" Carnage, destruction, blood, chaos that what I loved the most. I Kyuubi no Kitsune am legendary amongst all the Bijuu Oni. Anyone that hears my name will quake with fear at it. After all who amongst the other Bijuu could cause mountains to crumble and tidal waves to be formed with a wave of their tails. Human those creatures were why we Bijuu came into existence, the killing of our kind for pelts and amusement caused thousand of animal spirits to wander angry with the humans that killed them without respect. Each of us Bijuu had a common kinsman that we take into us if they die from unjust circumstances. While each has one type of animal I have many, not just kitsunes but also the others that don't have a Bijuu to give their spirit to. Mostly I have many of the forests creatures like my kind. This is the reason why I'm so strong and have such great hatred to the humans. Still even with all the angered spirits within me the humans still amused me in my own unique way. Their wars for example were very entertaining, especially how the leaders dealt with their adversaries. As time passed and I watched the humans evolved in their use of weapons and eventually stopped wandering and created villages. It was then that I also stopped my wandering the land too and settled into a lush forest of an area of humans now called Konoha. After the Great War ended more detestable humans came and caused me a great pain. I grew enraged at this and sought out the village that dare to do this. For once I finally listened to all the angry spirits that lived inside me and allowed them to take over. I grew in size and headed straight for Konoha. I battled and killed many of the pathetic human ninjas of that village, but was eventually subdued by their Hokage as they called him and sealed into a baby Gaki to remain here forever. As he grew I was amazed at how much the villagers hatred would seep into the seal and let me feel the killing intent they gave this Gaki. Baka human thinking he was I in human form, but even with all the hatred these human gave him I never felt anything but happiness come from the Gaki. I couldn't understand how he was so forgiving to others who'd kill him in an instant if given the chance. But over the years of imprisonment I grew restless and started numerous attempts of freeing myself from this accursed seal the Gaki would fight me to stay in control, though it's slowly started slipping away from him. He persistence of resisting me infuriated me only further and I just try harder the next time to free myself when the opportunity present itself. I have tempted him, but now he resists me. It was of recent that I tried again, with an unexpected visitor coming the Uchiha. After that I went back into my cage and the Gaki called on me little. Again I waited and tried again, but this time I felt the anger grow in him at what I was trying to do. He returned to talk to me only this time it was to make a deal and warn me of a great threat to us both."

" Kyuubi!" Naruto shouted

I snorted behind the iron bars that confined me to the seal.

" Don't you snort at me fur-ball. Come near the gate so I can see you we need to talk." Naruto said sternly

" You dare boss me Kyuubi no Youko around?" I questioned him

" Hai, I dare boss you around fur-ball now come here so we can talk I need to tell you some things." Naruto said

I moved towards the iron bars and saw the Gaki was not alone the Uchiha child was with him too again. One he had found out about me he had left the Hebi and came back to Konoha with the Gaki and friends.

" Why is the Uchiha here?" I asked angrily

" Because I am." Sasuke said unemotionally

" I wanted him to be here Kyuubi, so he could tell the others what I told you and what we decided." Naruto said

" What we decided? We will decide nothing. You have nothing that is worth telling me that I'd have any part in. So leave." I told the two turning my back to them

" Oh no fur-ball I'm not leaving until you hear what I have to tell you. Even if you go and hide in the depths of the seal you will hear me out." Naruto said pointing to the retreating Kyuubi

I snorted at the boy and retreated back into the cage.

" Naruto maybe we should go he isn't going to listen." Sasuke said looking at Naruto

Naruto looked over at Sasuke, " He had nowhere to go Aniki. He will hear me even if he retreats into the far reaches of the cage. I'm his cage after all and he can't ignore me."

Sasuke nodded and looked at the gate.

" Listen up fur-ball Akatsuki is after you." Naruto told the retreating fox

" I don't care what an Akatsuki is you'll beat it with my help." Kyuubi said still walking away

" Less than likely Kyuubi seeing as they have already gotten Shukaku from Gaara." Naruto said

Kyuubi stopped moving and looked back towards the two now small forms surprised at the boys words. He moved back to the doors of the cell and looked at him.

