The next day Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Bo, and I went to Cooter's to figure out a plan. We had to figure out a way to get those guys behind bars before they do something else. We had to get them before they hurt other innocent people. Especially people we know, which is almost all of Hazzard.

"The only way I see it is to get those guys out in the open," I said.

"Now how're we gonna do that?" Cooter asked.

"That's gonna take some planning," I said. "Well, we know they ain't after Boss anymore. They're basically after me and Bo. Since Bo escaped them once, they're more than likely to come after him again."

"So we're gonna have to keep a close eye on him," Uncle Jesse said.

I nodded and looked at Bo. He had the saddest look on his face I've ever seen. The poor guy has gone through so much. I just wanted to make it easier for him. That's just one more reason why we had to get those guys.

"Since they're gonna be coming back into town I think we can get them," I said.

"How?" Daisy asked.

I sighed. "It's kinda crazy but it could work. We use Bo as bait."

"No!" Daisy shrieked.

"Daisy, I know you don't like the idea but it's the only thing I can think of," I said. "We'll have him walking down the street. We'll have to keep a very close eye on him. Once those guys show up we'll take them by surprise. We'll even get Rosco to help."

"Luke, I don't know about this," Daisy said.

"Well, we can't do this unless Bo wants to," I said. I looked at Bo who looked at me. "What do you say, Bo? You wanna help us get these guys put away for good?"

"You bet," Bo said instantly.

Uncle Jesse shook his head. "Luke, they got guns. How do you know they ain't gonna shoot first and ask questions later?"

I sighed. "I don't."

"Yeah, Uncle Jesse," Bo said. "It's just a risk I'm willing to take. And besides, I got a score to settle with them two fellas."

I clapped Bo on the shoulder and finished laying down the plan. We got a hold of Rosco and he decided to help us. This was a crazy idea but I couldn't think of any other way to get those guys in jail.

About an hour later we were all positioned waiting for those guys to show up. Bo sat on a bench in the open reading the newspaper while I hid in the bushes right behind him. Everybody else was in position in the area keeping an eye on Bo. When it was time to get those guys I'd whistle to everyone and we'd all get them.

We waited for about half an hour but those guys never showed up. We were about to give up when I saw a strange car park across the street. I looked closer and I noticed the two guys getting out of the car. It was the hit men. I took a quick glance at everyone else and they were ready to go. When the hit men got out of the car I noticed that they didn't have the gun but they were carrying angry faces. It didn't matter though because we were ready for them.

They walked over to Bo. Bo looked up and put the newspaper down.

"Hey, rube," one of them said. "You may have escaped us once but you ain't gonna this time."

That was it. It was time to get them. I whistled loud so everyone could hear and stood up. They looked at me confused.

"Guess again," I said.

Right then everyone came over to us. Rosco was the first, and he pulled out his gun and told them two to freeze. One of them tried to get away but I ran after him. I knocked him down on the ground and we wrestled for awhile. I lifted him to his feet and was about to punch him when I decided not to.

"What?" the man asked. "You ain't man enough to hit me?"

"Oh, I'm man enough," I said. "I just ain't gonna. I'm gonna let my cousin Bo do the honors."

I turned around and Bo walked up to me. He clapped my shoulder and smiled at me before walking up to that hit man.

"Y'all do me a favor," Bo said. "When y'all go to prison tell all your friends there not to mess with us Dukes."

With that said, Bo gave him a violent punch in the stomach and across the face. The guy fell right to the ground and instantly surrendered. Bo and I picked him up off the ground and pushed him to Rosco, who had the other one already in handcuffs. Soon they both were back in handcuffs ready to go to prison.

"You messed with the wrong family," Bo said to them.

"You got that right," I said.

Unexpectedly, Bo turned to me and jumped into my arms and gave me a fierce hug. I laughed as I hugged him back. Bo started laughing too and it was great to hear him laughing again.

"Thanks, Luke," Bo said with a smile. "For everything."

"Hey, I'm always here for you," I said. "Don't forget that."

I gave him a high-five and held onto his hand. This was finally over. Bo was safe, the hit men were arrested and things went back to normal in Hazzard County.