I've decided to post the next chapter…and yes, I know I'm late by like two months…but that's because I had to read Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne…so blame it on Arina Tanemura!

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Naruto…then Sasuke would come back to Konoha and kill Lee!

Chapter Two- It Came From the Closet

"What? What!" Ino wailed, shaking Hinata, "Don't tell me that Tamahome is secretly in love with Hotohori too!"

"Er, no. I think she means 'Oh. My. God!' as in 'Oh. My. God! Lee and Chouji are missing!'" someone said, "And it's obviously Mitsukake that's gay."

Everyone spun around in circles trying to find the source of the scathing commentary. Finding that he was prone to motion sickness, Shikamaru stopped spinning and fell out of the window.

"Shika-Chan!" Kiba howled, sobbing into Tsunade's extremely large chest, "I never told him how I felt about him. It wasn't really one-sided love…because I loved him too!"

The genin stood still and waited for the sickening crack of the chuunin hitting the ground, but there was only silence.

"Ah, we must have missed it. Who wants to fall out next?" a voice said.

"Nooooooooooo! It's coming for us! We're going to die!" Shikamaru yelled. (A/N: Yes, Shikamaru.)

"I thought Shikamaru fell out the window." Sakura whispered to Sasuke.

"Hn. So did I." the Uchiha replied uncertainly, "It must have been a mashed potato clone." He didn't quite know exactly what a mashed potato clone was, but he wanted to look cool in front of Sakura.

"Orange juice, actually," the chuunin said, "But wasn't that cool?"

"Of course it was, my darling Shika-Kun!" shrieked Temari, popping out of nowhere to maul him.

"I'm bored." Tenten groaned, chomping on Neji's arm.

"Let's do something our senseis told us never to do." Neji cackled. He loved being bad…it was almost as fun as being a closet pervert.

"You don't mean…that…do you?" Kiba gasped, apparently over the supposed death of Shikamaru.

"Of course he does, dobe." Sasuke muttered. He was secretly excited. He had never done it before. It would be nice to try it with Naruto before he did it with Sakura, though. The Uchiha wanted it to be perfect for Sakura's first time.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Ino asked, suddenly eager to do something forbidden.

"We will!" Naruto shouted, dragging a furiously blushing Hinata with him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you…" the voice warned. Gaara shrieked and covered himself in sand.

"It came from the closet!" he whispered to a lamppost.

So yeah…that was chapter two. Is anybody lost yet? I know I am…Next chapter should be up...eventually.

Oh…the forbidden thing that everyone is talking about is reading fluffy RoyxEd fics out loud…X3 Not that I have anything against them…they're…nice…in their own special way…