Disclaimer-I don't own any of these characters. All I own are the messed up thoughts in my head.

Feedback-Please, please, please read and review. Or e-mail me at [email protected].

Author's Note-This story takes place when Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Ken, Joe, and Mimi are in collage, and Kari, TK, Yolei, Davis, and Cody are in High School. This is a Kari/Davis right now, but it might turn into a TK/Kari or even a TK/Alexz. Right now I'm leaning towards a TK/Alexz because some people seem to like that.

TK sat in science class, bored. Bored, bored, bored. And hungry. Not a good combination for Mr. Merakie's Human Biology Class. Especially because if Mr. Merakie kept describing in great detail what happened to food when it passed through the human digestive system, TK knew that he would not only lose his appetite for lunch, but he would probably lose his breakfast as well. TK sighed and leaned back in his chair looking for something other then the front to focus his attention on. The front of the room was bad. Mr. Merakie was up there, and so were Kari and Davis. And TK was not in the mood to see TK and Davis make googly eyes at each other. That was one cool thing about Mr. Merakie. As long as you did the work, he allowed for people to flirt with each other in class.

TK looked around the back of the room desperately. There was one good thing about the back of the room. There were a lot of cool star charts and posters to look at. Mr. Merakie also taught Astronomy, and that class was rumored to be really cool. TK couldn't wait to take that class next year.

TK sighed again and looked down at his notebook. It was really his sketch pad disguised as his Human Bio notebook. Right now he was working on a picture of Alexz playing basketball. All he had right now was her face. The determined look in her eyes, the small smirk at the corner of her mouth, her pointed little chin. TK added a few little lines to Alexz's eyes to make them bigger and more almond shaped. Then he sighed again and moved his sketch pad to look at his real notebook. This class made him sigh a lot, he had noticed. It made him sleepy too.

TK looked down at his notebook. The page titled 'Notes' was blank. Oh well. He could get the notes from Tyler's girlfriend Dawn. He glanced over at Dawn and the empty seat between them. Dawn glanced up from her notes and smiled at him. He smiled back, and gave her the puppy eyes. Dawn tried not to laugh as she nodded and held up her notes. TK acted like he was shooting a basketball, and Dawn nodded again. TK smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Dawn smiled back and went back to her notes.

TK turned back to the front and looked at his watch. He tried not to groan when he saw that they still had an hour in this class. And they hadn't even gotten to the microscope lab yet.

At the thought of the lab, TK panicked. Kari and Davis would probably want him to work with them. But TK had no desire what so ever to sit at a lab table and pretend he didn't notice Davis and Kari's looks at each other. TK glanced around in a panic. His best friend Tyler wasn't here, and Dawn would probably go with her three friends.

Then TK saw Jessica. Perfect! Jessica was cool. Short with short brown hair and deep brown eyes, Jessica was even cute. And she could draw. In fact that's what it looked like she was doing now. TK waved slightly at her, catching her attention. He pointed at her, then him, then the lab tables. She nodded, flashing a smile at him.

TK relaxed for a second, then sat back up. The lab tables sat four! Kari and Davis could still pester him. He was starting to panic again when he heard Mr. Merakies voice say something to him.
"Excuse me?" TK asked politely.
"I asked if those any of those three empty seats around you are taken TK."
TK looked around. There was an empty seat (Tylers) to the left, another one to his right, and one right behind.
"Umm, just this one sir." TK said, pointing at Tyler's seat.
"Good." Mr. Merakie went to the door and opened it. "Class, we have two new students joining us today. This is Alexz and her twin brother Angel."

TK's mouth dropped. He rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things, and then broke into a huge grin. Yes! Yes, yes, yes! He was saved. His two best friends were here. He couldn't wait to introduce Alexz and Angel to his other friends. Alexz sat to the right of TK, and Angel say behind him. TK turned to talk to him for a moment.
"Hey you guys." TK said, unable to stop grinning. Alexz grinned and her and TK slapped high five's. Then TK and Angel did their little 'secret' handshake. TK laughed. "Hey listen. We're doing a lab. Do you two want to work with me and Jessica?"
"Sure." Angel said. "Who's Jessica?"

TK pointed to the seat in front of Alexz, and watched Angel's eyes light up.
"Nice." Angel said, with a low whistle.
"Please get into groups of four for your lab." Mr. Merakie said. "Alexz and Angel, you can skip this if you like."
"Actually, Alexz and I will be with TK and Jessica." Angel said. TK saw Jessica look at him. He raised his eyebrows, and she nodded smiling. She grabbed her lab notebook and came over to them.
"Hey. I'm Jessica." She said to Alexz, holding out her hand.
"I'm Alexz, and the human fly trap over there is Angel." Alexz said, nodding at Angel who's mouth was hanging open.
Jessica just laughed. Then she reached over and pushed Angel's mouth shut with her hand. "For further reference Angel, this is a much better look for you." Alexz and Jessica laughed.

"I said the same thing to TK when I meet him." Alexz said. TK blushed and tried to disappear in his seat.

"Come on Alexz! If you two are finished embarrassing us, can we get to the lab now?" Angel asked, also blushing a deep red. The girls laughed again and soon the boys joined in. TK put an arm around Alexz's shoulders as they walked over to the last table. Alexz grinned at him, then leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Am I imagining things, or are you drawing me in you sketch book?"
TK laughed. "I am drawing you. Well more accurately, it's you playing basketball."
Alexz smiled at him. "I'm flattered."
"You should be. Not a lot of people get serious time in my sketchbook." TK said, smiling back at her.

