Hey everyone. Thanks so much for the reviews! As of right now this is the last chapter of Hurt. Which makes me so sad, this was my first fanfiction tear lol Anyway, there ,might be a sequel not too sure yet. So, for now I hope y'all love this final chapter. It'd fairly clear in the story but I'll say it anyway, this is about 16, 17 years into the future. Please read and review!

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing

"Eight seconds left on the clock, Scott shoots, and it's in! The Ravens win the game and are going to the finals!!!!" The announcer yelled into the mic as the crowd and team went wild.

Wyatt Scott had made the winning basket wearing number 3, his dad's jersey number. After he was done being ambushed by his team mates, he made is way over to his mom who had been standing back with his Aunt Haley.

"That's my boy!" Brooke said as Wyatt came up and gave her a big hug. She rubbed his back "You did good. Your dad would be proud."

"Thanks Mom. Where's Grandma Karen?" Wyatt asked as Kirsten and Riley (Nathan and Haley's oldest) walked up carrying their gym bags full of their regular clothes seeing as they were going straight home instead of changing out of their uniforms first.

"She's at home. She's been sick all week." Kirsten said catching the tail end of the question.

"That's why I've had to help Mom and Grandma Deb with the cafe all week." Riley added in.

"Oh, okay well I'm gonna go hit the showers." Wyatt said as he started walking away.

"Hey, you want me to wait for ya or are you gonna meet us at the court?" Brooke called before he was out of earshot.

"It's cool if you wanna stay. If you wanna go home I can catch a ride from someone." Wyatt yelled as he jogged to the locker room.

"Are you gonna stay?" Haley asked Brooke.

"Yeah. We'll probably stop and grab some food before we meet you at the rivercourt." Brooke said.

"Alright. Come on girls. We gotta go see if Karen is out of bed yet." Haley said as she and the girls started to leave the gym. "Bye Brooke!"

"See ya Aunt Brooke!"

Brooke sat on the bleachers, waiting for Wyatt to come out of the locker room. It had taken her a while to come in here. Hell, she hadn't come in her until Wyatt's first game. She hadn't been in that gym for 16 years. But, she refused to let her emotions get the best of her. Sure she had gone home and cried herself to sleep, but she went. And held it together for a full game.

That night, in true Lucas Scott fashion, Wyatt chocked. His first game on the Ravens and he completely froze. But, the next game he was fine, and Brooke prayed that there hadn't been a half naked cheerleader in the back of his car that night after the game.

"Dude, your mom is hot." John said to Wyatt as they were leaving the locker room. John was basically Tim. Possibly even worse than Tim.

"Dude, that's my mom." Wyatt said disgusted. He had gotten sort of use to it though. His mom was younger than most and had kept her good looks from high school into her 30s. But hearing it from John made it sound a lot worse.

"She's still hot. You should take it as a compliment. Everyone else's mom is like 50 something. Yet there your mom is. All fit, big-boobed, in her 30s..." John said rambling on.

"DUDE! Stop picturing my mom naked!" Wyatt said as he hit John on the chest.

"Sorry." John said as they reached Brooke.

"Hey there baby." Brooke said as she hugged her son. "John."

"Mrs. Scott." John said, huge smile on his face.

"Ms. Scott." Brooke corrected. "You ready to go?"

"Yep. Bye John." Wyatt said as he started walking off with Brooke.

"See ya John." Brooke said from over her shoulder.

"Bye Ms. Scott." John said, obviously staring at Brooke's ass as she walked away.

"Stop staring John!" Brooke yelled.

"Damn it Mom." Wyatt laughed as they walked down the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry you got stuck with such a hot mom." Brooke laughed.

"So, we going down to the rivercourt tonight?" Wyatt asked as they continued down the street.

Brooke nodded her head. They'd made a tradition of it since they moved back to Tree Hill. Every year, on Lucas's birthday and the day he died, they went to the rivercourt. Karen would usually come, to at least one, along with Nathan and Haley.

"Mom?" Wyatt asked quietly.

"Wyatt." Brooke said cheerily.

"What were you and dad like? Together I mean. I always start to hear stories and they usually end in you hitting dad or in a way that I don't want to picture."

Brooke laughed at this. It was true. Most stories anyone told Wyatt were those ending in Brooke and Lucas going at it or Lucas screwing up royally, or in one case, Brooke screwing up.

