Ok in this chapter lots of events will happen, they will help me reinforce the backbone of the plot and thus making it more interesting.

Chapter 5: Desertion- What's Rightfully Mine

Supreme Council Court

Naruto POV

I was standing in front of the 6 members of the branch council who were elected to be my jury. They gave me no glares like the villagers and did not hold any biased hatred to me. They were men and women of pure justice. They would not hold any of the crimes the stupid fox committed against me, but it was because they were so dedicated to their work in that I would be royally screwed. I tapped my fingers impatiently awaiting my turn to rise and go over to the podium. So far they only read my crimes which were assault of 5 men, 6 women and 2 children and murder of 1 man. The murder part I was partially responsible but the assaulting charges I did not participate in but it didn't really matter… murder was the highest level of crime and there would be no way out.

I was called up to the stand and so I sat down. The judge was the elder Koharu, the thirds' teammate from long ago. She was one of the many people who detested me. With her head of the court I might as well be guilty even if innocent. I paced about impatiently until I was finally called on. "Upon the evidence shown, a trial would be fairly useless. This court finds you guilty of 1st degree murder, 3 different degrees of assault and treason against the village of Konoha." She spoke blandly. Many of my friends shot out of their seats, Kiba even shouted "HEY YOU CAN"T DO THAT! You can't just decide something like that without a trial! He was then silenced as a few Anbu appeared in front of him. However Tsunade-baa-chan though she wanted to do something she could not as she held no power in court even if she were the Hokage, here only justice did and boy what a justice it was.

My anger flared and I yelled back "What the hell? I didn't even get a fair trial, you can't just do that! I only killed the man because he attacked me. I killed him out of self defense, what the hell justice system is this?" She seemed unfazed as she continued "As for your punishment you will be here by publicly executed 2 days from now." My anger was replaced with disappointment as here was where my road ended. I worked so hard for nothing; those bastards were problem planning this all along to get rid of me. I looked at my friends; they all seemed shocked and horrified meanwhile many of the villagers couldn't hold their glee in. I lowered my head and nodded before saying "I understand my crimes and the punishment I will receive". I could have sworn I saw her smile at the fact she held so much power over me. "That is good, now you will be escorted to your jail cell in sector 5 where you will stay until the day of your execution. Court is dismissed" Everyone left except for my friends and Tsunade-baa-chan.

As 2 Anbu led me away, I passed them they all were lost for words as they felt so useless in this situation. I smiled back at them telling trying to tell them that things would be fine without me, but it only made them sadder. Sakura even started crying, inside I chuckled to myself. I had made friends, people who cared and acknowledge me but what good did it do me. In the end it only hurt more when I lost them. Maybe Sasuke was right about breaking off bonds with people. It'll hurt less in the end. They watched helplessly as the Anbu escorted me to my designated jail cell.

I scoffed at the thing that was my room. The bars were steel and there was a clogged up toilet in the right corner. To the left of it stood a sink that had mice and roaches all crawling over it. The bed was board that stuck out from the wall, Heh even before I die they wanted to make sure I suffered. What was stupid was the fact they thought the little frail steel bars could hold me in, but then again there were Anbu guarding the exits. As the jail door closed on me, I sat on the wooden bed only to have it snap and fall down. I dusted myself and sat on the cold floor. I tried to pass time by making a clone and playing rock, paper, scissors with him but it got me no where as he and I both knew what we'd used before we used it. I tried to workout but I didn't want to get myself any dirtier from the damned jail room.

I then decided to meditate and talk with the bastard fox who got me involved in all this. Upon falling into a trance I walked in the familiar maze of dampen tunnels. I knew this place like the back of my hand for I reached the fox's room shortly. He was curled up fast asleep. I yelled out loud "Oi stupid kitsune wake the hell up". He twitched one of his eyes opened the closed it again as if ignoring my existence so I pulled out a kunai (amazingly even in his mind such a thing can be assessable) and started banging I along the gate's bars making loud clanging nose. He visibly scowled before getting up and yawning. Then he proceeded to try to tear me apart with his claws but the gate stopped him. "Finally I have your attention you stupid Fox" I growled. He returned a growl that made my hair stand on end "Shut the hell up stupid kit, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" He scoffed. I yelled back "Heh easy for you to say you lazy ass bastard, because of you I've been branded a traitor and I'm going to be killed in 2 days!" He looked at me lazily and spoke "Then don't let them moron, kill them all or escape or something, do something for once rather then bitching about it." I scowled again and spoke to him "You think it's that easy? All you think about is killing! I can't just go and kill them, I don't have the strength and even if I did I'd never do it. I can't run either because they'd track me down."

