Well, I've finally released a piece of writing. Complete, to boot! After all of my years at this site, this is my third piece of writing I've posted here, the other two being deleted for several reasons. Well, anyways, just enjoy the show and all that. Oh, and Naruto will do the disclaimer.

Naruto: Sheesh, even if this guy still owned me, he'd STILL be poor. So, in other words, he doesn't own me and the show/manga.

Ouch, that hurt. Oh, and a warning. You could say that Naruto is OOC is this one-shot, but please, try to ignore that.

Naruto: And whose fault is that?

Well, it's not mine, that's for sure. It should be YOURS! I mean, I'm not the one who plays Naruto, after all.

Naruto: ... Just get on with it.

Oh, alright... Oh, and this piece of writing, HASN'T been beta'd.

Naruto took a good look at the river below him, as he rested on a rather large branch that overlooked the flowing water underneath. His body remained relaxed, as it had been for the past hour or so. This place was the only spot that could make him relax this much; off-guard and slack. He opened an eye to survey his surroundings, as the rhythmic sound of the river filled the area. Naruto took a quick glance at the Sun above. An aloof smile on his face, he stretched, and was just about to return to the village to attend a meeting with the Hokage, had it not been for the faint sound of sniffling.

Naruto's ears seemed to perk up at the sound. Curious, the blond ninja jumped downed from the branch and began looking for the source of the sound. 'It doesn't sound like it's very far...' he thought to himself. Slowly, Naruto weaved through the trees.

Upon reaching a clearing that was not very far from his spot at the river, he found the source of the sound.

It was a little girl, looking to be 5 years younger than him. She was curled up against a tree, sniffling, with her head resting in her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs. It seemed that she was unaware of Naruto's presence at the moment.

Slowly, Naruto walked up the girl, stopping right in front of her. Crouching down, Naruto tapped her on the shoulder.

Startled, the girl jumped up. Her hand instictively moved to where a kunai pouch would be, Naruto noticed, but there was no kunai pouch. 'A ninja? Well, she isn't being a very good one. Is she a new genin? Or is she an academy student?.' He wondered. The girl, aware of her predicament, moved into the Jyuuken (Gentle Fist) stance. It was at this moment that Naruto noticed the girl's white eyes. This girl was a Hyuuga. 'A member of the main house, eh?' He mentally noted, as he noticed the lack of the Branch house's signature cursed seal.

"W-who are you?" She asked, trying to steel her voice, but failing quite miserably.

Smiling, he silently pointed to his Konoha hitai-ate (Forehead Protector).

The girl visibly relaxed and lowered her guard.

Before the girl could even utter a word, Naruto asked, "Why were you crying?" This question caught the Hyuuga off-guard. Regaining her composure, she glared at him. "What right do you have, butting into my business?"

Naruto simply smiled, "Why were you crying?" He asked again, ignoring the girl's question. The girl scowled.

"You have no right to ask me that. Leave me alone." She continued to glare a hole into the blue-eyed ninja's head.

"Why were you crying?" Naruto repeated, again ignoring the Hyuuga's reply.

"Leave me alone!" She all but shouted, quite annoyed at the blond ninja.

"Come on, tell me why were you crying." The smile continued to remain pasted on the blond's face.

"Who are you, anyways?!" Naruto's face turned into an amused look.

"Why, thank you for asking! I'm Uzumaki Naruto. Konoha's future Hokage, at your service!" Naruto grinned.

"Uzuma--Hey, weren't you the one who defeated Neji in the Chuunin exams, three years ago?" She asked, curious.

Naruto's grin grew wider, if that were possible, "Yeah!" The girl shook her head, as if to ward off the enthusiasm that practically dripped from his voice.

"Why are you here?" She asked. "Well I wa--Hey! You're trying to change the subject! Why were you crying?" He asked again, as he realized the cunning Hyuuga's intentions.

The Hyuuga scowled once again, "Why you... you're not going to leave me alone, are you?" It was more of a statement, than a question. "Nope!" Replied the exuberant blond.

Sighing, the Hyuuga girl sat down by the tree once again, "Why do you want to know so much?" She asked.

Naruto's grin slowly turned into a more caring, comforting smile, "Because I hate seeing people sad." Slowly, Naruto stood up and stretched. "So, are you going to tell me now?"

Sighing, the white-eyed girl nodded, "Fine." Naruto grinned triumphantly, and sat down beside the young Hyuuga. "'Kay, tell me then."

"Well, you see... my father... he isn't the nicest person to be around." Naruto nodded, knowing all to well what cruelty felt like. "He won't tolerate failure, he doesn't care if we're hurt, or even we can't stand up anymore! He'll just tell you to get up again." The 15-year-old looked up, through the branches and leaves and into the sky, deep in thought. "And well, my older sister, she isn't the strongest person around. She's weak, shy and overall, just... well, pitiful."