"I never hear stories from you though. And when I do, you get all sad before you finish them and go and lock yourself in your room." Wyatt said seriously. He stopped walking as did Brooke. She looked up at him. He stood 6'1 like his dad. It still scared her to this day how much they looked alike. Sure, his hair had darkened slightly as he grew, more brown being added to it. But there was still a lot of blonde. Brooke sighed.

"Your dad was different from any other guy I'd met. He was smart. Everyone knew about his family but he didn't care. He had accepted it. He was so sure of himself. He wasn't insecure, or doubtful. He was a nice guy." Brooke said, smiling. it still hurt her to talk about him, but it hurt less now.

"Your so much like him Wyatt. In every way possible. You know what your first word was?" Brooke asked Wyatt.

Wyatt shook his head. "It was 'Dada'. I spent 6 hours with you, trying to get you to say something. And you said 'Dada'." Brooke said smiling through her tear filled eyes. Wyatt smiled and looked up to the sky. "Then of course you said 'Momma'. Two words in one day. Jake and Peyton couldn't believe it."

"It's strange, ya know." Wyatt said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What is?"

"I have these memories of Dad. Even though I never met him, I have these like dreams, imprinted in my mind. It's weird."

"What memories?"

"Like, when Riley was born. I remember being on your hip in Aunt Haley's hospital room and you were talking to Aunt Haley about Riley and I remember seeing Dad next to you. Smiling when you laughed. Or when you had gone back to Savannah for 2 days when I was 9 and I stayed with Grandma, in Dad's old room. I woke up in the middle of the night and got freaked out cause you weren't there. And I remember that I started crying but then Dad came in, and told me it was okay, and then he read to me until I fell asleep. 'The day broke gray and dull. The clouds hung heavily...'" Wyatt said, remembering the words.

"And there was a rawness in the air that suggested snow." Brooke finished. "The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck." Brooke said smiling. "That book, is the reason me and your dad got together." Wyatt smiled. "I'm glad you have these weird dreams Wyatt. You deserve to have them."

"Do you ever think you still see Dad?" Wyatt asked.

"Sometimes. I remember one time, I was coming out of a meeting, and I was running late to pick you up. I ran to the elevator that had it's doors open and as I got to the doors, there was Lucas. He smiled at me and held the door open and said 'Come on pretty girl'. I smiled and went into the elevator but as soon as I went into the elevator he was gone." Brooke said sadly.

"Mom, how'd you tell dad that you were pregnant with me?" Wyatt asked.

"Um, technically I didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it was just after your Aunt Haley and Uncle Nathan's re commitment ceremony, and your dad found a purse with a pregnancy test in it. He assumed it was mine. So, I went over one night after the wedding and he said he knew. So yeah. Even thought it wasn't my test in the purse though." Brooke said.

"Who's was it?"

"Rachel's." Brooke sighed. " So, how far along is she?"

"What?" Wyatt asked, freaked out.

"You're not deaf. Answer the question." Brooke said frustrated.

"Abilene isn't pregnant." Wyatt said seriously.

Abilene has been Wyatt's girlfriend for the past 3 years. They met their sophomore year at a basketball game. He was sitting in the bleachers with Haley and her 4 youngest. Abilene was, and still is, captain of the cheer leading squad and was, and still is, friends with Kirsten. During half time, he was standing behind her in the refreshment line. She was a dollar short and he kindly paid the rest of the tab for her. She flashed him her famous smile and thanked him before walking back to Kirsten with the waters.

They didn't start dating till 2 weeks after that moment. She had long black hair and dark green eyes. Brooke took to her almost immediately, bonding over cheer leading. She was glad Wyatt was finally opening up and being social instead of being like his dad and only going out side to play basketball.

Brooke didn't really think anything of the relationship at first. She liked Abilene but she used to be like Abilene once, which meant that boyfriends didn't tend to stick. But then again Lucas stuck with her, maybe Wyatt would stick to Abilene.

The moment she knew that Abilene wasn't going anywhere had to have been a few weeks before their first year anniversary. Wyatt had gone to pick Abilene up and then go out for dinner and a movie. He came back home 20 minutes later with a crying and disheveled Abilene.

