Title: ANTS
Summery: A string of sadistic murders lead Special Agent Seeley Booth and his partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan all over the Southeast. Can our favorite crime fighting duo figure out who's behind the murders? And can they survive the ANTS?
Rating: T+ with a few M chapters
Disclaimer: I don't own BONES or anything related to BONES. I do own all characters that you do not recognize. The plot of this fanfiction is
© 2006 by WolfMyjic
Warning: This Prologue contains scenes that might make you itch. It's very different from my other fics in the fact that I'm describing a murder. I will warn when I have murder scenes or any other scenes that I feel may be adult theme.
Viewer (er, reader) discretion advised.
Somewhere north of Greenville, South Carolina…
The evening sky was painted shades of purples and pinks. The birds' sung and crickets played their nightly tunes. No wind ruffled through the trees making the stifling heat that much more intolerable. And even though the man in the red baseball cap had told her he wouldn't kill her, Dahlia Lundy knew she was about to die. She stumbled as the man pushed her on the back. With her hands tied behind her, Dahlia had to struggle to keep her balance. "Walk faster," he said, pressing the gun between her shoulder blades. A sob escaped her throat but was absorbed by the gag in her mouth. Dahlia thought about all the things that she would never do in her life. She would never see her mom again or her best friend, Melissa. She would never finish college or go to Africa like she was saving to do. Dahlia also knew that she would never fall in love…never have children…never watch the sun raise over the ocean. She looked around while she walked. Her blue eyes wide with fear, looking for anyplace to hide. Somebody to try and call out to, but there was nothing. Just trees, underbrush, animals going about their business. Tears rolled down the young girls face, making the world appear washed out. "Stop," the man growled from behind her. Dahlia did what she was told. Her body trembled and her heart slammed against her chest. She looked up at the sky and preyed that God would spare her. That she would die now, before the monster with her could do whatever it was he was going to do. She pulled against her restraints, but they held fast. "Sit down." Dahlia did as she was told.
The man in the baseball cap wore a roll of duct tape on his left wrist like a bracelet. He pulled it off as he walked around her. Kneeling in front of the woman, he placed the gun on the ground. "Make a move and you're dead," he said. The man grabbed her ankles, and wrapped the tape around them. Pulling a knife from his pocket he cut the tape and then moved to her knees, where he wrapped it around again. He did this once more at mid-thigh. "That should do it," the man said. With a smile that made Dahlia stomach turn, he reached up and pulled down the gag. "Anything you want to say?" he asked sweetly. Dahlia spit in the man's face.
"You bastard," she yelled. "You piece of trash! I hope you rot in Hell!" The man wiped a hand over his face.
"I am in Hell, sweetheart," he told her, and then returned the gag to its original place. "We are all in Hell." He took a small bottle of honey and opened it. "You do know it's not you, don't you?" he asked as he drizzled the honey over Dahlia. She squirmed on the ground, but couldn't stop the gooey liquid from covering her clothes – shorts and a tank top, and her body. The man smiled, his perfect teeth making him look more like a model then a murder. "You'll thank me one day," he said. He put the now empty bottle back in his pocket and then reached down and picked Dahlia up. She let her body go limp in an effort to make it harder for him to pick her up, but it didn't work. The man carried her like he would his bride over the threshold. "I really am sorry. If there was another way, you know I would do it." Dahlia screamed against her gag. "Now, now, sweet one," he told her, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "No need to be frighten." The man stopped his short walk, and Dahlia looked around. Trying to understand how she was going to die. That's when she saw it. Four feet long, two feet wide and about a foot and a half tall. She instantly knew what it was. The castle of sand like dirt, quietly piled and patrolled by the devil's pets- Fire Ants. Dahlia screamed again against her gag and wiggled her body, but the man held tight. "Please tell her hello for me," he said before tossing her like a rag doll through the air. She landed with a thud on her back. The small beasts were immediately on defense. Dahlia struggled to get her bearing, to turn herself over- to crawl away, but the pain had started. They bit her on her legs, her arms. Down her shirt…her face. She swung her head from side to side trying to shake them out of her nose, her ears. Away from her eyes.
The man watched as Dahlia tried to fight. He watched as the ants took his revenge. With one final sigh, he turned away and began to walk. Even if the girl gets out of the mound, he thought. No way will she survive that many bites. A sadistic smile curled the man's lips, and he began to hum It's a Small World as he left Dahlia to her death.
One question...are you itching? More to come...so keep a look out.