Disclaimer : Once more, I do NOT own the main characters mentioned in this story. If I would I would've been rich and famous. Plus my name isn't Naoko Takeuchi so I guess that blows away all my hopes...

Well here's another story about my most favorite pairing, Haruka and Michiru. As most of you know i've just finished my previous story moonlight so just like always I start on a new story. I do plan to finish my other stories but at the moment I don't have any inspiration for those so i'll wait til something pops up, til then I hope you'll like my new story...Please let me know what you think of it so far because as most authors out there know, reviews and flames can be very helpful for an author to improve their work or to continue writing, thanks in advance...

Look what you've done

Chapter one

Break up


''You look pretty tonight Michi..'' A blonde said. Her voice sounded different from usual. Michiru simply couldn't place it. Maybe she was just hearing things, after all Haruka didn't look different, only if you looked closely you could see she was nervous about something.

''Thanks Ruka.'' Michiru replied with an honest smile on her face. She wasn't a big fan of getting compliments but when they came from Haruka she couldn't help it but feel happy and cheerful. But when the aqua haired girl noticed the sudden silence of her friend her smile faded.''Haruka you're acting strange tonight, is something the matter? Are you nervous about your big race tomorrow? You know you shouldn't...you've been training for over six months. You're going to...''

''It's not that.'' Haruka had interrupted the other while standing up from the couch. They had been sitting in Michiru's house waiting for the cab to arrive. Haruka's car broke down a few days ago and was still getting repaired. ''Michiru, there's something I have to tell you, something that may change everything between us...''

''Haruka..?'' The smaller girl whispered nervously. Something in the eyes of the blonde told her this couldn't be good. What was it that Haruka wanted to say? Did the blonde want to stop being friends? But what the smaller girl noticed right away was that the tomboy wasn't calling her 'Michi' but instead just used her full name which was very unusual.

''I...love you.'' Haruka finally managed to say as she bend down to place a kiss on Michiru's lips. For a moment the aqua haired girl had been paralyzed, unable to do anything. And before she had even realised it she was returning the kiss, for a moment she got lost in the moment but when she realised what she was doing she pulled away in shock, staring at the blonde with a cold look in her eyes.

''I don't love you...I'm sorry Haruka...You know i'm already dating with Sakura and i'm sorry to say this but I love her.'' Michiru lied. She couldn't admit to Haruka but not to herself either she had liked the kiss and that her own words were breaking her heart.

''I know, but I had to try.'' The blonde replied. She looked hurt.

''Maybe you should just leave...'' Michiru said, sounding angry all of a sudden. ''I don't feel like going to the movies anymore, I don't feel well..''

She could hear Haruka take a deep breath.''There's no need to lie Michi, I know you're mad. I knew that risk I was taking by kissing you but I simply couldn't keep my feelings a secret for you anymore.''

''Please go.'' The other begged as Haruka started to walk towards the door. But before she opened it to leave the smaller girl alone she turned around again.

''Just know Michiru, I'll always be waiting for you even if you'll stop being my friend...''

''GO!'' The aqua haired girl now screamed as the first tear fell down her face. Haruka took another deep breath before turning around again and to leave her friend behind, alone with her tears.

(End flashback)

Michiru smiled sadly at the memory. She had been so foolish. Now three years later, here she sat on the bed she shared with her lover. Sakura and her had gotten married during the time since she had last seen Haruka. That night hadn't just changed their friendship, it had ended it aswell. Michiru didn't like to admit it but she missed the blonde. She had often wondered if Haruka had told her the truth. Would Haruka really be waiting for her, even after all these years?''

She simply shook her head. She didn't even know where Haruka now was, for all she knew the blonde had already found another girl and was going to get married soon with someone who would never break her heart. Another tear fell down the aqua haired girl's face but her tears weren't for Haruka, they were for her relationship which had just hit the rocks. She sighed before putting the last item in her suitcase. It was time to leave, she wouldn't, no couldn't take this betrayal anymore. She closed her suitcase and stood up from the bed, giving the room one last look before walking out of the bedroom, never to return again.

But as she had feared, the moment she came downstairs she was greeted by her brown haired wife.''Michi love I was just thinking ab...'' She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the large suitcase in her lover's hands.''What's going on?''

