Authors Note: Hey everyone...Ok Let me tell you about this before hand. I got this Idea from thinking about something my Social Studies Teacher said about King Louis the XV being only 5 when he was put on throne of France and how the king would rather play with his toys then to rule a country. At first I was going to make Atemu into a lack-witted twerp but then as this went on in the story I got this...well, hope you enjoy .

Disclaimer- I own nothing. but that will soon change once I built my death ray! realizes that she said that out loud Shit! . ...oh and keep in mind I'm not good at spelling and I don't have spell cheak, bare with me please.







(( A/N ))

Pharoah's Tears, Dragon's Heart

Chapter 1:The Boy King.

The news spread through the Country. No man nor wemon didn't hear what happened that day. It was clear as the skies over Egypt.

The Pharoah Akhenamkhanen was dead...

-------------------((Man that's a loooong name))-----------------------------------

The Ceremony for the Pharoah's son to take the throne went as planned. The People rejoiced when the throne was filled again, only knowing that there was a new Pharoah named Atemu.

Sitting in a window, a man with long silver hair sat watching the Boy-king of only 7 sit in his Father's throne. His loyal servent hovered over the man's shoulder, a small pinkish fluff ball loooking at what the God was watching. The fluff ball spoke.

"Master Thoth...what are we looking at?"

Thoth truns his gaze apoun the ball of fluff. He shakes his head, a sad look on his face.

"My loyal servent...Watapon, we are looking at the new Pharoah of Egypt...The child-king Atemu. Come, we must return to the kingdom of Gods before my brother sets the sun."

Watapon looks at the child, a sad look on his face.

"What about him...Who will help him when war breaks out?"

The God smiled, telling Watapon that things will work out as he planned, and with that the God and his servent left the place window without a trace of them being there to begin with.


Atemu sat quietly in his throne, a sad look on his face. He knew his Father died, he knew how he did. No one knew that Atemu knew how his Father died, they tried to protect him from knowing. His Father's death was caused by the bite of a snake that slithered into his room as he slept. The poison was so strong that it killed the Pharoah within minutes. By the time the Priests came to help, he was already dead in his bed. No one knew where the snake went or how it got in, all they knew was that it vanished after it killed the Pharoah.

Atemu wanted to cry, he wanted to but he couldn't, not in front of court and the people of Egypt. He sat there holding back his tears, never letting on that his heart was acheing for comfort, for his Father. As he sat there he prayed for guidance, Wisdom, anything that would help him feel better and not so alone. His only friend Mahaado was the only one who tried to cheer himup with magic tricks, but even his tricks couldn't make Atemu smile.

That Night, Atemu cried for his father, softly he wept so no one could hear him. As his tears fell, he drifted into a deep sleep. In the nightmare a snake looms over him, venom dripping from it's fangs. The end of the snake was hidden in the shadows, eyes of a larger monster were the only thing that can be seen from within the shadows, the sound of evil laughter is heard all around him. The snake readies to strike until it is blasted by a beam of black fire. As the snake and larger monster got up from the blast, a black dragon tail wraps around Atemu for safety. Atemu turned his head and sees a dragon of black with glowing red eyes stepping out from behind him, he senses a sort of safety from it. When the snake lunges forward toward the dragon, it is blasted again. Then the monster behind the snake moves forward, it's outline visible, it reaches it's hand towards the Pharoah. Atemu closed his eyes and tries to get away until he hears a soft voice telling him not to be afraid. Atemu stops tring to get away and opens his eyes. The monster and snake are fleeing from the dragon, blood on the floor that told him that the dragon bit the monster's hand. When atemu turns around to look at the dragon all he sees is a man with bright blonde hair smiling at him.

"W-who are you...where's the dragon?"

The man laughs abit, his honey-suckle eyes sparkling in amusement. He smiled at the young Pharoah.

"The dragon is right in front of for my name, that is something you'll find out sooner or later in the future"

And with that, he slowly fades, his laugh still echoing in the dark room. Atemu tried to grab him but only to find that he was gone. Atemu Yelled.


Atemu was sitting up straight in his bed, foot steps are heard in the hallway. the door opened and the Priests ran into the room.

"Pharoah, are you alright!"

Atemu sat there blinking at them. When he finally came to his senses he smiles at them.

"Sorry...I was having a bad dream and I guess I must have been talking in my sleep"


The end of Chapter 1.

...hope you Enjoyed, read and reveiw.