Authors Note: Thanks to InuKaiba for pushing along the idea for this. You are so good for my writer block.

Written for the 5sentence(underscore)fics community on Live Journal.



"I cannot believe we're stuck out here," Toby complained, trekking slowly along behind Linden and Max, "I have sand everywhere and I'm tired and sore and we didn't capture the guy anyway and—Linden how far until we reach the oasis?"

Linden consulted the map. "We're almost there, Toby, just a little longer."

"A 'little longer' that would probably go faster for the two of us if you'd stop whinging, and stop slowing down," Max muttered, as she grabbed them both and dragged them over the next sand dune.

Linden and Toby smiled at each other as they stumbled behind her, "Sorry, Max."