Turns out that her mom had died of cancer 2 years ago (that had been one of the things that had brought her and Wyatt closer together). Her dad had turned to alcohol after his own mother died 6 months prior to that moment. He had gotten abusive about a week after her grandmother's passing. She was crying and had a black eye and a red mark on her arm.

Abilene never went home after that. Brooke and Lucas had gone over to get most of her stuff the next day when Abilene's father was at work. Brooke let her stay in their spare bedroom with strict rules that if anything did go on in the house that they would be safe and quiet. Guess that really hadn't worked out.

"I thought I taught you not to lie to me?"

"Mom, I swear. She isn't pregnant."

"Well, maybe she just hasn't told you yet." Brooke said as the walked down the street.

"Why do you think she's pregnant?" Wyatt said, twitching a little.

"I can tell. Plus, you know, the fact that she is."

"Mom! I'm not lying to you! She isn't pregnant and if she is she hasn't told me yet!" Wyatt said.

"Alright, alright. I believe you." Brooke responded with a smirk on her face.

"Mom, I have something to tell you." Wyatt said after a few minutes of silence.

"What is it Wyatt?" Brooke asked wearily, not sure if she should be concerned or not.

" I invited Abilene to the rivercourt tonight. I know it's usually just family, but I want to introduce her to Dad's place." Wyatt said cautiously.

"You really love her don't you?" Brooke asked her son.

"You have no idea Mom. I can't believe that I love her this much." Wyatt said smiling that famous dimpled smile.

"Are you going to ask her?" Brooke asked.


"I said are you going to ask her." Brooke repeated.

"How did you know..." Wyatt said trailing off.

"Because you get that sparkle in your eye when you talk about her. Your eyes light up. Plus, you invited her to Dad's place. That's a big place. It's like your introducing her to him." Brooke said as she looked at Wyatt. She then looked down at her hand and sighed. She took the ring off of her finger and held it in front of Wyatt's face.

"That's your ring." Wyatt said confused.

"Not anymore. It's Abilene's ring now." Brooke said as Wyatt took the ring from her.

"Didn't you get this ring from Dad?"

"Yep. That's my engagement ring from your Dad. But now, it's Abilene's engagement ring from you."

"Mom, I can't take this. This is too much." Wyatt said trying to hand the ring back to her.

"Not if you love her as much as you say you do." Brooke said as she shoved the ring back at Wyatt.

"I also want to give this back to you." Brooke said as she took an ultrasound out of her pocket and handed it to Wyatt. Wyatt froze.

"Mom," Wyatt said as he stood up.

"It's okay. I'm not mad. It's a cycle I guess. Your Grandma had your dad at 18, I had you at 18, you have a baby at 18. Let's just hope this one breaks the cycle." Brooke said with a laugh. "But, Wyatt, I need to ask you something."


"Please tell me that you aren't asking her to marry you because she is pregnant. That your asking her now because you want to be with her." Brooke pleaded. Brooke needed to hear him say it. She didn't want to get married because she was pregnant and she didn't want her son to ask his girlfriend to marry him because she was pregnant. Otherwise it wasn't worth it. A marriage that isn't based on love isn't a marriage at all.

"Mom, I decided 4 months ago that I was going to ask her. I wanted to wait till now though, to ask her. Trust me, it's not because she's pregnant." Wyatt said confidently.

"Good. So, how far along is she?" Brooke asked as they got up and began walking the short walk to the rivercourt.

"About 4 months."

"You kept this from me for 4 months!?" Brooke yelled. 'I live with both of them, how did I not notice this sooner?' she thought.

"Hey! You kept me from Grandma for almost 2 years. 4 months is nothing." Wyatt said defensively.

"See, telling stories to you is a bad thing." Brooke laughed. "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"We're having a girl." Wyatt said smiling proudly.

"Really?" Brooke asked in awe.

"Yep. I'm gonna be a daddy to a baby girl." Wyatt said smiling like a crazy person.

"I have the perfect gift for you!" Brooke said as she whipped out her cell phone.

"Who are you calling?" Wyatt asked. Brooke chose to ignore his question.

"Peyton? Have you left for the rivercourt yet?... Good, go in to my closet, and on the very top shelf, there should be a box in a bag. Do you see it?... Yeah that one. Bring it with you to the rivercourt... I'll tell you later just bring it... She is? That's great!... Yeah I'll see you there. Bye." Brooke hung up the phone.