He shook his head and spoke "You have yet once again proven yourself an idiot of mass proportions. First off with me trapped in here with nothing to do what else can I think of doing besides killing? Second if you were to run your chance of survival would at least rise rather then right now where you're sure to be dead. Third I do not understand why you hinder yourself with feelings of these insolent and useless creatures. If you had abandoned these things known as emotions you might be much stronger then you are now. Your so called friends and kin do nothing but hold you back."

I chuckled at him and replied "Heh I'd expect you to say that since you, yourself never had friends but I don't blame them who'd want to be your friend. But arguing aside, we're screwed… and no amount of running or fighting can change that fact. I just came to tell you that there's way out of this and you're going to die with me dumb fox." He closed his eyes, laid back down and spoke out of the corner of his mouth "Then so be it" before once again falling back asleep. His loud snores signaled that he was indeed slumbering. I myself was dumbfounded at the fact he just accepted his fate, but then what else was there to do but accept the fate that I was sentenced to.

I woke up from my meditation then stared around in my cell, I sighed then lay down upon the wooden board and then I fell asleep. I dreamed a vivid dream, I was looking through my eyes or at least I thought they were mine. I was walking with 2 people in front of me, they were a blur so I could not make out who they were but I just followed them wordlessly, I just kept walking behind them. Suddenly the stopped walking and I caught up with them. I was shocked because the faces I saw on them were none other the faces of Sakura and Sasuke only… they had this weird look on their face. It spooked me and I screamed only for no sound to come. They started walking over to me and as they got closer more and more of their face deteriorated. I saw flesh, bone and blood. They were laughing too the most annoying laugh, it haunted my existence then in fear and anger I struck out at them knocking both their heads off. Their bodies crumbled and blood gushed everywhere. I shakily crawled over to Sakura's head and looked at it. Her face was once again whole and somehow her body was attached. She was coughing up blood and she clutched me. I held her closer and couldn't help but shed tears. This dream was so real; I felt the touch of her in my arms. Yet I could not wake up and leave it. I looked into her eyes and I saw my own face only I looked different, although I was sobbing and crying that reflection I saw was me only I was laughing with glee on my face. Then my face swirled and the reflection was no longer me but the fox and he was laughing at me, my existence and so I quickly dropped the supposed Sakura down and clutched my head. I trembled and shook with anger. I felt my rage start to fill my being and my body started to change. It was painful but I started growing hair and before long I was engulfed in reddish fur-like that of the fox's and I howled off into the moon. I never felt such blood lust in my body; I started to tremble with adrenaline. At that moment I saw someone walking by and a sudden urge told me to pounce and kill this person then feast upon the body. Where the person came from I didn't know but then again I didn't care and so I pounced. By the time I realized who I was mauling it was too late. I held the person in my arms blood dripping from my mouth and hands. Only then I saw that the person was again Sakura. I trembled with guilt and fear as I clutched my face and started to cry into it, it was then a voice called to me. "BRAT WAKE UP" it called to me.

I shot up with a jolt and I was covered with sweat. It was a dream but it felt so real, as if I was living through it. It was then that the voice spoke out to me again. "Shit, kit this isn't good" at first I thought it was someone outside but then I realized it was the fox speaking. When did he gain the ability to speak in my head? I shook my head and thought what the hell was wrong, I was about to mouth it when he answered me "You and I were sharing a dream". I was shocked…he could read what I thought but I shrugged it off and thought back to him "So what's wrong with us sharing a dream? It is pretty rare but then again you live in my body." If I could see him I could swear he shook his head. "Kit listen to me and listen good, something bad is about to take place, it might not be for a while or it might the next minute. I'm not sure of the details but the last time I had a dream so clear and mysterious was when I dreamed about your father fighting with me. Call me crazy but I have a feeling this was yet another one of those premonitions."

I cocked my head in curiosity. "If you knew you were going to be sealed then why did you bother to attack?" "I was arrogant and that was the first premonition I ever had, so I didn't believe in it." "So you've had more then one?" I pondered. "Yes, but this may well be my last if you don't be careful. I warn you to stay alert for these days, as something bad is sure to happen." I chuckled and thought back to him "Ha like getting executed is considered bad." I thought I heard a grumble before he spoke back to me. "Kit I'm being serious your execution, you can avoid if you would actually listen to me and escape. However this feeling I have if much worse. Death isn't as bad as some of the other things that could happen to you. Like being sealed within a moron who marks 2nd on my list of worst possible scenarios." I raised an eyebrow… "Did you just crack a joke? Wow with you joking around I'm starting to think that something bad might happen." I heard him growl before he spoke to me angrily "I have no time for this you stupid brat, if I were you I'd watch out for myself and the ones you care for. Including one with the pink hair you love so much, seeing as how she ends up being the victim 3 times in your dream." "Whoa…did you just tell me to protect my precious people? Not kill them? Now I know something bad is going to happen." I laughed to myself as I heard him just sigh and retreated back into the depths of my mind.

