Title: Letters Percy Never Sent
Rating: G
Notes: Written for the Unsent Letters Challenge.


Der Mum,

I saw Charlie He was flying on dads old Broomstick last nigt and I told him not to but he did it. and Thats how come it got stuk in the tree.


Charlie found it first and tore it up. Mum never knew a thing.


Dear Bill,

How is Hogwarts? I hope that you are doing well. We are all doing good here at the Burrow. Ginny has learnt a new word, which is 'gnome'. Mum helped me write this letter.

With love,

'Well', not 'good'. Mum made me rewrite it.



I know you've been ducking me. Give me back my Potions notes.

Came in while I was writing. I never did get my notes back, though.


Dearest Ginny,

Yes, I got your letter. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Harry Potter is doing well, as I'm sure Ron has told you. The two of them have been running around everywhere together.

I'm afraid I

Got distracted in the middle, then someone turned it into a paper hat.


What about that empty classroom on the third floor? There's never anybody there.

History of Magic let out too soon to pass it.


Mr. Crouch,

What do you want me to do? I've been signing your name to all of these papers for weeks and weeks, and soon somebody's going to notice that you haven't been here in forever.

Respectfully yours,

Percy Weasley. Not Weatherby.

Written in a fit of frustration, then burnt.


Could you at least talk to Penelope for me? You're her best friend, and I'm sure she'll come around if she just listens.

Realized Cynthia never liked me anyway, tossed it in the bin.


Albus Dumbledore,

Your fears about the alleged return of You-Know-Who are entirely baseless. You are only alarming the people unnecessarily. You may consider this an official warning from the Ministry.

Percy Weasley, Secretary to the Minister of Magic

Minister Fudge decided to arrest him instead.



I don't care if you were right. You were still wrong.


Obvious reasons.


You have no family.

Pinned above the bed.