Dukes of Hazzard
Title: Home Alone
Author: Numb3rsfan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Author Notes: No copywrite violation was intended in the use of the title 'Home Alone'
Disclaimer: I don't own, or pretend to own the Dukes of Hazzard.
Summary: Trouble is brewing in Hazzard when fifteen year old Luke Duke and twelve year old Bo Duke are home alone, and robbers have their eyes set on the farm.
Chapter One
Today was not any normal day in Hazzard County. For one thing, the sun wasn't shining, two, the mail was slower than molasses in the winter, and three, Rosco was chasing Jesse Duke for no good reason, other than he wanted too.
Jesse was just on his way back to the Duke farm with his nephews Bo and Luke, whom he had just been showing the basics of how to handle a car when being pursued by the law.
"Come on Uncle Jesse, let me drive!" Luke begged his uncle.
Jesse shot Luke a look that was as clear as day.
"Over my dead body! You've only had two lessons, an' I want'a live long enough ta give ya another!" Jesse replied as he rounded the curve a little to fast, nearly running his old ridge runner car into a tree.
Rosco, however was not so lucky. He didn't even see the turn, so he ended up ramming in to the tree while doing a slow 55 mph!
Jesse only stopped long enough to see that Rosco was ok before he proceeded on to the farm.
Once there, he only stopped long enough to let Bo and Luke out.
"I'll be home tomorr'a. I need to pick up Daisy in Atlanta an run a few errands." Jesse said.
"We'll take good care of the place Uncle Jesse!" Luke said as he waved a hand in farewell.
"Yes sir, you can count on us!" Bo replied as he followed Luke inside the house.
Jesse sat inside his car a moment. "That's what I'm 'fraid of." He said to himself as he drove his black car to the barn and hid it there.
Jesse then got out of the car and headed over to his pickup truck. It was slower, but it would get him to Atlanta and back in a reasonable amount of time.
As Jesse pulled away from the farmhouse, inside the house Bo and Luke were cheering!
"Finally! Thought he'd never leave!" Luke said as he turned away from the window.
"Still can't believe we got the place to ourselves fer twenty four hours!" Bo replied as he clapped his hands once before he headed to the bedroom that he and Luke shared to collect a few things.
Luke watched Bo leave the room. What Bo didn't know was that Luke's friends would be swinging by the farm later to pick Luke up, and then Bo would have free rein of the house until Luke got back.
Luke had been about to rade the fridge when he noticed a car approaching the farmhouse.
"They're early." He muttered to himself as he put the red apple back in the fridge.
"Hey Bo, I'm headin' into town fer a bit, I'll see ya later!" Luke said before he rushed out the door before Bo could reply.
Bo came bounding out of the bedroom, having heard Luke's statement.
He skidded to a stop by the window and watched as Luke climbed into the bed of the truck and settled in while the truck pulled away from the farm.
Bo slightly smiled as he headed for the corner where his and Luke's bow and arrow set were hidden. Grabbing his set, Bo headed out into the woods that surrounded the property to do some hunting of his own.