Thanks to all those who reviewed. Much appreciated. (: And as promised, this chapter should be longer.

I'm going to start doing pov's of the Characters now, and each switch will be noted as name. To make it easy. (:


Seeing White: Two.


So it's rather big. No problem right?

I stare timidly up at the large building before me as I stand alone at the base of its steps, my siblings already gone ahead. It was rather intimidating, actually, large buildings always equaled large amounts of people. Large amount of people increases the chances of running into someone Not to my liking, me not to theirs, Creates conflict. I don't like conflict.

Avoidance is always the way.

I slowly make my way up the concrete steps, weaving my way around the chatting people that have gathered in groups upon them. Squeezing myself through the door, I concentrate upon trying to find my first class.

As I begin to weave once more, I reach into my pocket, pulling out a crumbled map of the school and my schedule as well, studying them both like they were the bible. Walk and read, simple right? I'm a master of multi tasking.


So maybe I lied.

I rub my forehead, and slowly look up, hoping what I ran into wasn't something threatening,

As my own aqua orbs met a pair of Onyx ones, I realized that my hopes may be crushed. Said black orbs were giving me a pretty nice glare ,one accented with some gritted teeth.

"Watch where you're going"

So much for avoiding conflict. Way to go Gaara.

With a good shove, he continued his way past me, to wherever he was going in the first place. I shook my head, staring back down at the mangled paper in my hands, concluding that standing and reading was safer. As I mouthed the directions, slowly beginning to walk again(Once I thought they were memorized) and I finally found my first class. English.

I sit myself at a desk that was basically in the middle(I guess you could day it was more towards the back left, but that's a minor detail), between a prissy looking girl with long blonde hair, and another blonde(male though) who seemed rather hyperactive. As I eyed the front of the room, scanning for any signs of a teacher, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning to my left I came face to face with the male blonde, and he was giving me a quizzical look.

"You new?" He asked, boy he has an annoying voice.

Duh. "Uh, Yeah…"

"Cause I've never seen you before"

Did I just not say I was new? " Uh yeah….I just moved here" And I tried to get back to my search for the instructor, turning back forward.. Still nothing, I wonder if h-

"From where? What's your name? I'm Naruto!"

He's still talking me? See, you talk to someone like this kid once, your nice, you can never get rid of them. Turning again, I look at him. "Suna. Gaara. Nice to meet you."

So I lied about the last part, what can you do?

"Ohhh…" He looked around for a bit, then back to me. "How's your day been so far, finding everything and what not?" He asked. I wonder if he'll explode if he stopped talking. Maybe that's why he does it so much.

" Uhh….Sure, I did run into somebody, though" I mumbled, tapping my pencil on the desk, sighing.

"Oh Really! What'd he look like?"

Why is this kid so excited about everything? "Black hair…Black eyes…" I answered in a bored tone as I began to doodle on the desk; A simple picture of a certain boy with blonde hair falling off a building, that's all.

"Oh! Did have like…longishish hair in the front like this! Andandand, was the back spiky!" I turned my head towards him and he was now doing these ridiculous hand motions on the sides of his face and the back of his head, I guess to describe hair.

"Uhh….Sure I-"

"Oh that's Sasuke! He's kind of mean, but he can be nice at times! In a weird way I guess."

He grinned at me, and I just gave a bored look

"…Is that so…?"

"Oooooh, Sasuke-kun? " The other blonde chimed in, looking like she was going to have a heart- attack. "He's so hot!"

"Like he would go with a pig like you Ino" Snapped Naruto, as if he were some jealous girlfriend. Heh. Go Figure.

So they started to argue, and a couple other people joined in. And me? I just put my head down on the desk, praying this day would end now.

Eventually the teacher came, with some lame excuse. Kakasomething.

I was too busy contemplating suicide by pencil.

So it turns out that Naruto was in my next two classes, Math and History, lucky me? I'll probably end up shooting myself by the end of the year.

But now it's lunch, and Everything's all good, Right?



I turn around and see the, what I have dubbed "The ball of energy wrapped up in skin", running towards me with a big grin on his face.

"You wanna come sit with me and some friends? It'd be really great if you met them!"

No, it really wouldn't. "Uhh…Sure"

So he led me into the cafeteria, to a table with about six people at it already. There was Ino, A girl with short pink hair(Makes me wonder), a bored looking boy with a tight high ponytail, The boy I ran into earlier( I forgot his name….Sasu….Sasussomething ), a boy with spiky brown hair who had a tattoo on each of his cheeks and…was that a dog?(What the hell? ) And lastly, A timid looking girl who I barely noticed, who had short bla-- SHE HAS THOSE WHITE EYES.