"What was that about Jenny?" Wyatt asked as Brooke put her cell phone back in her purse.

"Jenny is back from Savannah." Brooke answered. Jenny had gone to the Savannah College of Art and Design last year.

"Cool." Wyatt said as they finally reached the rivercourt. "So, what was all that about?"

"Just a little gift for you. You'll find out what it is when Peyton gets here." Brooke replied with a smile. "Wait a second."

"What's wrong?" Wyatt asked, afraid something was wrong.

"That's why Abilene was sick last month? You told me the flu was going around school!!" Brooke said, smacking Wyatt in the arm.

"Hey! I'm sorry okay!" Wyatt said with a very small laugh.

"And I haven't seen her once without your sweatshirt on! Damn it Wyatt!You didn't want me to find out did you?" Brooke asked, faking some anger.

"Abilene didn't want to tell you. She was afraid that you'd hate her." Wyatt said truthfully. He had wanted to tell his mom from the get go but Abilene had had a breakdown. She was afraid Brooke would yell at her and blame her for ruining Wyatt's life and ultimately kick her out.

"She should know that I could never hate her." Brooke said as she saw Abilene walk up wearing Wyatt's big sweat shirt.

"Hey Wyatt. Brooke." she said as she stopped in front of them, a big smile on her face.

"Hey babe." Wyatt said as he got off the bleachers to give her a hug.

They hugged for what seemed like a long time. To Brooke, they looked like the cutest thing in the world. Wyatt's arms were wrapped tightly around Abilene's waist as hers hung around his neck. Her head was tucked into the crook of his neck and he whispered something in her ear. She laughed slightly, her smile getting even bigger showing off the small dimples that she had. She brought his head down with her hands and gave him a quick peck on the lips. They broke apart from each other, smiling like crazy.

"You guys are too cute." Brooke said smiling as Peyton, Jenny, and Jake walked up.

"Jeez, you guys are still dating?" Jenny asked sarcastically.

"Shut up." Wyatt added playfully. He walked over and gave Jenny a quick hug.

Wyatt, Jenny, and Abilene walked back to the bleachers and Brooke stayed by Peyton and Jake.

"What the hell is in this box Brooke? Jake wouldn't let me look." Peyton whined as she gave Brooke the bag.

"It's a present. From Whitey, technically." Brooke said, a confused expression on both Jake and Peyton's face.

"Let's go to your car. I'll show you there." Peyton and Jake nodded and all 3 of them walked back to the car. Jake opened the passenger seat door and Brooke took the box out of the bag and placed it on the seat. She opened the box to reveal a small Ravens cheer leading outfit.

"Oh my gosh Brooke! Where did you get this?" Peyton asked as she looked at the small skirt.

"Whitey gave it to me and Lucas before Wyatt was born. Just in case we were wrong about it being a boy." Brooke said smiling a huge dimpled smile.

"Whose having a baby?" Finley asked in a daze as he sat up in the back seat. Finley was almost 9 and was the perfect mix of Jake and Peyton.

"It's about time you woke up Fin. When did you get up this morning?" Jake asked as he ran his hand through his son's messy light brown curls.

"Five. What time is it now?" Finley asked looking for a clock.

"Almost 10." Peyton answered, looking at her watch.

"Abilene and Wyatt are having a baby." Brooke answered surprising all 3 of them.

"Abilene is pregnant?" Peyton stuttered out as Jake just stood there shocked.

"Yep. I found her ultrasound yesterday and Wyatt finally came clean on the way over here." Brooke said as she placed the outfit back in the box. "Come on, Haley and Nathan just drove up."

The Naley family piled out of their car, stretching once they were out. There was of course Nathan and Haley plus there 5 kids: Riley, who was 16, the twins, James and Madison who where 11, Danielle who was 8 and Ryan who was 5.

"If it isn't the Naley clan." Brooke said with a laugh as the kids began to separate.

"Well if it isn't Brooke and your two sidekicks. Curly and... Moe." Nathan said trying to sound all macho. But, that pretty much went out the window when he called Jake Moe.

"Moe? That's all you could come up with?" Jake asked shaking his head. "I can understand calling Peyton 'Curly' but did you really have to go with a 3 Stooges analogy?"

"Hey you guys." Haley said, as Ryan finally let go of her leg to go play with the other kids. "Karen and Kirsten should be here soon."