''I could ask you the same question.'' Michiru replied with a cold tone in her voice.''I'm leaving Sakura, I won't do this anymore. be honest with me...Where were you last night and don't give me that shit about that you were working, I won't buy it.''

Sakura shook her head. She had no idea what was going on here but she didn't like it.''But I was working Michi, you know my boss makes me work late because he knows i'm the only one in the whole office who would actually do his damn chores...''

''Oh shut up.'' The smaller girl hissed while rolling her eyes.''If that's true then explain to me that when I called your office to ask when you would be done working your boss told me you quit two weeks ago...'' Sakura seemed to be at loss of words by now. And even though the brunette didn't know it, her eyes were betraying her. She looked as if she was on the verge of breaking down like a small child who realised they had done something wrong and just had gotten caught.

''Michi...please...don't go.'' Was all the brunette could say.

''What's her name?'' Michiru asked, ignoring the other's plead.

Sakura shook her head.''It doesn't matter, you are what matters to me, please Michi...I love you so much. I can't live without you.''

''It doesn't matter or did you simply forget her name?'' Once again Michiru ignored her wife's words.

''Fine, her name is Alice...But I swear...''

''Yeah yeah, save me your excused Sakura, I trusted you and you betrayed me with..Alice? Who the hell is Alice?'' Michiru now yelled. She felt like crying but at the moment she was too angry to shed a tear, she wasn't going to show the brunette how weak she was at this point or how hurt and sad she felt, no she wanted some answers and she wanted them now.''Where did you meet her ah? Is she better in bed than me, when were you planning on telling me about her? Were you even going to tell me in the first place!''

''Michi, love you are overreacting, let's just sit down and talk about th...''

''Don't call me Michi and i'm not your love anymore! And give me a damn answer when I ask you a question!'' Michiru shot back causing the other to flinch. She had never seen Michiru this angry. It was a scary thing to see that the mostly calm and reserved Michiru Kaioh finally found her breaking point and lost her temper.

''I didn't want to tell you...I knew this would happen..'' Sakura finally said, she knew she couldn't win this one.

''You said you didn't want to lose me, then why did you do it if you knew I would react this way?'' Michiru asked, calming down a bit much to the brunette's relieve.


''Haruka you are overreacting!'' Michiru said with a smile on her face.''Sakura really loves me and I know it's too early to say this but ..I love her too!'' Michiru was too happy and too blind to notice the broken and hurt look on the blonde's face. She had just told Haruka she was dating. The blonde had been shocked to hear that Michiru was actually dating another female. She had always assumed Michiru was straight.

''She's going to hurt you eventually.'' The tomboy muttered causing the other's smile to fade.

''Haruka you don't even know her! You've only met her once, how would you know she's going to hurt me? You're not mad at me are you, I mean I know it must've been a shock to find out i'm a lesbian but...you're not bothered with it are you?''

''Don't be silly, ofcourse i'm not bothered with it. Do I look like the guy-dating type myself? Anyway I don't need more than a few minutes to know what a person is really like. And you might not see it right now but she's going to break your heart Michi..''

''Aww Ruka, you almost sound jealous now.'' Michiru joked, not knowing how right she actually was.

(End flashback)

''Haruka had been right all the time...'' Michiru suddenly said causing the brunette to stop apologizing to look up at her wife.

''Haruka ? You mean Haruka Tenoh? Why are you starting about her now all of a sudden, you haven't seen the bitch in years...'' Sakura hissed.''Michiru, please listen to me...look at me!''

Michiru had stopped staring at the other the moment Sakura started calling Haruka a bitch.''She isn't a bitch, she was my best friend, I throw my friendship with her away because of you and she was right too, you did hurt me eventually...''

''You haven't forgotten about her I see, I knew I could never compare to her...She's the one you loved all the time, why did you stay with me?'' Sakura asked, suprising the aqua haired beauty with her words.