I stared wide eyed at her and she blushes, looking away. But before I yell at her, about how her eyes haunt my mind, I remember I ran into a boy. Not some shy girl. Whew. Caaalm.

Te rest of them look over at me as I slowly sit down(across no one but next to Ino.), and Naruto chimes in with introductions(squeezing his way in next to miss white eyes and the black haired boy)

"Guys, this is Gaara!" He started, excitedly. "He just moved here, so…Don't be too mean." It almost seemed like he directed that statement at theboy next to him, who just kept eating, quietly. It seemed like he was ignoring everybody. I think I like this guy.

But then I noticed, Naruto was still talking.

"And this is Hinata" Miss white eyes. "Sakura" Pink haired wonder. "Sasuke" I new it was Sasusomething! "Shikamaru" Bored boy. "Kiba" The boy with the mutt "And you already know Ino" e ended cheerfully, snaking some of sasukes food. Te boy didn't seem to mind, but gave him a glare anyways.

So….I wonder if these are considered friends? They don't seem too friendly, but then a again, I'm not about to chum up to any of them.

So I start looking around the cafeteria, taking it in and all, looking at the various groups of people, etc., when something, sits down in front of me.

"Where have you been Neji?"

Neji? What's a Neji? I slowly look up and find myself looking into a pair of pure white eyes.



Be cool, Gaara.

I scoot back a little in my chair, staring straight at him. I'm sure my eyes look like they're about the pop out of my head.


"One of my teachers held me up, I think she was trying to congratulate me on a test or…something. " He shrugged and looked over at me, giving me a weird look.

Whaaaat? I'm just staring at you as if you have a second head. Nothing big.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked, and I snapped out of it. Guess he doesn't remember me like I remember is eyes.

"Uh…Nothing. Your eyes just creep me out"

Oooh, Double smooth.

He gives another weird look and looks to the side, at Naruto. "Where did you find this loser?"

Loser? What? He id not just call me a loser. Bastard.

I give him and icy glare, and look over to Naruto as well, who looks quite nervous now.

"Well…Uhh...He's in my English class, and I thought it would be nice to invite him to sit with us…and maybe he'll become a friend?" I can see him shrinking down at the look Neji's icy orbs are giving him . He gulps and looks slowly at me, as I stand, thankfully the lunch bell rang just as I did.

Great, no need to explain myself.

I thank Naruto(Because I'm so kind like that) and make my way to my next class, angrily, thanks to a certain white eyed, brown hair boy named Neji.

Shoot me. I make it threw two more classes , Naruto free, and now he's in my last one. Science.

I glare, an icy one, at the one and only Neji, as I take the seat next to him(Only one left).

Guess he is repulsive, I'm not crazy.

I win.

We both glare at each other for like, A minute or so and I finally speak. "Are you a year head of us all? Why are you in this class? " I thank god that that Hinata chick was in my drama class(Shutup) We ad a nice conversation about Mr. Creepy eyes. Apparently he's her cousin or something. But whatever.

Anyways, he's now got the unreadable look on his face, and is no longer looking right at me. "Why is it your business?"

"Just asking."

"Well don't."

"Don't get your panties in bunch, just because someone knows your not perfect. " Did I strike a nerve? I think I did. I see him shake.

"Shut up. I never said I was perfect."

I win.

"You just seem like it. You act like it."

"You've known me for no more than ten minutes, you can't know how I act" He looks back up, staring right into my eyes, almost like he's looking threw me.

Oh god, that's creepy.

"Whatever" I turn the other way, as to escape the look.

What? It's creepy.

I'm not exaggerating.

"Don't act like you know me, bastard."


Dear Diary,

I met up with those haunting white eyes today.

They belong to an asshole named Neji.

And you know what's better?

He's in my science class.

This year is going to be sooooo fuuuuuuuun. Uhg.

But, on a plus side, I made a friend. For once. His name is Naruto.

He's loud and annoying, but for some reason I can just feel I'm growing on me.

I ran into his little boyfriend today too, he's seems cool as well. I guess.

But whatever.

I don't plan on getting too close to anybody.

But I do plan on murdering Neji.

Or at least cutting out his eyes. I realized they're more pearly, they kind of reflect this little tint of color.

You think they'd fet as much as real pearls on EBay?

And so there it is. The second chapter. Still kind of short. x.x I'm sorry.

Sorry it's kind of boring right now, but I have an idea.

Just wait. (:

And thanks again to those who reviewed!
