NOTES: Hehe…well, here it is, the sequel to my fic THE TARGETS

NOTES:  Hehe…well, here it is, the sequel to my fic THE TARGETS.  Now, for those who have just joined us, this takes place after the event in THE TARGETS (a Gundam/WeiB crossover).  Now I know there isn't aren't a lot of people who know WeiB, so here is a summery about what happened in the Targets so you don't get confused when the story starts (the prologue will start right after the summery!):

During present day Tokyo, four evil scientists/terrorists built a time traveling machine and kidnapped the poor Gundam boys from their homes (the Gundam time is a few months after Endless Waltz).  Their objective:  To get information on how to build Gundams, and the ways to use the infamous Zero System ::shudders::

Well, WeiB (an assassin group consisting of four HOT HOT HOT guys) were sent to kill the scientists and the 'terrorists'.  What they did not expect was to discover that the 'terrorists' were five boys from the future. 

Things got very mixed up when Swartz (WeiB's nemesis group consisting of four guys with unnatural powers: a Seer, a telepath, a telekinetic, and a Psychopath who can't feel pain and is obsessed with trying to hurt God by hurting the innocent and anyone affiliated with the church poor Duo) appeared. Now what did they want?  They wanted Quatre and Heero.  They wanted Quatre to join them because the blond beauty was one of the strongest Empaths that ever was born (or something like that), and they wanted Heero because he had mastered the Zero System and the information on it could be ripped from his head (They could not do that with Quatre cause the boy has his mental blocks up!!!).

WeiB joined forces with and injured Duo (Psychopath got his hands on him!), Trowa, and Wufei, and together they went to save Heero and Quatre.  But things got even more messed up because Quatre went a little crazy after being locked up with the Psychopath. His other self appeared.

What other self?  You know the one who built the Wing Zero and installed the Zero system?  Yeah, that Quatre (the one with the laugh that will always give me goose bumps).  It ends up that that Quatre had existed from when Quatre was a little kid.  He came out after a doctor abused the Quatre while trying to train him to use his empathic powers for bad stuff (ex.  Making a mother cat believe her kitten was a mouse so that it can kill its child).  In other words, Quatre has a double personality. 

Well, that Quatre nearly killed everyone, but when he saw all four pilots together (he thought Duo, Trowa, and Wufei were dead) he came back to himself, and Swatrz escaped. 

The Gundam boys stayed with the WeiB boys for nearly a month before the time machine was fixed up to send them back (it had been destroyed before).  The five went into a blue funnel, but instead of going home…

Read and find out!

One extra note:  Umm…to make the plot more interesting, I'm going to have Valgaav grown up and still with a grudge on Lina, Monsters, and Golden Dragons.  Lets just say that after defeating Dark Star, he came back to himself (not as a cute little egg) and he goes off on his own.  He's not after Lina's blood anymore, he just hates everyone and wants to be left alone.


Xellas, the Beastmaster, stretched languishly on her cushions.  Her tanned skin shone beautifully in the darkness surrounding her, her little bead bracelets clinked softly together whenever she moved her arms.  It had been months since all the madness with Dark Star had ended.

The Beastmaster was bored.

With a wave of her hand, a little monster came crawling up to her, seeming to materialize out of the inky blackness.  "You waved Your Most Omnipotent of Masters?"

Pushing back her long pale hair over a bare shoulder, Xellas smiled ferally at the small being.  "I am bored.  Entertain me."

The creature grinned and pulled out a curved dagger.  "As you wish, my Lord Beastmaster."  With those words it plunged the dagger into its gut and twisted it, screaming in agony.

Xellas leaned back against her cushions, and threw her head back, inhaling the scent of pain.


She licked her full lips and said to the now dying creature, "You have served me well."  With another wave of her hand the small monster let out a shriek of terror before disintegrating into nothingness.


Pain and fear…a monster's delicacy.

Wondering what else to do to alleviate her boredom, Xellas made ready to wave her hand again when she felt it.

A crack.

The Lord Beastmaster stiffened and nearly exclaimed in shock.




This wasn't the way things were supposed to be.  It was wrong…absolutely wrong.  How could such a mistake have occurred? 

Stupid mortals!

It had to be fixed, or else all would end. 

