Harry was bored. Very supremely bored. In his last letter, Ron had stated that they would be driving to pick him up, and Harry had a nasty suspicion that the hold up on the nearest major highway was of Weasley origin. He wasn't saying anything, though, since it would mean more superior, disapproving looks from his aunt and uncle. They were supposed to arrive more than 20 minutes ago, and Harry was bored. He was glad that he had thought to tell his relatives that the Weasleys would arrive a full hour after Ron had promised to be there.

Harry was seated on the front step. He couldn't bear to watch his cousin jump every time a car came down the street. Vaguely, he wondered what they would be driving.

Harry heard a car purr around the corner and glanced up interestedly.

He was shocked when he saw Fred behind the wheel of a sleek red Lotus with Ginny seated beside him.


Ginny sent Fred to help Harry retrieve his things from his room while she attempted to make small talk with his relatives. She narrowed her eyes at the fat one, who had been eying her with interest, then tried again to force his aunt to say something. Today would be nice, she thought, waiting for a response to an innocent comment about the weather. She wondered if it would be rude to offer to make tea in someone else's house.

After waiting for more than a minute, she mumbled something about going to open the boot of the car and fled the house.


"I have never felt so much open hostility in my life," Ginny announced as they sped away, tossing her hair out of her eyes.

"I've felt more," Harry assured her. "Aunt Petunia was almost polite this time."

Ginny faked a shudder, then lunged forward to turn up the radio. She had graciously given Harry the front seat, also giving him a look that said if he didn't take it she would be very displeased, but reserved the right to completely control the radio.

Fred glanced at his watch, and then grinned.

"It should start soon," said Fred. "And before you ask, it is totally, completely, and sadly temporary."

Harry heard Petunia shriek, even though they were almost a mile away. He started laughing and couldn't stop.

Ginny couldn't help wondering if this was the first time he had laughed this summer.


Some hours later, as Mrs. Weasley pulled Harry into a tight embrace and Mr. Weasley attempted to pump his hand at the same time, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that at last, he was home for the summer. Percy shot him a nervous half-smile, and Harry grinned back, thinking that his face might split in half as he did so.


Salina, meanwhile, had been staying at Number 12 Grimmauld Place with her own aunt and uncle, while her uncle searched for a more permanent residence for the three of them. Gwen shot Scouring Spells all over the kitchen, but Salina had refused to eat anything prepared in the kitchen and survived mainly on Chinese takeout. She had also thrown a fit at not being able to charge her iPod until Dave had agreed to find her a laptop and a portable charger until she could reclaim the rest of her things from California. She lay stretched out on the stairs, listening to one of her favorite bands. The door opened.

"Look, Fred, a new type of stair runner," came a voice. Salina opened one eye.

"Possibly she's dead, George," replied a different voice. Salina opened the other eye and thought about sitting up.

"Right, right, probably quite rude to walk on her, then," said the first voice.

"Indubitably, my dear brother," said the second.

Salina sat up, removing one ear bud.

"A zombie?" queried the second voice.

"That could be arranged," Salina replied, "although I usually prefer to be called Salina."

"Fred and George Weasley, at your service," said one of the two red haired boys. They bowed to her simultaneously. "Now, I'm sure you've noticed we're twins," he started.

"But as anyone can see, I'm much better looking," the other interrupted. "I'm Fred."

"Honestly, Fred, anyone as beautiful as she is, and undoubtedly as intelligent, can tell you that without a doubt I'm far better looking than you," argued George.

Salina watched them argue for a moment, then laughed and stood up. "I like you," she stated. "Let's go get coffee."

"My, my, a decisive girl who appears to dislike tea. What shall we do, George?" Fred asked.

"Our only choice appears to be to accompany her to her destination, as you know I've never been a big fan of tea myself."

"My only question, my dear brother, is what about the message we were supposed to deliver?"

"And my only question, my dear boys, is what about my coffee? If it's a message for Gwen, she'll appreciate it even more if a hot caffeinated beverage accompanies it and if it's for Dave, he's not here so you'll fail in your delivery before you've even started. Besides, Gwen's been in rather a bad mood for the last hour, so vacating the premises and returning with a peace offering is much to be advised," Salina informed them, heading for the door.

"One cannot help but wonder—" Fred mused aloud as he followed her.

"What put the lady in such a bad mood," George finished.

"She tripped over a new type of stair runner," Salina told them innocently, glancing back over her shoulder and smiling. "She only fell down three steps, I can't understand why she got so upset about it."


Harry was so happy to be back among friends that he was only vaguely disappointed to hear Mrs. Weasley announce that to due space constraints and unexpectedly unfinished remodeling, they would be spending the rest of the summer at Grimmauld Place. He was aware of Ron shooting glances at him and of Ginny's own, much subtler, glances. He attempted to withdraw further inside himself, refusing to think of anything but the moment. Hermione would join them there, and he would deal with life as it came.