" You lie! No one could capture Ichibi." Kyuubi spoke his eyes narrowing from anger

" Well Akatsuki can and did." Naruto said

" Then why do you bring the Uchiha here?" Kyuubi asked

" Because my former Aniki is one of them and I want to kill him for what he did." Sasuke said

" For the Massacre." Kyuubi spoke

" You know?" Both asked surprised

" I can still sense and fell in here even if I can't see. I smelt the blood that night and felt you sadness after that Uchiha." Kyuubi said

" So will you listen to me now?" Naruto asked

Kyuubi sat down in from of the cage doors and looked at the two, " Speak and I will listen if I find what you say worthwhile."

" Right so this is what's going on fur-ball…" Naruto started

He went and told Kyuubi what Akatsuki was and what they knew they wanted to do with the Bijuu's they were collecting. Kyuubi after hearing most of his brother Bijuu were captured became more interested in the boy's words.

" So you're telling me these Akatsuki remove us Bijuu from our vessels if we're in one and are going to use our power for their own purposes." Kyuubi said

" Right." Naruto said nodded

" Do we know what that purpose is?" Kyuubi asked

" Iie, but we have a feeling it to combined all the Bijuu power so they can take over all the Ninja Nations." Sasuke said

" So what do you propose?" Kyuubi asks

" Help us." Sasuke said

Kyuubi snorts at this, " Help you? I only help myself and I only help the Gaki so I don't die."

" So you won't help?" Naruto asked

" If you come up against this Akatsuki and they try to take me from you I'll help, but I will not do anything else. You've told me yourself when you brought the Uchiha back you don't need my power, so I won't give you any until you absolutely need me." Kyuubi said

" One more thing." Sasuke said Kyuubi looked at the boy, " We need you to stop trying to take control and if the time come and Akatsuki try to take you you'll let Otouto fight and keep himself sane.

" Whatever." Kyuubi said and stalked back into the depths of his cage.

A couple of months later Akatsuki managed to kidnap the Naruto, but Konoha had found out sooner than they expected. The group of Chuunin and Jounin that were Naruto's friends, along with Kakashi and Jiraiya had chased after the group and located the hideout before they could start the ceremony to extract Kyuubi. Sasuke, who now considered Naruto his true little brother, was the one to find and free him. They group then started to fight what was left of the Akatsuki. With Sasuke and Sakura taking on Itachi and Naruto taking on the leader of Akatsuki. Sasuke and Sakura were able to take Itachi down without getting wounded too badly. Naruto had told them to help the others that his fight between him and the leader was personal, seeing as Naruto was still mad over them almost killing Gaara and would have without Chyou-baba's sacrifice. As agreed Kyuubi lent his power to let Naruto stay on equal ground with the leader, without trying to take control. With a full powered Kyuubi Rasengan to the leader Naruto was able to kill him, but in doing so he had to use most of Kyuubi and his own chakra to deal the final deathblow. Though still alive he was barley conscious and he fell to the ground from exhaustion.

" Baka Gaki you used up almost all of our chakra." Kyuubi said annoyed

" Well Kyuubi we did good now we have nothing to worry about." Naruto said out loud

" Oh I wouldn't say that." A voice hissed above Naruto prone form said

With what strength he had left he managed to open his eyes and see Orochimaru's vile form above him.

" Omae." Naruto said before losing consciousness

Sasuke hearing Naruto say something looked in his direction to see Orochimaru picking the unconscious teen up. His eyes widened in shock at this

" OROCHIMARU!" Sasuke shouted his whole body being covered with the Chidori Current as he pulled his katana from its sheath.

The man turned to look at his former apprentice and smirked.

" Since he took you away from me I'll just have to deal with him myself." Orochimaru said

The group came running at him from all sides, but in an instant the two sunk into the ground. Sasuke rammed all the Chidori power into the ground with his katana. The ground erupted in multiple places from the Chidori coming back to the surface. The release looked like a lightning storm coming from underground.

" Chikusyou, CHOKUSYOU!" Sasuke shouted

Sakura came over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, " Sasuke-kun we'll find him."

Sasuke hair covered his face as he just stood up and started walking away, " Sasuke where are you going?" Neji asked

Sasuke turned with his Sharigan now activated, " Even is I have to go to everyone of his hideouts I know about I'm bringing my Otouto back, just as he did for me."

