Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Beyblade character or the show itself! wish i did!
Why Can't We Be Friends?
"Hilary and Tyson are friends" said Max "But something tells me – they're meant to be more than friends!"
"Speak for yourself, Max" said Kenny, smiling slightly "Like that'll ever happen!"
It was a sunny morning and the G-Revolutions were enjoying their first break after a long, long while. But Tyson was still battling Daichi. The annoying kid never passed the opportunity to try and beat Tyson, although he failed miserably every time!
Hilary was watching their fight with a slightly bored expression on her face. Ray was standing beside her and Kai had gone off alone somewhere…
"Get him, Strata Dragoon!" Daichi yelled furiously.
"Dragoon – evolution storm!" Tyson shouted.
A storm brewed up from Tyson's blade and for a minute everything got covered in the dust and the high winds. When it subsided, then Daichi's blade lay outside the dish!
"YES!" cried Tyson, yanking his hand into the air "And the Great Champ does it again! Yahoo!"
Hilary raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh, give it a rest Tyson!"
"What?" cried both Tyson and Daichi.
"Are you actually siding with me?" asked Daichi, surprised.
"Are you really?" asked Tyson.
"No" said Hilary, rolling her eyes "I was merely stating how pointless it is for you to whoop and cheer and laugh and do what not when you win against someone who is weaker than you!"
"I am not weaker than him, girl!" shouted Daichi.
"What do you mean?" asked Tyson.
"That you're just an arrogant, swollen-headed and vain old tyrant!" Hilary cried, furiously.
Kenny and Max exchanged looks and rushed to the spot where Hilary and Tyson were having a verbal fight. Ray was already between them trying to force them apart.
"Stop it, you guys!" called Ray "Act your age."
"Act my age – please give it a rest" said Tyson, angrily "Tell her to act her age!"
"Hear! Hear!" called Daichi.
"You say out of this!" cried Hilary and Tyson together.
They were willing to fly at one another – if only Ray would let them.
"You're an air head!" called Tyson, through the creek of Ray's hand.
"Look who's talking" retorted Hilary, rudely "Joker boy!"
"That does it!" Tyson patience was lost in a jiffy.
Max and Kenny's pleas fell on deaf ears and before he knew it, Tyson had released his blade!
"Let it rip!" he cried, aiming at Hilary.
"TYSON!" shouted Max
"Don't, Tyson!" called Ray
"No – Hilary!" Kenny yelled
His blade being released with a certain force, dropped to the ground – bounced back up, and hit Hilary squarely on her forehead. With a startled scream, she fell back – back – as though hurtling through space. She waited for the fall – but it never came!
She fell into the strong arms of some one…someone with two-toned hair.
"Kai" she said in a broken-whisper.
"Glad to break your fall!" said Kai, indifferently.
And then Hilary collapsed.
"HILARY" screamed Max, Ray and Kenny.
Tyson and Daichi stood there dumbfounded!
"Will she be alright, Doctor?" asked Tyson, nervously to the Doctor who had checked Hilary over, to find out her exact condition.
"I can't say" said the Doctor "We've to wait till she wakes up!"
"Doctor, what is the worst that can happen?" asked Max, nervously.
"Worst?" the doctor looked thoughtful "She might have a short-term memory loss. After all, the wound was rather deep!"
Tyson blushed. Ray gave him an 'I-told-you-so' look. Only Kai said nothing. He stood apart from the group, arms folded across his chest and leaning against the wall.
"Can you tell us when she'll wake up?" asked Kenny.
"Well – if my calculations are correct, she'll come out from her reverie right about – now!" said the Doctor.
Hilary slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Where was she? How did she get here… it was so hard to remember! So hard… and all she remembered was –
"Kai!" she said sharply.
The nurse in the room rushed to her side.
"What do you want dear?" she asked kindly.
"Kai…please I want Kai" said Hilary, desperately.
The nurse went out of the room to the Doctor.
"Sir, the girl wants to see Kai" she told him.
"So, which amongst you lad is Kai?"
There was a silence, then – "me" said Kai shortly and entered the room.
"I can't believe she asked to see him!" said Tyson, grouchily "I mean – I am her friend from school you know!"
"Yeah, we know" said Max, clucking sympathetically.
"Some friend of yours" commented Ray.
"What do you mean?" asked Tyson, astonished.
"Tyson – grow up…you called her wicked witch of the 7th grade!" Kenny said.
"That was two years back!" said Tyson.
"You never trouble to show you hate her!"
"I don't!"
"For goodness sake, Tyson…"
"You hurled your blade at her!"
Tyson fell silent. To his surprise, it was Daichi who came to his rescue.
"Let him alone" he said "That headless girl was trying to interfere!"
"Headless?" a startled female voice echoed 'round the place. All of them turned to see Hilary coming slowly towards them, leaning on Kai for support. "Who's headless?"
"Hilary!" they all said.
"Huh?" said Hilary "Who is she?"
"You" said Kenny.
"Me?" said Hilary "But my name is Caitlyn"
Tyson edged his way towards her, "Can't you recognize us?"
"You are-?"
Hilary automatically turned towards the others, and they told their names to her. Hilary bowed her head and said, "Good to meet you all." Then she turned towards Kai, "Where will we be going now?"
"We?" echoed Tyson, "What do you mean 'we'?"