It wasn't that I was ignorant or stupid; I knew that I needed to heed his advice, though when did he ever give me advice. I sighed as I tried to fall back asleep; it was still pretty dark out. All the while I tried to formulate a plan on what to do. I knew that I couldn't accept being executed yet for I had things to do, many dreams to fulfill and people to protect. Yet I just can't go gun ho and bust my way out. I needed an opportunity, some sort of window of chance. I sighed in defeat. Who was I kidding there was no way I'd make it out without being captured, I rolled over and let blissful sleep over take me.

The next morning…

I was sleeping nice and comfy until I heard my jail gate door open. I got up yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I nearly jumped when I saw that all my friends including almost that cared for me in the village. There was Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, and Ero-sennin…etc. Even old man Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame-nee-chan was here. I broke out a big smile seeing them all here, since my cell was too small I stepped out to greet them, the Anbu had opened it to allow me to talk and interact with my visitors. Everyone looked determined somewhat and was holding something from me. We exchanged pleasantries until the Anbu went back to their post, when they were out of earshot.

Tsunade-baa-chan gestured for us all to huddle. Everyone did it fluidly like it was rehearsed. I got into the huddle and then Tsunade-baa-chan got right to it "Ok Naruto, we're busting you out of here. You see outside the villagers are preparing to hold a festival later today. They are celebrating your execution…I tried to stop it but it seems the council backed it up with their permission making my words useless." she spoke solemnly. I sighed as this was to be expected. Tsunade-baa-chan then continued "As the village is holding the festival, there exits will be guarded by various ninja. I have assigned specific ninja to each of the following exits. You are to exit unseen through any of these. The ninja I assigned to the gates will pretend not to see you as you leave. As soon as you make it out make a break for this small town here."

She pulled a small map out and pointed to the spot. "Here you will hide out and wait 3 days. In 3 days you will probably be listed in the bingo book as a missing Nin. By then Jiraiya will have met up with you at the rendezvous point. I guess you'll have to travel with him until I can work things out here in the village. The north gate will be guarded by Iruka, west gate by Genma. Avoid the east gate as that is the main gate where Nin dogs are placed. The south gate will be guarded by Kakashi and Gai. You have three possible routs of escape. Along the way there will be waypoint. Your friends will be placed strategically at various points pretending to join into the festivities. They are in fact looking out for ninja that might be out searching for you as no doubt you will be tracked down. They will provide with support by also causing various disturbances to lure away attention. The plan goes into effect as the clock hits 12, its 10 right now so you have 2 hours. I'll leave you with a watch to tell time. Also here's a lock pick for later."

I looked at all of them as they looked back at me. I spoke to all of them "Guys why are you risking all of your lives and careers for me?" They all smiled at me and each took a turn patting me on the back. "Because we care about you and because we can't just abandon a friend in need now can we?" Sakura-chan spoke for all of them. I looked at her and smiled one of my goofy smiles. "Well since you guys worked so hard on this plan, I can't just disappoint you guys now can I? They all laughed and turned to leave for their designated positions. I didn't notice but Sakura-chan stayed behind. I looked at her and she smiled at me, it felt like eternity as we stared at each other. Finally she broke the silence and walked over to me. She pulled me into a hug which I couldn't help but return. When she looked up to me I saw that she was teary, so I wiped the tears from her face with my hand. She looked into my eyes and we smiled, I wished the moment would never end but from the background I heard the Anbu cry out "Times up". She let go of me and turned to walk toward the exit. Then she turned and whispered loud enough for me to hear but too low for the Anbu "Baka, promise me you will return to me." I smiled and gave her thumbs up. "You bet I'll keep that promise." I spoke cheerfully to her. Then we walked out around and disappeared around the corner. The Anbu led me back into the cell and locked it. When he was gone I took out my watch and looked at the time. The watch read 10:45… bah there was still a full hour and 15 minutes to go before the plan went into effect. I walked around my cell pondering on what to do next. Could I really go through with running and becoming a fugitive?

