Cornelius Fudge was very proud of himself. He was finally going to pull one over on the headmaster of Hogwarts. They thought he had done that last year by having Deloris Umbridge be the DADA teacher, but that had been horrible, and they had the test scores for the OWLs and NEWTs. Now he was sure this new task would throw the headmaster.

"Ah Albus, I had hoped I would be able to talk to you in private." The minister of magic said as he entered the Headmaster's office, disappointed when he saw a boy in there talking to him.

"Not to worry Cornelius, James was just leaving." Albus said, smiling at his grandson.

"I didn't know you allowed the students to stay during the summer." Cornelius said.

"They are allowed when they are staying with family." Albus said with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"And is Mr…"

"Wyatt, his name is James Wyatt, and he his staying with his grandparents." Albus said, almost smirking at the Minister. "James is my grandson, and therefore has permission to stay as his parents are unable to take care of him at the moment."

"Well then…Now about why I'm here. The ministry has decided another class should be added to the curriculum. The board of governors has decided this class will be on another type of magic. It is up to you what kind, but the ministry and governors will have to approve of it." The minister said, thinking Albus would not be able to find something on such short notice.

"Actually I have already submitted an addition to the curriculum, and it has been approved by the governors. I think it should meet your requirements." Albus said as he handed the syllabus for the class.

"And you have a teacher for this class?" The minister asked.

"They should be here sometime today."


James decided that he would rather be outside than in at the moment, so had decided to take a walk around the lake. He was surprised when he saw a large figure coming toward him, and was about to greet his old friend. It was then he remembered that Hagrid wouldn't know him, and probably thought 'Harry' was a killer. He smiled at his first real friend, and prayed Hagrid didn't think he was trouble.

"Hey there, you mus be Dumbledore's grandson. He tol' me you was stayin', great man Dumbldore." Hagrid said as he walked up to the boy.

"You must be Hagrid, grandpa Albus has told me quite a bit about you as well." James said as he smiled at his old friend. "He was in a meeting with the Minister, so I thought I would come outside and try to find something to do."

"Well, you could always go flyin." Hagrid suggested.

"Actually, I would like to know a little more about the school and the students. I will be attending this year, my 6th year, and would like to know what I can expect. I was wondering if there was anything you could tell me." James said with a smile.

"Well, I do know somethings. What would you like to know?" Hagrid asked as he beckoned James to walk with him.

"Tell me about the students in my year." James said.

"Well, there was one in yer year I'm sure you would have liked. He was in Gryffindor, and as good a person as any ever was. But he doesn't go here any more." Hagrid said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Why not?"

"Bout a year ago, he was in a tournament, and a student died. He was blamed for the boy's death, and they threw him in prison fer it. He wasn't even 15 years old at the time, never really got a chance ter live. Now he never will." Hagrid said, openly crying now.

"Why's that?" James asked genuinely confused.

"Cause he died some time back. We checked the records at the ministry, he died almost a week ago. He died thinkin' everyone turned their backs on him." Hagrid said, and James wondered where this story came from.

"Hagrid, would you mind if I borrowed my grandson for a minute." Minerva said, smiling at the giant and the boy.

"Sure thing Professor." Hagrid said as he walked away.

"What did he mean I died?" James asked, wondering where that had come from.

"Your grandfather thought it best if no one was trying to find you. So the day you appeared in his office after your escape he went to Azkaban, and transfigured a rock into 'your' dead body. Then you appeared later looking as you do, and we thought it best that Harry James Potter died. There are only two other people who know the truth though, and they should be here in a few days to see you. I thought it would be best if you told Miss. Weasley yourself though." Minerva explained. "That is why I have set up for you to go there while your grandfather and I talk with the new teachers." She informed him.


James knew he didn't have any choice in the matter, so didn't put up any fight. Instead he followed his grandmother to her office and flooed to the house of the people he once considered friends of his. He smiled as he looked around the familiar kitchen, but it felt forced. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be around these people.

