, have you ever been in love by any chance?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am right now."

"With who?"

"You." He kissed her deeply, pulling her close to him. At last he pulled away. "And now, Kel, I have a question for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another tiny silver box, smaller than either of the other ones and with no ribbon. He took half a step back and got down on one knee. Kel gasped and took a step back herself, covering her mouth with both hands. "Kel," he licked his lips nervously, "will you marry me?" He opened the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring, set on a gold band.

Her eyes were as round as plates and she starred at him, absolutely speechless. Then something clicked. That's why Raoul had resigned so suddenly. He'd done it for them—for both of them. Dom wouldn't have to give up his career for her.

"Yes," she said at last, breathlessly, tears of joy leaking from her eyes. "Yes, I'll marry you." He gave a joyful whoop and jumped to his feet, kissing her passionately. Cheering erupted from behind them. Reluctantly, the two broke apart and turned to face Neal, Yuki, and Raoul.

(possibly/most likely) THE END