"Caitlyn thinks she and I stay at the same place" said Kai.
Max edged his way towards Hilary and took her hand.
"Caitlyn, we –um – were going over to Tyson's place for blading practice."
'Caitlyn' turned a startled face towards Kai and he briefly explained, "It's a sport."
Max picked up the strings of conversation again, "So, would you like to come with us?"
Hilary nodded mutely. They all filed out of the hospital towards Tyson's house.
Man, thought Tyson, she's really freaking me out!
Hilary sat still while the others went over their training schedule. Kenny insisted that physical training was more important than blading. And there he stood working them all like dogs…
"GO on – keep running!" Kenny shouted "Tyson – you are one lap behind others."
Hilary watched them go over there practice session, then suddenly she walked to them and joined them. In her mind flitted the vision of herself and some shadowy figure telling her, 'Join team practice?'
But who was that person.
"Are you going to join team practice?" asked Max, in surprise.
Hilary did not answer.
"Hello?" said Tyson.
"Let her alone, you jokers!" said Kai.
Ray nodded and called out, "C'mon lets beyblade!"
"O Yeah!" cried the other two.
They rushed towards the dish, flipping out their blades, launchers and rippers.
"Last one to land is a loser!" called Tyson, happily taking aim. Hilary was running alongside him. He launched his blade, and she heard the familiar ripping sound.
Suddenly it all came back to her: the suppressed anger – the quarrel – the launch – and the blade hitting her.
Her expression softened, "Oh Tyson!"
Wouldn't he ever understand? They were not meant to be only friends…they were more than friends. When would this 'world champ' grow up to act his age?
A smile played 'round her lips and she blushed. Everyone else knew all about them but he – only was ignorant about the fact that she –
"Hey Caitlyn!" called Ray "Aren't you going to cheer us on?"
"Coming Ray" called Hilary running towards him. 'Caitlyn?' she thought.
She stopped next to their dish and watched the five battling furiously. Kenny was also battling with them, his laptop lying in a corner.
Tyson urged his Dragoon forward and snarled, "And you're all IT!"
With some clever moves he threw their blades out of the dish but he missed Kai's.
"You're gonna have to do better than that, world champ." He said.
"Don't you mean world chimp?" Hilary rolled her eyes "Still full of yourself aren't you, Tyson Granger?"
Hearing things so familiar to them from Hilary's lips, made both bladders jump and immediately their blades got thrown out of the dish.
"You are Hilary, aren't you?" asked Kenny.
"Not Caitlyn, right?" Ray questioned.
"Wish we could know for sure!" Max sighed.
"We can" said Daichi and walked up to her "So what would you say to a little date with Tyson?"
The others watched with baiting breath…what would Hilary say now? Only Kai seemed to be unconcerned about the whole situation. Tyson watched the escapade with his mouth slightly open. Hilary was shaking with fury and hurt.
"Why you little!" she began taking a snipe at Daichi, but he dodged out of her reach and began laughing at her.
"There you go…" he said "This is our Hilary alright!"
Meanwhile it was taking the combined efforts of Max, Ray and Kenny to stop Hilary from flying at Daichi. They were afraid that Caitlyn might come back if she did attack Daichi! And they all preferred the short-tempered yet sweet girl to the quiet and reserved Caitlyn. Tyson just about realized what Daichi was teasing Hilary about!
"Zip it!" said Tyson, furiously "Be quiet Daichi or I'll do it for you!"
"Tyson and Hilary…" cackled Daichi.
Everyone except Kai, was suppressing their laughter. Hilary's captors were laughing quite openly now that Tyson was chasing Daichi. Hilary broke free of their grip and ran after them as well, calling Daichi names. Her foot caught a stoned and she tripped, and right onto Tyson!
"Ow!" screamed Tyson.
"Sorry" said Hilary. She got up and extended her hand. Tyson took it and was hauled to his feet by her.
For a minute, neither of them spoke. Then Tyson said, "Hil, why can't we be friends?"
"We are friends, Tyson, forever and always" smiled Hilary. "I'll never betray you. You should know that."
"Yeah, I do" Tyson winked and he shook her hand.
A sudden impulse overtook Hilary and reaching up on tiptoe, she kissed Tyson. She wrenched her hand away from him, and rushed away without further ado. Tyson stood there dumbstruck for a minute. His friends came up behind him.
"Where's Hilary, Tyson?" asked Max.
But Tyson didn't answer. Ray nudged Max and said, "Something tells me Tyson's lost in a world of his own!"
"With a special gift!" said Max.
"Oh! How romantic…"Kenny smirked.
Kai had a ghost of a grin on his face, Tyson must be growing up.
But Tyson wasn't taking in a word they were saying. His shock gave way to realization and suddenly he burst out laughing.
"We'll be friends, Hilary!" he called "Forever and always! Just like my Dragoon!"
The other three fell on to the ground in shock. Kai closed his eyes and turned his face up.
'Same old Tyson!' he thought 'Can't see the difference between a special friend and a bit beast!'
So, how was my story? I felt rather bad that Tyson & Hilary never get to speak about the love they have for one another on the show. I hope you like it. Although I show Tyson to realize that Hilary loves him, he shrugs the feeling off cause I feel he'll never learn to love Hilary…he's too busy being the top balder… don't you think?