Chapter 13: We Realize Why

Haley sat impatiently at a new Chinese restaurant waiting for Nathan. This would be there first date and he was already twenty minuets late.

If he didn't show in the next fifteen minuets, she decided she will just leave. She was kind of tick off that he didn't have the decency to call and tell her he couldn't make it.

Ten minuets later, a running Nathan entered the restaurant. He had on a blue opened oxford shirt and khaki cargo pants. He looked hot but it still didn't explain why he was late. Haley looked at Nathan running looking like a teenager other than the twenty-six year old that he was.

As soon as he spotted her he began running towards him, bumping into a waiter. As he got there he sat in the chair opposite of her. "Sorry I'm late it's just I had to pick up something."

"It's ok. So how was your day Mr. Scott." She said trying to make small talk.

"If you must know Ms. James it was filled with thoughts of you actually." He planned on charming her.

"Really Mr. Scott I hope those thoughts were PG." She took a sip of the Ice cold water.

He watched her and thought what he needed was a cold shower. He looked at her; she had on a blue dress that showed her cleavage very well. "I believe parts of them were. You look beautiful Hales."

Hales his name for her, it fit perfect like the way her hand fit in his as he reached across the table to take her hands in his own. "Thanks Nate, so are you ready to order." She didn't want to sound greedy but this whole pregnancy thing made her hungry. She was after all eating for two. He gave her a smirk and called the waiter over.

The night without anything going wrong, it was almost two perfect. Since Haley took a cab to the restaurant Nathan offered to take her home and she accepted.

As they arrive at her gate, "come in and meet my roommates." She said to him.

"Is this some line you use, so you can see me naked?" Nathan asked with his devilish smirk.

"In your dreams Scott, Only in your dreams." He just grinned. As Haley opened the door he could tell this was a women pad. He saw pink and different shades of it in every corner. "Girls I'm home and so is my date." After she said date Brooke ran in with Peyton walking at a half step.

Haley and Peyton still didn't make up. Both girls did their best to avoid each other deciding it was for the best. She had lived with Peyton for four years and she didn't want to loose her, she was indeed one of her best friends.

The girls all moved into the condo after they graduated from college. Haley and Brooke met in high school when Brooke needed a tutor. They had been friends ever since, after they graduated from college (Brooke in fashion, of course) (Haley a literature major) they moved in to the condo. After months of struggling they agreed that they needed another roomie.

A lot of people called but only one they decided was good enough to room with. It was hard to convince Brooke to let Peyt room with them. Something about Peyton art and her music made Brooke think Peyton was kind of demonic. She did wear black every time they saw her.

But they decided she was the best. Peyton at first kept to her self never talked about whom she was or her past. As Haley thought about it in the four years they roomed she still didn't talk about it. She knew something big must have occurred she just never knew what.

"Tutor mom you brought your baby daddy over." Brooke said.

"Tutor mom, well at least it's better than tutor girl. And I didn't bring him over for that. I brought him over so we can talk."

No more talking, how about we get down to the action. Nathan thought. He scolded at himself. That's the reason why you're in this mess now.

A blonde with curly hair enter the room. A blonde Nathan knew once upon a time. It was his ex Peyton. He had to talk to her but not now.

"Nathan." At least she acknowledged him, it was better than the slap he was half expecting. He was lost in his thoughts, that he didn't realize that she left. This thing with Haley got a lot more complicated.

Haley told Nathan that he could spent the night and he decided to. They slept in the same bed but they didn't go pass a few kisses. The both had a silent pack of taking it slow this time.


Peyton stared aimlessly at the ceiling fan in her room. It was 3:45 a.m. and she couldn't sleep because she was thinking of Haley and the worst decision she was about to make in her life.

She was angry. Angry that Nathan pretended not to know her. He showed her that he was that scum who she left many years ago.

Nathan didn't deserve her or any other girl after what he did to her. The days leading up to the worst decision in her life, the decision that made her couldn't have kids. The guy who she dated if you can call it that, the man who promised her he would be there for her no matter what, but he wasn't. He left her, he gave her an ultimatum him or the child in her womb. She being the supporting girlfriend decided that it was the best.

But it wasn't because he left her, after she had the operation. She truly believed that he loved her. She didn't tell anyone not her best friends not her father who she knew wanted a grand child.

No one even knew she and Nate were dating; besides a baby would have ruined everything. They weren't even out of college yet. She loved the way he made her feel as though she was the one. She still remembered how it felt to have kissed those lips the way her knees felt as butter. The way how he gave that mischievous smile that she knew she would be busy for the next three hours.

Peyton got up and decided to take a pill. As she began to turn around she bumped into a person, the guy who had been occupying her thoughts.

"Peyton." Was the only word that came from his lips?

"Well you do remember me. Isn't that peachy." Without thinking she reached for his head and kissed him. Hard.

The kiss was intense, not thinking just feeling he kissed back. The way she did, urgently, it was fiery.

As fast as the kiss started, it ended. Nate pulled away. "Are you crazy, I'm with your best friend? The mother of my child." She slapped him. Not knowing why.

She ran her hands through her hair "Don't talk to me as if we don't have anything. As though our past didn't happen."

"Maybe it's best that we pretend it didn't. Goodnight Peyton." With that he walked out the darkness soon covered his body that she couldn't make out his outline.

At that moment, she knew what she would do. She saw she had to do not for herself even though the revenge was going to be nice. She wasn't doing this for Nathan but for Haley, she was going to stop that wedding, if it was the last thing she had to do. For the first time that night she smiled and began humming the tune to hear comes the bride.

So is it just me or do James need a hair cut badly. I want you guys to send me reviews and tell me what you think about it. In the next chapter I'll tell you what the results were.