''I don't love her.'' Michiru denied, after all she wasn't so sure about it herself. She knew she held special feelings for the blonde even after all these years but she didn't know wheter it was love or something else.''I loved you, it's always been you Sakura. But that's history now, all I feel for you now is hate and anger. Goodbye!'' And before the brunette could say anything else Michiru had brushed past her, opened the front door and had walked out of the house with the intentions never to return and to never see Sakura again. Finally the first tears began to fall. She had been so foolish.


''Oh i've been so foolish Minako!'' Michiru cried into her friends shoulder. After walking through the streets without any destination Michiru had gone to her best friend's house. Minako Aino. They had been friends ever since junior high and unlike her friendship with Haruka they had stayed friends ever since.

''Shh it's okay Michi, she's foolish and blinde, she didn't realise what she was going to lose with her actions. Just think of it in this way, you now know she wasn't worthy of your love, you deserve so much better than her.'' Minako whispered as she softly stroke her friends back.''Come on don't cry over her, she's not worth your tears.'' The blonde spoke while pushing Michiru away a bit to wipe away the smaller girl's tears which kept being replaced by new and fresh tears.''Please stop crying.'' Minako pleaded. She couldn't stand to see her friend in so much pain.

''Haruka had been right Minako! I have wondered for three years now if I did the right thing by chosing Sakura and now I finally realised on the hard way that I picked the wrong girl.'' Michiru cried.''And I still believe Sakura is worth all these tears, I loved her so much and I still love her...I can't believe she was actually cheating on me all the time. Minako it's not fair!''

''Shh, it's not fai...Haruka?'' Minako asked while pushing Michiru away from her shoulder again. Michiru just gave her a questioning look which looked more like a helpless plead because of the tears than a questioning gaze.''You mean Haruka as in Haruk Tenoh, the most famous and best female racer of this year?''

''What are you talking about?'' Michiru asked. She didn't understand any of the things Minako was rambling. Did Minako know Haruka and what was this thing about most famous and best racer?

Answer the question Michi, do you know Haruka Tenoh?'' Minako said igoring the other's question completely.

''Yeah, we used to be friends..haven't you listened to anything I said to you just now?'' The aqua haired girl asked while wiping away her own tears. She no longer wanted to be here. Minako was playing with her emotions.

''Hey don't get so cold, You know maybe you still got a chance to make up with Haruka Tenoh but I doubt it if you will be able to get near her.'' The blonde said while sticking her finger in the air and turned around a few times causing Michiru to sweatdrop.

''Minako, what are you doing?''

''I'm using the sailor moom pose from the video game.'' Minako replied.

''O-kay...I won't even ask. Now tell me what you mean with me being able to make up with Haruka...'' It was more a command than a question. Michiru was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Was this really true? Would she really be able to see and speak to Haruka again after all this time?

''Uhu uhu...'' Minako started.''You see Haruka Tenoh is a famous racer, she's known all over the world. Do you ever watch television in the first place Kaioh?'' Michiru just ignored her friends comment as she gestured her to go on.''Well anyway..'' Minako said with a proud smile on her face. She was obviously happy that she finally knew something Michiru didn't know.''Well she's coming to Tokyo next week for that big car race thingy everyone is talking about. Maybe you can get close enough for her to recognise you and then you can talk.''

''If she still wants to talk to me and if she recognises me.'' Michiru said while taking a deep breath. She was happy to hear that Haruka had chased after her dreams and finally had become one of the world's biggest and most famous races. But she was sad that she hadn't been there to see all of Haruka's victories.

''Don't be so negative about this big chance! I mean how many girls walk here on earth with aqua colored hair ah?''

''Why are you so cheerful about this all?'' Michiru wondered out loud. Minako was acting a bit out of characters, most of the time the blonde wasn't the type to come up with such plans and be actually happy about them too.

''Well...''Minako started while blushing.''I was...uhm...wondering if...well...maybe you could ask..you know if you wouldn't mind...ask...for her ..you know...signature.''

'' Do it yourself, you're coming with me.'' Michiru said while smacking her friend playfully. She couldn't believe she would finally see the blonde back. What would she say to Haruka? How would she react, would Haruka still remember the promise she made? But most important, Could Haruka ever forgive her for how she had acted three years ago when the blonde confessed her feelings for Michiru?

To be continued..

That was the first chapter...As always let me know what you all think..