I sighed as I gave into the fact I needed to live. I walked around and burned off time until the watch struck 12. I quickly took a look to see that the Anbu were playing poker. Then I proceeded to pick the lock. After I heard a click I slowly pushed it open and silently snuck over to the rusty window. I pushed on the hinge and the whole thing came down. I carried it quietly over to the other side and I was out. I was in the far side Konoha, far from any of the exits. The closet was the south gate which also happened to be the direction of the town I needed to get to. So I ran that way, shortly before I was halfway through an alarm sounded throughout the village signaling my escape. I picked up my pace and passed by Chouji who winked at me. I smiled back and kept going. I was about to infuse Chakra into my feet and push off but I saw that there space was too narrow to take off so I stuck sprinting. When I got to south gate I saw Kakashi-sensei and Thick-brows sensei. I waved at them and they waved back. Gai-sensei gave me a wink and thumbs up while saying something about the springtime of youth was on my side.

As I ran out the gate I turned around to say good-bye to the village one more time and I made a run for it. The town would be 1 day journey away even if I ran the whole time. So I ran for the whole day while pondering about the consequences of what I did. I must have lost track of time because it was already dark out…I took a look at the watch Tsunade-baa-chan gave me and it read 7…I ran for almost 7straight hours and I didn't even notice. I cursed myself as I had jinxed it, the moment I thought this my whole body felt fatigued. I felt like I had Sakura-chan pound me nonstop for an hour. I decided to stop and take a breather. My body ached with sores and I felt light-headed.

It was then at my moment of weakness that I failed to detect the 2 presences behind me. "Oi long time no see Naruto-kun" said a gruff voice from behind me. I whirled around to see two dark figures standing under a tree. I almost instantly knew who they were. They were no other then The Itachi bastard and fish head Kisame. "What the hell do you guys want?" I growled out. "Heh what kind of stupid question is that? You know why we are here." Spoke Kisame with a visible grin. I now understood what the fox probably meant about something bad going to happen. "Looks like your plan worked almost flawlessly Itachi, sorry I doubted you." said Kisame. All Itachi did was nod, I raised my head in confusion…"plan? What plan". I asked. Kisame laughed and spoke "Ha you didn't figure it out yet? We were the ones who sabotaged your identity. We sent a clone in henge form that resembled you to do the dirty work. The villagers were so blind that they immediately concluded it was you without further investigating. But then again I don't blame them; I mean you do have a monster within you." "Kisame no more pleasantries, we came here to negotiate." Itachi spoke monotonically.

I cocked my head in confusion. "Negotiate? Aren't you going to grab me and take the stupid fox out of me?" I asked cautiously. Itachi shook his head and spoke in his cold voice. "That would be the easier way but our leader has decided on something else, rather then capture you we are to persuade you to join the Akatsuki ranks." "Personally I think leader is on drugs for even considering such a decision." spoke Kisame. "Heh well tell him I'd rather die then join you guys, all you guys want is my fox so you can go around and wreak havoc. You kill people cold-bloodedly and show no remorse or mercy. I'd never join you." I spat out to them. "There are two sides to a story Naruto-kun… because you are on the other side you see us as evil, merciless and evil. It's like a war where two countries battle, your country of-course thinks the other side is bad and evil and that you are good. While on the other side the people also think they are good and you are bad. You just don't see the way we see, if you know what we are trying to accomplish you would gladly join us" spoke Itachi. I chuckled visibly before speaking "You guys are crazy no matter how much talking you're going to do I'd never join you" "Will you if your friends lives are threatened? Since our mission was to persuade you to join no matter what the means. I will say this one time only, join us or your friends will suffer the consequences of your decision. If you do join us they will be spared. Refuse us and I will have to take action in slaughtering your friends. I do not understand why the leader wants you to join instead of just performing the extraction from you but then again you might prove to be of use." Itachi spoke with no emotion in his voice. They could see that I was struggling with my answer, if I joined them in the end they would harm everyone again, but If I didn't join them they'd kill my friends right away. However if I stay with them I might be able to prolong the death of my friends until I got strong enough to destroy the organization from the inside thus saving my friends. Yet what confused me was why they wanted me alive to join Akatsuki and not just extract the fox from me….something wasn't sitting well with me. I sighed heavily and looked at them. "Alright I'm in but you all better keep your end of the deal, I will work with what ever you guys want. But you are to leave my friends out of this." I spoke sternly. "We'll try and avoid them but if they come for us then we'd have to fight back in self defense. Let's hope that your friends will avoid us which I doubt but one can hope no?" Kisame almost laughed out. I sighed again and walked over to them before turning around and staring into the direction of the village. I mouthed a sorry to all my friends and then turned back to the two. They started walking off and I followed. I knew that there was something deeper meaning to all this and I hope I will find it soon. When I thought this over I came to the conclusion that I was royally screwed.

What's going to happen now that Naruto has joined Akatsuki unwillingly? Why do they want him alive? What's the leader up to? Find out next Chapter in Akatsuki: The Master Plan