A monster's goal was chaos and destruction…but not this way.  Like Dark Star…a mistake that had to be fixed.

Turning to look over her shoulder, Xellas called, "My priest, come forward."

Xellos, the Mysterious Priest, and right hand to Xellas came before his master and bowed respectfully, nothing about was mocking or lighthearted.  "You summoned me, My Lord?"

"Yes."  Replied Xellas.  "I have need of your services once again, my dear Xellos.  It would seem some foolish mortals have tampered with the rifts of time, and there are those that are here that are not supposed to be."

Xellos smiled in anticipation, "Shall I dispose of them?"


Xellos started, his amethyst eyes opening slightly.

"No."  Repeated Xellas.  "These must not be harmed.  They are important, and must be sent back to whence they came."

Xellos looked up at his master.  "I see."  He said softly.

"They all must live, Xellos."

"Of course."  Xellos grimaced slightly. 

Xellas smiled at her priest dissatisfaction and said offhandedly, "One of them came from your seed."

This got Xellos's full attention.  "Mine?"

Xellas shook her head.  "A mix, but can feel the call of the monster within, even if the monster's blood is thin."  She then got an idea.  "Lets make this interesting.  All of them are connected to Inverse's group.  Including the two dragons…" Xellas chose to ignore how Xellos grimaced at the mention of the dragons.  "They will help you and also make you behave."

Xellos scratched his head, "I must say, this has caught my interest.  As always, I am your faithful servant, my Lord."  He bowed.

Xellas laughed, "Of course.  You know you may have some fun with them.  Just leave them sane and uninjured."

A smiled spread on his face.

This would certainly be interesting.


"Umm…I think there has been a little mistake…"

Quatre Raberba Winner did not pay any attention to his companion.  His aqua eyes were wide as he stared down the tree he was sitting in, clutching at the branch with white knuckled hands.

"I don't think this is home…"

Quatre swallowed hard as his stomach lurched uncomfortably.  Slowly he made his way down, trying hard to clear his mind.

"Hey Quatre…what are you doing up in that tree?"

Quatre looked down to where Duo Maxwell stood.  "If I knew I would answer you Duo."  He answered and completed his climb down unscathed.  Taking a deep breath, he looked around his surrounding.  They were standing in the middle of some kind of meadow.

Duo looked up into the tree's branches, placing his hand on his head to shade his eyes from the bright sunlight.  "Hey, Quatre,"


"Where are the others?"

Quatre felt a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach.  Looking pleadingly at Duo he said, "They…they were right in front of us.  Stop fooling around, Duo."

Duo looked at his friend, who had a gray look to his face, and wildness in his eyes.  Duo placed a comforting hand on Quatre's shoulder, "I ain't joking, Quatre."

"No!"  Shouted Quatre, pulling away.  "They were right in front of us!  They have to be here!" 

"Quatre, calm down.  Relax."

Quatre shook his head.  "This isn't home, Duo!  And the tunnel is gone…and the other's are missing…"  He shuddered suddenly.  "I don't think I'll like this place, Duo.  It feels like I'm in the Zero System."

"Hey, don't even talk like that or else I'm going to start freaking."  Said Duo, laughing nervously.  "Oh man, this defiantly isn't Kansas."

Quatre shook his head and closed his eyes, Duo looking curiously.  After a moment a relieved smile spread on the blonde's face and he opened his eyes and exclaimed, "They're okay…I can feel them.  I just don't know where they are.  But they are somewhere here."

Duo pulled at his long chestnut braid.  He knew that Quatre had just used his Empathic powers to try to find Heero, Wufei, and Trowa.  He also was relieved that their friends were safe…but where…

Quatre suddenly said, "I felt their presence stronger that way."  He pointed toward the west.  Duo looked to where the boy was pointing then to the east.  Both ways looked the same…just grassy meadows as far as the eye can see.

Letting the small blond lead the way (after all, he was the one who had the powers), Duo took another look around then asked, "Uh, Quatre…how are we supposed to find food?  I'm starving."

Unbeknownst to the two lost boy's a pair of amethyst eyes watched them go, quite shocked in its own way at the fact that two mortal enemies were friends.

This defiantly was becoming more and more interesting.


Ok…I hope y'all liked it.  If you're confused read Targets or just e-mail me. 

[email protected]

Don't be shy!