Dark Nadeshiko: Twenty-five themes dedicated to Sakuno fans like myself. Each chapter will have a different person featured alongside Sakuno.
Theme 3: Greetings
"Atobe-san! Thank you for inviting me." Sakuno bowed politely.
Atobe drawled languidly, "Of course Sakuno-chan, but shouldn't you greet me properly?" He smiled behind his flute of champagne, "After all, we are in Paris."
Sakuno cocked her head to the side, "A handshake? Is that what Atobe-san wants?"
"No my dear, the French have a different greeting." He delicately put down his glass, "Allow me to demonstrate."
Cupping her face gently, Atobe kissed her softly on each cheek. Spots of colour flared.
Picking up his champagne, he dropped one last kiss onto Sakuno's forehead. "I'm afraid I must go and welcome my other guests now. "Au revoir, Sakuno-chan."
Dark Nadeshiko: I'll try and post a new chapter every other day. Please review and tell me if there's a pairing you'd like to see.