Chapter 5: Painful Night

Summary: Can two opposite people that have been burned by love find love itself again? Vincent x Tifa, and Cloud x Aerith. R&R please!!

Wow, I updated again. Anyways, these are times where I might be really busy, so I might not update for a while. I noticed that after the prologue, the chapters started to become short. I promise that I will try my best to make the upcoming chapters "meatier". XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy, or any of it's characters. But if I did, I'd so totally make Tifa go with Vincent!

" So, where's the file I asked for?" asked Vincent impatiently. He placed one of his arms on the sandy wood table and repeatedly tapped his fingers.

" Oh honey, you shouldn't worry. I have the file. It's just that…"

" It's just that what? I came here for the file, and for the file only."

The woman walked behind Vincent and bent down that her face would touch the side of Vincent's face. " You see honey, I know you just came here for the file. But one thing is that… you didn't come alone." Then she softly placed her right hand on his cheek and added, " And remember, that's what you promised me. You said you'd come alone. But did you? I think not."

Vincent quickly removed her hand away from his face and turned around. " I said no such promise. I only said I'd come for the file."

" Oh Vinnie, you make me laugh. But I'm not going to give it to you so easily. I'm not that type of a woman." She started walking around Vincent with her clacking stilettos. " Can't we at least have a normal conversation?"

Vincent irritably glared at her. " I'm not here for your damn conversations, I'm only here for the file."

The woman's eyebrows rose. " Are you sure you're going to talk to me like that? I mean, if you do, I'd be obliged to tell my two bodyguards to take care of the woman who accompanied you here."

Vincent stood up. " Don't you dare tell them to do anything to her. This is none of her business, so don't drag her into it."

" Aww… I see you care for that woman… Just like your Lucrecia. Your dear, dead Lucrecia." As she said that, she did it with a smirk.

" Don't talk about Lucrecia that way! You don't even know her."

" I don't need to know her. I only found out about her because… Well… I had followed you to that mansion in Nibelheim. When you left, I read some of the documents there… Which was really boring. But I guess it did good since it has a huge effect on you."

Vincent walked up to the woman and aggressively took out his triple-barreled gun and faced it at her. " I told you to stop talking about her."

The woman just smiled. " Oh my, what will that girl who's outside think of you when she sees this?" Then she lowered the gun with her hands and pulled herself closer to Vincent.

He backed away, still holding the gun towards her.

" Still holding the gun I see? Oh Vinnie, put it down. Please do. Please." Her pleading was not the ones where it sounded like your life depended on it. In fact, she seemed calm.

He looked at her, and in his mind at that moment she reminded him of Lucrecia gently asking him to do something. So Vincent put his gun back in his trench coat pocket.

He sat back down and again tapped his fingers on the table. " I need the file. Now."

The woman just walked around for a couple of minutes, thinking. With the clacking of her shoes every time she took a step, the more Vincent grew irritated and furious.

Five minutes had gone by, and suddenly Vincent heard faint footsteps approaching the floor they were on.

" Vincent! Vincent where are you?" Vincent could recognize that barely audible shout anywhere. It was Tifa.

He stood up and hastily turned around, and ran outside the doorway. There he saw her breathless and panting, trying to keep herself up by leaning on the walls as she walked.

Vincent walked to her, for she was not far from the door. He helped her walk and when he did, he noticed the trace of blood that rushed down the side of her face. He also become aware that one of her shoulders was kind of limp, and when she walked ahead of him he found out it was from a bullet wound.

" Tifa, tell me what they did to you." He said and Tifa could sense that tiny hint of concern.

She puffed out a few breaths before she could say anything. " I tried to run away, disobeying what you said; so they chased me. Ran after me. Attacked me. It's all my fault so it shouldn't be any of your trouble."

" Why did you try to even run away? Didn't I tell you-"

" Yes, I know. You told me to stay still, etcetera, etcetera. So, did you get the thing you came here for?" She coughed into her hands and when she removed them away from her face, there were specks of blood.

Vincent had noticed it too. He stopped walking and went in front of her. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her for quite a while, and she only noticed that they stopped walking after a few minutes.