In that instant his Sharigan went from normal to Mangekyou. Everyone gasped in shock and Kakashi just grinned under his mask.

" Maa, Sasuke you can't go alone." Kakashi said lazily

" Come if you like I don't care, but I'm not wasting another minute here. I don't know what Orochimaru has planned, but I know whatever it is we need to find Naruto soon." Sasuke replied concern in his voice

" Hai, hai, we know." Shikamaru stated

" Kuchiyose no Jutsu." Jiraiya said as Gamakichi appeared

" Yo, Ero-sennin what do you need?" Gamakichi asked annoyed

A vein appeared on the back of Jiraiya's head. "I need you to head to Konoha and tell Tsunade that Orochimaru has kidnapped the Gaki. We've killed all of Akatsuki and we're going to head out with Sasuke to find them, go it." Jiraiya said

" Hai, find him soon Ero-sennin. Otousan really likes Naruto, as do the rest of us. Oh and you owe me some major candy for this." Gamakichi said and hopped away

" Can we go now?" Kiba asked getting on top of Akamaru

" Hai, lead the way Sasuke." Jiraiya said looking at where the boy once was, but he was gone, " Where did he go?"

" He left already." Sakura said annoyed they were wasting time

" NANI?" Jiraiya said surprised, " Well come on or we're going to lose him too."

With that the group disappeared into the nearby woods to find Orochimaru and Naruto.

Orochimaru was now in one of his many hideouts in the middle of Kumogakure dealing an utterly defenseless Naruto.

" Orochimaru-sama are you sure about this?" Kabuto said worried about what his master was about to do

The man had Naruto seal exposed and was doing a number of hand seals.

" Hai, after I'm done with him he'll listen to any order I'll give him. The Kyuubi will live once again, but he will finally be under my control." Orochimaru said smiling

Inside Naruto mind he was having a conversation with Kyuubi.

" Kyuubi what are we going to do neither one of us can fight back and that baka Hebi is going to make us his next great experiment." Naruto asked flailing his arms wildly in the air with worry

" Kit we cannot do anything now we are both too weak to fight back. I have a bad feeling on what he is doing. I know you don't trust me, but I need to see what's going on. I need you to let me take control." Kyuubi said

Naruto looked at the fox suspicious of his intentions, but looked into his eyes and saw he wasn't hiding anything he nodded at the fox requests. As Kyuubi took control and opened Naruto's eyes he saw the snake doing the hand seals.

How in the seven hells did he find that jutsu? Kyuubi questioned himself

His eyes then widened, Those aren't right!

It was then Orochimaru finished the hand seals and thrust his hand down onto the exposed seal. Kyuubi was knocked back into Naruto's subconscious, while Naruto in that instant of extreme pain came back into his consciousness. A scream echoed throughout the entire complex Naruto clothing shredded at the sleeves and legs. His hair grew wilder and his marking became more prominent his shoes then ripped off his feet and then everything went dead quiet. In the next instant Orochimaru's laugh could be heard. Kabuto left the room quivering with fear of his master and what he might have just accomplished. He was also afraid of what he had done to the boy.

" Iie, he isn't even a boy anymore he truly is Kyuubi now." Kabuto said to himself and walked down to him room

An hour later Orochimaru came out of the room carrying a body that couldn't be seen because of the lighting he headed down the hallway to the area he used to keep his prisoners he used for testing. He opened the last cell and placed the body inside. The body moaned and opened an eye to look at him.

" Sleep now my pet in a couple of day we'll start to teach you." Orochimaru said slyly

A growl came from the figure and as he heard Orochimaru leave he finally spoke, " Over our dead body Hebi."

With that the figure went back to sleep.

Inside Naruto's mind he walked down the corridors again to talk to Kyuubi and about what had happened to them as he reached the room and opened the door he noticed the gate was wide open. Naruto stood there shocked looking around frantically at where the Kyuubi could be. Suddenly the door closed. Naruto turned around quickly to be faced with himself, but with nine foxtails swaying behind him.

" Who are you?" Naruto asked confused

" Why kit don't you recognize your own prisoner?" the person asked smirking

" Kyuubi? But…" Naruto was even more confused and also scared

" It's the Hebi's doing." Kyuubi said growling in this form

" What did he do to me?" Naruto asked angrily

He tried to look at his body but it was too dark to now see anything but Kyuubi because he was in the only light source in the room.

