Playing Favorites

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of its characters.

Luffy doesn't like playing favorites, but sometimes it just happens. He can't help that a steak has more appeal than a pear, or that his blue shorts are more comfortable than his red ones. Things like that are beyond his control.

It's the same thing when it comes to his crewmembers. They're all great, and he cherishes each and every one. But it's true, and he hates to admit it, that he has a favorite. He isn't sure why. Perhaps because he was the first to join the crew, and so Luffy feels more attached. Or maybe it's the way he's always so ready to protect Luffy, even if putting his own life on the line is in order.

It could also be the way he ruffles his hair, and sometimes pulls it – but never too hard. Or, maybe, it has to do with the way he always lets Luffy join him in his hammock when it's cold at night, and how he doesn't complain all that much when Luffy wants to snuggle with him. Of course, it could also be that smile he has that's only for Luffy when he says something silly.

Okay, so there are many possible reasons. Luffy's never really sat down to try and figure out the most reasonable one. Sometimes, things just happen and there is no reason. Luffy doesn't mind so much, and, somehow, he doesn't think Zoro would mind either. Maybe he'll even tell him, one day.