Disclainer- The ingenious J K Rowling and variouse publisher owns most of the charcters and the setting. I barly own the plot, though I do wish I owned more then an ipod, the books, and movies.

Hello to all!

This is the redo of the story. I've got a new formation I'm gonna try out, so every submission will be one month. you should expect much longer chapters than this one.


Professor Albus Dumbledore, Grand Sorcerer and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot; Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards; Receiver of the Order of Merlin, First Class; Founder and secret keeper of the secret Order of the Phoenix, and currently headmaster of England's greatest wizard school, Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and wizardry, was staring gloomily at the hearth in his office, the flames reflecting in the half moon spectacles resting on his highly crooked nose. His silvery hair surrounded his thin figure as he signed, looking down at the parchment in his hand.

He had received it a few short hours before, by a huge, ebony colored owl who dropped the letter on the Professor's freshly written report. Quickly going through it, Dumbledore found himself at a situation he never predicted to happen. That alone, was extremely aberrant and unusual.

The old man sighed again. He was too used to being correct and in control. With Lord Voldemort gone, things were quite and simple. The most exciting thing he needed to endure was pranks the students pulled. He was getting rusty, taking this temporary calmness for granted.

But this. This was the most impossible, unpredictable, terrible thing that could have possible happen.

It was an admission form.

"Professor Dumbledore?" asked a voice from the office door.

A woman stood there. She was tall, had black hair that she pulled into a tight bun, and wore square glasses over her beady eyes. Her usually stern face had a worried expression to it. She looked at the headmaster anxiously.

"you said it was urgent." she continued, stepping into the room, the flames flooding her with light.

"It is. " confirmed Dumbledore. He motioned to another armchair near the fire, and Professor Minerva McGonagall sat down, never moving her glare from the old man. She waited for him to explain.

"I received a letter earlier this evening." began the headmaster. " asking permission of acceptance of a seventeen year old into Hogwarts."

"They are quit late," remarked McGonagall. "seventeen is a late age to enter. Are you going to approve?" Dumbledore signed. " I believe the youth in question had his serve of magic already, and learned much."

Seeing Dumbledore was again deep in thought, McGonagall moved her glare to the blazing fire.

"Who is this child? Who asks for permission?" she questioned after long moments of silence.

"The child is an apprentice," said Dumbledore heavily, his voice soft. " his master is Tom Riddle."

Professor McGonagall gasped. Tom Riddle was Lord Voldemort's real name.

Ever since the incident in Godric's Hollow seventeen years before, Most wizards believed Lord Voldemort was dead. A body was never found, seeing that the house was brought to pieces by the time ministry officials got there, but he was never seen after words. James and Lily Potter, who lived in the house along with their first born son, Harry, were the only survivors. Harry Potter, on the other hand, was dead. His small body was found in the baby cradle, blood dripping from where it was hit by falling stones from the ceiling and walls. The Potters grieved long and hard on their lost son, cursing the dark lord, and Peter Pettigrew, who betrayed them and let Voldemort know where they were hiding.

With help from their friends and colleague Aurors the two came back on their feet, helping the Wizarding World rebuild itself slowly and painfully. But only when Andy, their second son, was born, did they truly get over their lose.

Tom Riddle was never spotted since.

The ministry searched. The Auror department was up and going looking for the wicked wizard, but no evidence of death was ever found, nor signs of were he was hiding. After a few long months, He was qualified as dead, and everyone started searching for his followers. But there was never any proof.

Until now.

"how dare he!" called McGonagall. Dumbledore smiled to himself. How predictable. "how can he possible think we would even consider such a thing-! You-know-who's-apprentice! A student in Hogwarts! Unheard of! Impossible! Did you send him a refusal?" Dumbledore didn't say a thing, but just kept starring into the hearth, deep in thought.

"you didn't?" gasped the Professor in a whisper. "why in the world would you do that?"

Dumbledore sighed, rubbing his blazing azure eyes under the spectacles. "I don't know, Minerva." he said at last. McGonagall stared. Never did she see the headmaster so helpless. She waited for him to continue.

"this- apprentice, has shown signs of magic," said the old man. "he is a child wizard and within Hogwarts's age group. If he wants to learn in the school, the ancient rule says he may." Professor McGonagall considered this for a few long moments.

"but surly his past-"

"we know nothing of his past, Minerva," blocked her Dumbledore. " he could possible be a child Voldemort recently kidnapped, having every right to learn from us." McGonagall looked at him helplessly, trying to find a way out of the well made trap. She found none.

"Can't the ministry do anything?" she whispered weakly. Dumbledore shook his head.

"Even if they find Voldemort and arrest him, this child didn't do anything." he said sadly. "we must accept."

Professor McGonagall looked over to the flames once again.

"is there no way out?" she whispered.

"I tried finding one for hours," whispered the old Professor. "there are none. This apprentice will come here in the first of September, just like everyone else. He will be sorted with the first years and go to classes the next day. There is nothing we can do about it, unless we find any way that he harms the other students. There is no way out, Minerva. No way out."

"what is his name? the apprentice's?" asked McGonagall after a long time of silence.

"it didn't say." answered Dumbledore.