"That isn't very nice to say, you know." Interrupted Naruto. The female Hyuuga glared fiercely at him, "It's true!" Naruto furrowed his brows, "People can grow stronger, you know. People change. As long as they have the resolve, they can do anything." The Hyuuga stared at the blond, with something akin to surprise and confusion.

"What I'm trying to say is, in a nutshell, don't judge a book by it's cover. It's the inside that counts, not the outside." Philosophically answered the blond. This behavior was highly unusual for him.

Blinking, the Hyuuga's expression turned into a scowl moments later, "Do you want me to tell you or not?" There was a nod from Naruto. "Then don't interrupt me, idiot!"

Giving an aggravated sigh, she continued. "Well, anyways, what I'm trying to say is, my father doesn't treat my sister very well... nor me, either..." She whispered the last part, leaving it barely audible. But Naruto managed to catch it.

"And you don't like it." Finished Naruto. She nodded, "Yes... I... I hate my father." Silence filled the air as both of them pondered thoughts unknown to the other.

"Have you ever..." Started Naruto, but he stopped, considering the girl's feelings. She raised an eyebrow. "Have I ever... what?" She asked, somewhat intrigued.

Sighing, Naruto continued, "Have you ever considered what your father might really think? That he might really care for you?" He asked, but it was a rhetorical question, the Hyuuga knew. "I... I wouldn't really know. I've never had a father. I'm an orphan." The blond paused for a moment, "But if I know one thing, it's that some people... some people have a hard way of showing how they feel. Showing that they care." He closed his eyes in thought, before opening them again and continuing.

"So maybe... you shouldn't think so badly of your father." He finished, he himself feeling touchy about it. He could personally relate to this. The memories of his best friend flashed in his mind.

Silence ensued, as the female beside him closed her eyes and buried her head between her legs. The sound of crying filled the air, as the elegant Hyuuga broke down sobbing.

And as someone who couldn't stand neither the sight nor sound of crying, Naruto slowly slid his arms around the sobbing girl, comforting her, whispering soothing words.

Moments passed by in what seemed to be an eternity, and the sound of crying slowly ended. Naruto slowly stood up, taking a glance at the Sun, as he'd done before. "It's getting late. You'd better get home." He turned to the girl.

Again, silence passed, "Why... How... can you be so... so... nice? So... optimistic?" She asked. A bright-eyed Naruto turned to her, "Simple! I just like looking at the bright side of things." He gave her a bright smile.

"The... bright side of things... bright side..." she whispered to herself, "Yeah! You know, like how 'the cup is half-full' or 'the silver lining', that kind of stuff!"

"I see..." She muttered as she slowly stood up, "I guess I should be heading home, then." Before she could even take a single step, Naruto stopped her. "Hey, I didn't get your name yet! You can't leave until you tell me your name!" The Hyuuga rolled her eyes, "Hyuuga Hanabi. My name is Hyuuga Hanabi." She started to walk off once again, only to be stopped by Naruto once again. "Hey! You didn't thank me yet!"

Hanabi raised an eyebrow, "A Hyuuga is above thanking common shinobi." She answered. However, before Naruto could yell and rant on about "rude Hyuugas", a pair of arms slid around his waist.

"But I guess I could make an exception." She whispered, resting her head against his chest, still hugging a flustered and blushing Naruto. However, he slowly hugged Hanabi back as he let himself relax in the gentle hug. They remained in that position for only several seconds, before the Hyuuga broke off the hug and ran off. "H-Hey! W-w-wait!" However, his words fell on deaf ears, as Hanabi slowly disappeared between the trees.

"Man..." He remembered the hug and blushed a light hue of red. Shaking it off, he jumped onto the trees and headed for the village of Konoha. He was late for a meeting, after all. 'Man, Tsunade-baa-chan is going to kill me...' He thought, as he jumped from branch to branch.

'Well, look on the bright side, Naruto. You made a new friend.'

Hate it? Love it? Don't care at all? Just review please!

Naruto: Heh, not like they'd review this piece of cr--HEY! What are you doing with that?

-Is holding a giant sword- Say another word, and you become a Naruto-kabob.

Naruto: Aheheheh... Do as this guy says! Read and review!

Hanabi: Or I'll kill you all.

Eh? Hanabi? When did you get here? Oh well, it doesn't matter. I just have one more thing to say. GO READ lackofname's OCARINA OF KONOHA! It's awesome and you should read it. Go and read it now. Now, I say! It is the epitome of awesome, and will make you laugh. A lot. Well, I know I did.

Hanabi: -sigh- Sometimes, I wonder why I'm with these idiots...