"What's in the bag?" Nathan asked as he wrapped his arm around Haley.

"A present." Broke said coyly.

"For?" Haley asked as Kirsten walked past them.

"Well, not for you." Brooke said with a laugh as Karen walked up.

"Sorry we're late guys." Karen said sniffing.

"Not a problem Karen." Brooke said as the all walked back to the bleachers.

"Thanks for inviting me tonight Wyatt." Abilene said as she leaned into Wyatt.

"Well, I wanted you to meet my dad. I know you've been here before but tonights different." Wyatt said a small smile forming on his lips. He knew how much this place meant to his dad and it hurt him knowing that he would never meet his dad.

"He'd be so proud of you Wyatt." Abilene said leaning her head up to look at Wyatt.

"I know." Wyatt said looking down at Abilene. "He'd love you too."

"I hope he would." Abilene said with a small laugh. "I bet my mom would love you too."

After a quick kiss with Abilene, Wyatt looked up to see everyone walking towards them.

"Let's tell them now." Wyatt whispered to Abilene.

"Now?" Abilene choked out, obviously still too nervous to tell everyone.

"Yeah. Come on." Wyatt grabbed her hand and the both stood up. "Hey, everyone. We have a.. uh... announcement to make."

Brooke shot Peyton a look and Peyton simply shook her head as she smiled. Wyatt was obviously nervous but not as much as Abilene who was biting her bottom lip and standing a little bit behind Wyatt.

Brooke met up with Wyatt's eyes and mouthed "Go on."

"We're umm... well... Abilene and I are..." Wyatt stuttered out.

"I'm pregnant." Abilene said quietly.

"What?" Everyone asked in shocked, well everyone who didn't know.

Wyatt sighed and nodded his head. "We're gonna have a baby."

Brooke stood up and walked over to Abilene who looked like she was about to cry.

"Abilene it's fine. I don't hate you. I'm happy for you." Brooke said as she enveloped Abilene in a hug.

"Your not?" Abilene asked a few tears escaping her eyes.

"Not at all. Plus, I found your ultrasound yesterday." Brooke said with a laugh. "And I have this for you guys."

Brooke handed Abilene the box to which she and Wyatt looked at it confused.

"It's from me and Whitey." Brooke said.

"Whitey?" Abilene and Wyatt asked confused. Whitey had passed 4 years ago.

"Yep. He gave it to me and your dad before I had you." Brooke said with a small smile on her face. It still hurt a little to talk about her time with Lucas but it was always going to hurt. He wa such a big part of her life. He helped shape her future. He was the only boy who had loved her.

Abilene opened the box to reveal the small cheerleading outfit. "Oh my gosh." Abilene said as she pulled outfit out of the box.

"Mom..." Wyatt said looking from the outfit to his mom.

"This was in case you where a girl." Brooke said smiling.

"Thank you SO much!" Abilene said as she hugged Brooke again.

"You are very welcome." Brooke said as she rubbed Abilene's back before mouthing "Ask her now." to Wyatt.

"Umm, Abilene?" Wyatt asked nervously as he fingered the ring in his pocket.

"Yeah?" Abilene asked as she puled out of her hug. She moved so she face Wyatt, not noticing as Brooke walked back to the bleachers.

"I want to ask you something. And the only reason I am asking is because I love you, not for any other reason okay?" Wyatt said, one sentence away from rambling.

"Wyatt your starting to scare me." Abilene said with an awkward laugh. "What do you have to ask me?"

Wyatt exhaled before taking a big breath. "Will you marry me?" he finally asked, pulling his mother's ring from his pocket.

"I... I.." Abilene said speechless which scared Wyatt.

"If you don't want to that's completely fine-" Wyatt began to say until he was cut off by Abilene's lips crashing in to his. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck.

"Of course I'll marry you Wyatt." Abilene yelled happily once they broke their kiss. Wyatt picked her up and spun her around, holding her close. When he put her back down on the ground he placed the ring on her finger.

"I love you Luke." Brooke whispered, pulling Lucas's 'Bodyshop' sweatshirt tighter around her, a sudden gust of wind blowing. She closed her eyes, taking in the wind and the comfort that it brought her there.

"I love you too Brooke." she heard him say, causing her smile to get even bigger.