" He messed with the seal. He's trying to put us under his control. Tsu, like that will happen even if I took control." Kyuubi stated annoyed crossing his arms over his chest

" So what did he do?" Naruto asked worried

" I don't know yet kit, give me time and I'll be able to tell you later. For now rest and when he comes fight him with everything you have." Kyuubi said

" I don't even need to be asked to do that." Naruto spoke and disappeared from the chamber

Kyuubi smiled at his response and then shook his head knowing full well what the Hebi had done, " But how do we undo it?"

The next day Kabuto entered the cell that the figure had been placed in he set down some food and left locking it back. The figure he assumed was sleeping waited till the main door closed before he moved to the food.

" What's this junk?" the figure asked

He sniffed the food and snorted, but started eating seeing as he smelled no traced of poison in it. After he had finished the figure went back to the spot he had been previously and went back to sleep. A couple hours later he heard the door again, but this time the steps sounded like the figure was sliding.

Hebi. The figure growled

" My pet, my pet, wake up its time to train you." Orochimaru cooed trying to wake the figure from its sleep

No way in hell Teme. The figure thought

" Tsu, that jutsu must have put more strain on him than I thought. Oh no matter I have months to wait." Orochimaru said annoyed and walked away

What am I going to do? The figure worried but then he felt calmed by a feeling that someone was coming to help.

It had now been two weeks since Naruto's kidnapping and everyone was growing worried on top of Sasuke not been in a good mood from the numerous hideout that were abandoned and then destroyed by him in anger. The only person he allowed to get close to him was Sakura. She seemed to be the only one that could calm down his fits of rage over not finding his so called Otouto. Today he kept on speeding up.

" Sasuke-kun you need to slow down." Sakura spoke to the figure far in front of them

Sasuke looked behind him to see a number of the group lagging behind, " This is the last one if he isn't here…."

" He'll be there Sasuke, but we can't keep up with your speed." Shikamaru said lazily

Sasuke finally slowed down to get back with the others.

" Sasuke-kun he'll be there I know it." Hinata said softly

Sasuke looked at her, " How Hinata? Every hideout we've been to so far he's not been there, so how do you know he'll be at this one?"

" I just have a feeling Naruto-kun will be at this one." Hinata said with a smile

Sasuke was confused by her answer until he thought of the reason she had this faith, "Hinata do you like the dope?" Hinata's face grew red and she put her head down and nodded, " That's good to hear he needs someone since he's been all alone for so long." Sasuke then moved to the front of the group

Hinata looked up at his retreating form shocked by his words, but in an instant he was on the ground looking for the hidden entrance.

" Now where is it?" Sasuke said annoyed looking around

" Sasuke what are you looking for?" Choji questioned as the rest dropped down beside of him

" There should be a hidden lever here somewhere to open the hidden entrance." Sasuke replied

Kiba hopped off the Akamaru and sat down on a nearby rock the rest a bit, but in that instant the entrance opened.

" Huh? How'd that happen?" Ino asked surprised

" Kiba did it." Shino replied calmly

Sasuke snorted, " Yeah now I remember the hidden lever here is a rock here."

" Right then Team Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma will come with me. Team Gai I want you to stay here in case they try to escape." Jiraiya said

" Hai." Everyone responded

" All right let go." Jiraiya spoke

The groups then moved into the opening as Team Gai stayed out. As they moved further and further in the place it kept on growing darker.

" I can't see a thing." Ino whispered a hint of fear in her voice

" Just feel the wall. There are no traps in this hideout because only a select few know about it and Orochimaru didn't think he needed any." Sasuke said

" That's good to know I really don't want to deal with anymore mendokuse traps." Shikamaru said

As they went further they noticed that there was a door with light coming from it.

" Kabuto's room." Sasuke snarled at the light

He went over the opened the door to see the silver haired man sitting in a chair looking at the group.

" So Sasuke-kun finally found us?" Kabuto asked smiling

" Where is Naruto?" Sasuke asked angrily holding his katana tip at the mans throat

Kabuto frowned at this question, " The Naruto you once knew is no more. Orochimaru did …" Kabuto was interrupted by being pulled out of his chair and being held in the air by a very angry Sakura

" He didn't ask you about that we just want to take Naruto home. Now where is he?" Sakura asked glaring at the silver haired man

Sasuke stood there shocked at Sakura's actions and words.