" So, did you get what you came here for?" asked Tifa, her eyes starting to water because of all that throbbing from her body. As she slowly blinked, her head hung down and she did her best to put it up, but with no energy at all, it felt as if it were going to fall off.

" No, I didn't get it yet. Look, you're out of energy," Vincent said as he put his hand on her forehead, finding out she was warm, " And you're starting to get a fever too. So just stay here in the hallway, because I still have to get the file, and don't go anywhere."

" But… I can't stay here… They'll get me if they do… Can't I stay inside the room?" Tifa coughed out more blood, and she started feeling dizzy.

Vincent let out a sigh, and agreed. He helped Tifa into the room, sat her down on the chair he sat on before and looked around to find the woman. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen at the moment, so he went back to Tifa.

" Are you going to be alright?" He said, again putting his hand on her forehead. " You're still warm, do you want to go back to the hotel?"

He then took his hand off her forehead and she coughed some more, and again with blood. "I'm okay. And you still need to get what you came here for."

" But if you stay here any longer, you're going to get even more sick."

" Vincent, I'm thankful for having a friend like you, but I think I can still keep strong, long enough for you to eventually get the file." Tifa coughed out more blood, and as Vincent looked at her palm and how it was being taken over by blood, he got more worried about her.

" Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

" I'm certain."

Vincent then took her hand, and with his cape, he wiped away the blood she had on it. As he did that, Tifa stared at him-him acting so gentle seemed so new to her.

Is this the real Vincent? He seems so much different when he's like this. But why me? Why would he decide to act this way towards me out of all the others? Tifa mentally smacked her face for having thought, just for a moment, that he had small feelings for her. Oh gosh! Am I turning crazy or what? I'm just hurt, that's pretty much all. Nothing to it. I mean, I'd act the same way if he were hurt. It's not like he's going to have tiny feelings for me or something. That would never be. That's be too awkward, and too-

" So, taking care of your lady now, 'eh?" The woman walked towards Vincent, and kept on walking around him and Tifa in a repetitive circle. Vincent became vigilant after he turned around and looked at her, holding a revolver.

She loaded the gun, and pointed it towards Vincent. " You know, you two are really getting on my nerves. The girl was better off outside than here. I guess she must've surpassed my two criminals."

" Put that down, Desdemona." Vincent said, trying to protect Tifa, who was getting more ill as each minute passed.

" Oh my, you actually know my name. I guess you and your colleagues at your little agency researched about me, didn't you? So you know who'd you be up against, and you'd know what we'd want, so we'd trade the damn file with you?" She still pointed the gun at Vincent.

" You're right."

" You're just agreeing so you could prevent me from shooting your lady friend. I wasn't going to shoot her, but I guess I might as well, since it looks like she's dying." Desdemona said with a smirk on her face.

What she said made Vincent look back at Tifa, and this gave a huge opportunity for Desdemona to shoot. And so she did.

All Tifa heard were three shots, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Vincent standing there, and Desdemona walking away. Tifa stood up and ran in front of Vincent-finding out that he had been shot. Vincent's blood rushed down from the three bullet holes, which two punctured his stomach and one on his neck.

" Well, I guess my work is done. My oh my Vinnie, I never thought you'd fall for a child's trick like that," said Desdemona, and she walked out of the room with a small briefcase.

Tifa positioned her hand on the wounds to stop the blood from flowing, but it just came on flowing out. She took her hands away, noticing that they were bloody than before, and wiped them on her shorts. " Vincent, just stand up. You're loosing a lot of blood, so it's best it you not sit down for more blood will come out."

" What're you going to do?" He said with a weak voice.

Never had Tifa seen him like this. First it was the whole sharing the hotel room because I had no gil. Then it was taking care of me and being gentle. Now it's him getting weak. I have never seen him weak! Never! He was always the strongest one on our team, next to Cloud. He never showed pain… But now, it's so different.

Tifa had thought of not wasting more time shuffling through her thoughts. In her most determined voice, she said, " Vincent, I'm going to follow Desdemona. I'm going to try getting that file."