"Oh…You must be James. Minerva told me you would be coming." Molly Weasley said as she smiled at the boy in front of her.

"Thanks for having me ma'am." James said politely, and looked around again. He could hear the noises of the other boys outside, but then noticed that one person sat alone in the living room.

"Well, I am sure you would like to meet the other children. They boys are outside, and my daughter Ginny is in the other room if you would like to meet her first." James just nodded, and walked to the room, leaving Mrs. Weasley to the cooking.

He was surprised when he entered the room, and saw the redhead girl with her knees pulled up to her chest, and tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Even when she cried she looked beautiful to him. Quietly he sat down in front of her, and pushed the hair out of her face.

"I hope I'm not the one you're crying over. After all I didn't save you from the Chamber, so that I could create more pain later on." He whispered softly, and smiled when her head shot up.

"Harry?" She asked in a state of awe.

"Shhh…It's James now, James Leo Wyatt." He said with a smile, and was knocked backwards when she threw herself at him.

"How?" She asked in a whisper.

"My grandfather thought it best if I 'died' so created a fake body while I recuperated from my escape in his office. I then went back in time to train myself so I could stay in sixth year, and found my real appearance." James said with a smirk.

"I don't get it, who's your grandfather?" Ginny asked, hanging on his every word.

"My grandfather is Albus Dumbledore, and I found out that I was adopted by James and Lily Potter. My real father is Leo Wyatt, Dumbledore's son who was put up for adoption." James explained.

"This new look suites you better." She said as she ran her fingers through his short hair, and looked into the blue eyes. "It just seems more natural." She said, neither noticing how close their faces were getting.

"BOYS, COME IN FOR LUNCH." Mrs. Weasley called, and the two in the living room sprung apart. James wasn't sure what had just happened, but he was almost sure he came really close to kissing Ginny.

Not that he didn't like the idea. She had changed since he last saw her, and none of the changes were bad. Her hair was the same fiery red, and her eyes the same chocholate brown. She had grown a bit, and looked to be about 5ft 4in, and her featured had matured some.

"We should probably head in there before all the food is gone." He said, breaking out of his relverlrie, and stood offering her a hand to pull her to her feet. He was surprised when she blushed, but smiled realizing he wasn't the only one trying to figure out how they felt.

"Right…you have seen how they can eat." Ginny said, trying to think of something. Right now she was cursing her mother mentally for ruining their moment.


"So James, are you just visiting your granparents, or is your stay going to be permanent?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she smiled at the boy sitting next to her daughter. She had seen how Ginny had smiled after leaving the living room, and was grateful to the young man who had brought that smile back.

"I'll be staying for a while ma'am, in fact I am set to start school this year. My grandfather is convinced You Know Who is back, and decided he wanted to keep me close." James said, and almost lost it when Ginny stared at him shocked. He figured it was because of how he referred to Voldemort. He had done so, to keep people from connecting him to Harry, after all Harry called Voldemort by his name.

"You would think he would know better. I mean the rest of us could see through Potters lies, why couldn't he?" Ron asked as he bit into his sandwich.

"I thought so to at first, then noticed the rise in gang related activities, and thought maybe the old man was right, and You Know Who might be back. I knew for sure the night Deatheaters stormed my neighborhood. Grandfather is convinced someone found out about me, and that was what the Deatheaters were looking for." James lied smoothly.

"It would make sense, Dumbledore would likely do anything for his family, to keep them safe." Ginny said, seeing where James was going with this.

"What happened to your parents?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"They don't know I'm alive, Grandfather was the one who found me years ago, then hid me with a muggle family. You see my biological father is a squib and was put up for adoption so he would be kept safe. Grandfather thought I would be safer closer to him, so found a family to place me with."

"Why don't they know you are alive?" Fred and George asked.

"Because I was taken from them when I was born. My mother was only 16, and wasn't ready for a baby. Grandfather wanted to tell them, but then thought it would be better to wait till after the war, as he didn't like the idea of giving me back to them, only to have something happen to me because of who my grandfather is." James answered, glad when unending questions did actually end.