Kabuto looked in her eyes and gulped, She reminds me so much of Tsunade-sama.

" I'll show you." Kabuto said calmly

Sakura put the man down only to have him try to attack her in an instant he was dead from Shikamaru's Kage Kubishibari no Jutsu.

" Great Shikamaru now how do we find Naruto?" Ino said smacking him upside the head

Shikamaru rubbed the back of his bruised head, "Mendoukuse, He'll be where they hold their prisoners."

" He's right." Kakashi said, " Jiraiya, you and I will head out to find Orochimaru. Sasuke, you take the others and show them where the cells are. Find Naruto and get him out of here."

" Iie." Sasuke said, " I'm coming with you two. He did the wrong thing taking my Otouto. THIS IS PERSONAL!"

" Sasuke I don't think…" Kakashi started but was stopped by Jiraiya's hand being placed on his shoulder

Kakashi looked at him and Jiraiya shook his head.

" The cells are on our way to Orochimaru's room, I'll show them the door and they can do the rest. We're going to deal with Orochimaru." Sasuke told them

" Sasuke-kun?" Sakura questioned worried

Sasuke looked over and Sakura and smirked, " He's not going to take me again Sakura and he's not going to get away from kidnapping the dope. I'll be fine I promise."

Sakura nodded at his statement and the group headed out, but not before Sasuke set Kabuto's body on fire just to make sure he really was dead.

The group was now running down the dark halls trying to keep up with Sasuke's pace, suddenly he stopped with a number of the group running into each other.

" What the hell? SASUKE!" Kiba shouted as Akamaru rammed into his back

" There." Sasuke said and pointed to a large red door to the groups right, " That the prisoner holding cell area. Find him and get him out of here. Don't come back inside."

" No way we're not going to leave you inside here." Ino said

" Ino, Kakashi and I will be with him, do as he said and don't come back in here once you get Naruto out. Stay out there until we come to get you. If we're not out in two hours head back to Konoha with Naruto." Jiraiya spoke

The teens looked at the two adults worried, but nodded at their orders.

" Good, Sasuke show us to my annoying former teammate's room." Jiraiya then said

With that the three left the group. Shikamaru then turned to the door.

" Let go and get Naruto out of here and do what Jiraiya-sama said." Shikamaru spoke as he entered the room

The other nodded at his statement and followed him into the room. As they entered the group was shocked at what they saw the room was wall-to-wall cells and it looked like it went on for miles. Some cells even had the remains of dead prisoners still in them.

" Aw man this reeks." Kiba said covering his nose, Akamaru wined in agreement

" Kiba you and Akamaru stand guard by the door since the smell is overpowering to your senses." Shikamaru said

" Gladly." Kiba stated and moved back out the door with Akamaru

As the group moved further in they split up so they could each take a side and search inside the cells, but after a while they were still not even half way to the end and still no Naruto.

" Hinata use you Byakugan and find him." Shikamaru ordered

" Hai, Byakugan." Hinata said activating her Kekkei Genkai

The veins around her eyes strained as she looked through each cell. Then she saw a form huddled and breathing slowly like it was sleeping.

" I FOUND HIM!" She shouted excitedly smiling and started running down the hall into the darkness

" HINATA! Chyotto matte." Sakura said raising he arm to stop here, but it was too late she had disappeared into the dark corridor

Kyuubi no Kitsune – Nine-tailed Fox

Bijuu Oni – Tailed Demons

Gaki - Brat

Baka - Idiot/ Stupid

Kyuubi no Youko – Demon Kyuubi

Aniki – Big Brother

Ichibi – One-tailed

Otouto – Little Brother

Omae – You!

Chikusyou – Damn/ Damn it!

Hai – Yes

Kuchiyose no Jutsu – Summoning Technique

Ero-sennin – Perverted Hermit

Otousan – Father/ Dad

Nani? –What?

Iie – No

Hebi – Snake

Teme – Bastard

Kage Kubishibari no Jutsu – Shadow Neck Bind Technique

Mendokuse – Troublesome

Kekkei Genkai – Bloodline Limit

Chyotto matte – Wait up/ Wait a minute