Kari stared in amazement at TK's lab partners. She was going to ask him to be with her and Davis, but he had avoided contact with her again! Instead, he had gone with that new girl Jessica, and his new friends! What were their names? Oh yeah. Alexz and Angel. Twins. They were the same kids she saw in the digital world. With digimon! Kari frowned.
"Hey Kari, what's wrong?" Davis asked, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"TK's still avoiding me. I saw him in the digital world with those two new kids and he ran away from me."
"He didn't!"
Kari nodded. Davis stared thoughtfully into space for a moment, then straightened his letterman's coat and smiled at Kari.
"Don't worry babe. I'll go talk to him for you."
Kari smiled back at him. "Thanks."

TK saw Davis heading his way, but ignored him. He was more focused on Alexz. She was 'helping him adjust his microscope'. He was sitting on a lap stool, his hands on the adjusting knobs, and she was standing behind him with her arms around his waist, her hands on his, turning the knobs slowly.
"Better now?" she breathed softly in his ear.

TK was having a seriously hard time concentrating, and it looked like Jessica was having the same problem. She was sitting at Angel's microscope, and he had his arms around her, his head right over her shoulder as he looked in the microscope. TK shuddered when he felt Alexz's breath on his ear. Alexz had the power to make him melt.

Just them Alexz took her arms from around him, and returned to her own seat.

"TK. I want some answers, and I want them now!"
"Well maybe if you asked the question Davis, instead of acting like a spoiled two year old." TK fired back, not looking up from his microscope.
"Why are you ignoring Kari?"
TK sighed again, but still didn't look up from his notebook where he was drawing what he had seen. "I not ignoring her Davis. I'm avoiding her. I'll get around to ignoring her later."
"Why? She wants to know why, and so do I."
"If she has to ask, then she's not much of a best friend, now is she?"

"Why you little..." Davis yelled, jumping at TK. He might have been taller then TK, but TK was stronger and faster. He simply stepped out of the way while swinging a few punches to Davis's face. He connected and Davis flew onto the lab table knocking over some chemicals.
"MY SKETCHBOOK!" TK yelled. But he shouldn't have worried. A quick thinking Alexz had grabbed the sketchbook when TK and Davis started fighting. Angel and Jessica had grabbed the microscopes so nothing was broken.

Davis dived off the table and hit TK in the middle, knocking him to the floor. TK got the breath knocked out of him, but brought his feet up and hit Davis in the chest throwing him backwards. But not before Davis had connected with TK's jaw.

Then Alexz, Angel, Dawn, Jessica and TK's other friends Aaron, Eric, Matt, Nick, Cody and John had grabbed TK and were holding him back, while some other students (including Kari) were helping Davis up. TK muttered, "It's okay, it's all right, let me go." They did, and TK fixed his coat. Then he shrugged it off and looked it over to make sure it wasn't torn.

It was fine, except the letters on the back spelling out 'Athletics' were a little dirty. TK could see that the letters on the back that spelled out 'Soccer' on Davis's coat were torn.

"TK! DAVIS! WHAT is going on here?!?"
Uh oh. TK slowly turned to face Mr. Merakie.
Before TK could answer, Kari stepped foreword. "TK attacked Davis, Mr. Merakie.
"HE DID NOT!" Half the class rallied to TK's defense. Some of his football and basketball teammates, some cheerleaders, but mostly just kids who had been in TK's science class all year and liked him.

Mr. Merakie sighed and rubbed his forehead. "All right, Cody, why don't you tell me what happened?"
TK's partner from football camp smiled his cocky grin at TK and faced Mr. Merakie. "Well sure. Davis started yelling at TK while TK was doing his lab, and then he dived at him. TK was just protecting himself."

"Is this true?" Mr. Merakie asked the class.
"YES!" They thundered back, except for Kari and Davis who just glared at TK.
"Very well. Davis, come with me. You're being suspended for fighting. Angel, take TK and get him cleaned up. The rest of you, continue with your labs. Angel and TK will be right back." He added to a distraught Alexz and Jessica.

Mr. Merakie left with Davis, and TK was smugly satisfied to see him face. Davis had a bruise on one cheek, a bloody nose, the beginning of a black eye, and was holding his ribs as he walked. TK just had a small bruise on his chin.

"Are you all right?" Alexz asked him, tilting his chin up so she could see his bruise.
"I'm all right. I just got some of Davis's blood on me, that's all."
"That's good."
"I'm glad to here it." Jessica added.
"Yeah buddy." Cody said, slapping TK on the back and almost knocking him over. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"
TK grinned. "I picked up a lot of moves from you. Don't you remember football camp? We had everyone scared of you in the first week you were such a good fighter."
Cody grinned again. "You got that right. Well, I'll see you later TK. Usually place for lunch?"

TK nodded. "You bet."
TK and Angel left and Kari didn't see them for almost ten minutes. When they came back, TK didn't even look her way. He just joked around with Alexz and Angel and Jessica. Kari felt her blood begin to boil. Who were these new digidestined, and why did TK like them more then her?
AN: I did it! I really did it! Chapter Three! Longer than chapter two. Also, I got the fight and the flirting in there. I'm so happy. Next chapter coming up. Maybe a Kari/Alexz fight, or a Gatomon/Kittenmon fight. Who knows? As always, review or e-mail with your ideas. I prefer e-mail, but reviews are fine. If you e-mail me, expect a response! Note: I had TK play Football and Basketball, becasue I think 'Athletics' looks so much better on a letterman's coat then 'Soccer'. Also, the Cody that helps out TK is not little Cody. It's his other friend Cody. Remember, TK is avoiding the other digidestined.