Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! Gaara might…

Gaara: "WHAT!"

Naruto: "You know you want me!"

Gaara: "…"

Ryujisensei31: "Ooooooooookay moving on…"

Warning: Yaoi and language

"A Tale Of Two Demons"

Chapter 1: The Dream

Naruto's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. I wondered why I had been waking up like this. Actually it has been happening a lot recently.


I saw him walking towards me. He was dressed as normal including his gourd. As he got closer and closer he started running. As he reached me he lifted me into a warm embrace. 'I love when he does this.' He slowly pulled me into a kiss and we stood there in public kissing. I didn't care. Gaara then was hugging me and nibbling on my ear and he said, "I love you Naruto." I whispered back, "I love you too."


'Why do I keep having this dream?' I thought to myself.

'Because you like him.'

'Kyu...Kyu...Kyuubi! What are you doing here?'

'I live inside you, DUH!'

'Oh yeah…sorry.'

'It's just that I thought…well you know…'

'That you could get some privacy?'

'well…yeah…I mean this is kinda personal'

'I know kit but im just here to try and help'

'I know…'

'Wanna talk in the morning?'

'yeah…night kyuubi'

'Night kit'

The next morning I woke up to find I had a wet dream. (I would've noticed earlier that night, but I was freaking out!) I quickly got out of bed and through my sheets and clothes into the wash and showered. I pulled on a pair of orange boxers with foxes on them, my normal orange jumpsuit, and my sandals as I sat down to eat breakfast. I pulled out a cup of chicken flavored instant ramen and put water in and put it in the microwave. I HATE waiting the 3 minutes while it's cooking! I sat their impatiently and glanced at a photo on my fridge. It was me and Gaara.

'Wow he looks sooo hot...Wait no bad thoughts!'

'Kit what's so bad about it?'

'Well you know…I thought I liked girls.'

'Well it doesn't matter as long as you're happy'

'Thanks Kyuubi'

'No prob kit'

I ate my ramen in peace.

Gaara's POV

I awoke late in the night again. (Yes Shukaku actually lets me sleep with out taking over) Something about that blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy kept bothering me.


I was sitting alone in the park. It was almost dark. 'It doesn't matter how late I am. Temari doesn't care. I started crying. After a few minutes I felt a tight embrace around me. I looked back. It was Naruto. He asked me, "Gaara why are you crying?" All I could think of is that I missed him. I told him exactly that. He sighed and said, "Gaara I missed you too." I stared deeply into his blue eyes and we started to kiss. Since we were alone I started to go lower…


'Why do I keep dreaming of him like that?'

'I think you know why.'

'Go away Shukaku!'

'Slight problem.'


'im sealed inside you!'


'Sometimes you're just as stupid as that Uzumaki boy.'

'Don't ever say that again!'

'Getting a little protective are we?'

'Shut the hell up Shukaku!'

'you sure you don't wanna talk about it?'


The next morning I awoke to find I had a wet dream. I removed my sheets and pajamas and through them in the wash. Temari would have but she was getting sick of it and was currently at work. After a shower I pulled on my black pants and a black shirt and sat at my desk. I pulled out one of my scrolls and started to write Naruto a letter:

Dear Naruto,

Sorry it left at a cliff hanger. This was my first story so I hope you liked how it started! I also am I sorry about the dreams. Not my best. I hope to continue my story but would like your input! Please review!

Gaara: "Or else!"

R.S.: "Calm down. I'm sure the nice people will"

Gaara: "but I wanted to ki-…"

R.S.: -death glare-"you what?"

Gaara: "Nothing…'

Naruto:-laughing his head off-"I didn't think Gaara could be afraid of someone!"

Gaara: "I'm not scared…"

Me and Naruto: "Yeah right!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto…Gaara does!

Gaara: "Why must YOU insist that I 'own' him?"

Me: "oh you'll see!"-Laughing evilly-

Gaara and Naruto: "eep"

Me: "im just kidding!"

Gaara and Naruto: "ok…"

Me: "Or am I…?"

Gaara and Naruto:-death glares-

Me: "…"

Gaara: "HA! Your scared of me!"

Me: Hmmm…I wonder if Naruto will have dreams of Itachi and dump Gaara…"

Gaara: "I'll be good now"

Naruto: "told ya you liked me"


Chapter 2: The note and the Uchiha

Naruto's POV

After finishing my ramen I headed out