" But you're weak. And she still has those two criminals. Who knows, she may even have more. It's too dangerous, so just forget about even getting the file. We need to go back, you're hurt."

He didn't even recognize the condition he was in! He should be worrying more about himself than me! Tifa thought in shock.

" Vincent, you came all the way to this wreckage and you didn't get what you came here for. So just stand there, suppress the pain and I'm going to get that file."

And before he could say anything to stop her, she went off.

Going down the stairs wasn't so hard for Tifa, but opening the doors and moving items out of the way hurt her arm. She finally got to the bottom stairs, and there, out of the lobby was Desdemona.

" Hey, Desdemona! You forgot something!"

Desdemona looked around, and all she saw was Tifa's gloved fist meeting with her face. The 'fist-face' meeting was like getting hit with a baseball bat. The side of her face throbbed with pain, and this immediately made her drop the brief case.

Tifa ran towards it, but suddenly heard the clicking of a gun, so she paused.

" Babe, get away from the case." Tifa recognized it was Keir's voice.

" I ain't your babe, you jerk."

Keir rapidly walked in front of Tifa and whacked her head with the rifle he had. Tifa fell on the floor, for she was weak, hungry and her body ached.

" You bastard!" Tifa cried out with the agony rushing to her head. She touched the location where the rifle had hit, and felt that it was bleeding.

Keir brutally kicked her in the stomach, causing her to cough out more blood. Then he stepped back and said, "Dare to call me that again?"

Tifa tried to pull herself up, though what she really felt like doing was lying there. But she got up anyways, just as Keir and Desdemona were about to step out of the lobby and run away. She managed to find broke glass on the floor and picked up the largest shard. Then she ran to Keir, who was happily talking to Desdemona, and stabbed him.

Tifa pressed the glass into his shoulder. She could feel his blood dripping on her boot, and she felt proud for having stabbed him. She pressed the glass in some more, trying to let it go in so deep, that it could make him feel the pain she had felt.

And then Keir fell flat on the floor. The blood still flooded out of him, making a vast crimson puddle.

Desdemona stared in horror. She attempted to run away with the revolver still in her hand, but Tifa had tripped her, causing her to drop the weapon. Tifa reached it with bloody hands and held it gunpoint at Desdemona.

Desdemona shrieked with terror, but Tifa didn't shoot.

A few moments, Desdemona calmed down. Tifa saw her smiling at something behind her. When she looked back, she saw Ryu with a katana.

She hastily evaded his attack.

He tried to stab Tifa but she was too quick, and it seemed that the katana was way too heavy for him to wield, but he still attempted to pierce through her.

Alas, he had pushed Tifa onto a wall. The blade was at her neck, but she still held the revolver. Keir began to push the blade into her neck a bit.

" So you like to play rough 'eh? Well, then we'll play rough." He was about to slit her throat when she shot him. She shot him five times, and then there were no more bullets.

Ryu let go of the katana and kneeled on the floor. Then his whole body just collapsed on the floor, with his face on the gravel.

Tifa had never used a gun before. Using one made her inner rage take over her, and she could not control it. She looked at Keir's deceased body, and Ryu's lifeless body. Their area was covered with blood. Tifa could not believe she had done this. Of course she has killed and wounded, but those were mostly fiends.

She stared at Desdemona. " Now give me the damn file he needs, or else you might be like one of them."

Hurriedly, Desdemona threw her the brief case. Tifa caught it and walked away. Behind her, she could hear the rustling of Desdemona's steps as she scurried away.

Tifa returned back to Vincent. She felt ready vomit any time soon. But she told herself not to. She still had to pay attention to the injured Vincent.

She walked towards him and crouched down. When he lifted his head up, Tifa smiled.

" I've got the file. Now it's time to go back."

" Thanks Tifa." Vincent said in a barely audible voice.

" It was nothing. Now let's just go back to the hotel."

Tifa slowly helped him up. Then they went back to the hotel, and when they got to their room, Vincent and Tifa fell fast asleep from the long night.

So there you go, chapter five. I finally ended this first mission of Vincent's. I never knew it'd take three chapters. Anyways, please R & R!