Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, therefore I own nothing.

--11 Years Later--

Professor Potter watched as the Hogwarts express pulled into the Hogsmeade station. Hagrid had gone to Romania to visit Norbert and Harry had been given the task of the collecting the new first years.

It had been eleven long years for Harry. Severus and Draco had left to open a mail-order apothecary in London. Draco had given birth to a girl, (Dumbledore had visited them in the hospital) and true to Severus' word, Harry had never seen any of them again.

"First years over here please!" Harry bellowed. As the children gathered around, Harry was immediately able to pick out his daughter. She was pale, like her fathers, had long black hair and Draco's silver eyes.

"Hi, who would you be?" Harry asked the young girl.

"Lily Snape-Malfoy."

"Lily, eh? You don't happen to know who I am, do you Miss. Snape-Malfoy?"

She chewed on her lip in thought. "My daddy has a picture of you. He doesn't know I stole it, but he refuses to say much. He said that you were someone special but you died – you don't look dead. He said if I was to ever meet you that I'm not supposed to talk to you or spend time with you outside of classes."

"I see, does he," Harry cleared his throat, "do they, still love me?"

"Daddy says he loved you once, but he was glad you died, because living with someone as selfish as you would have ruin our lives."

Harry turned his head so the small girl wouldn't be able to see his tears. He bent down and hugged her tightly, whispering that he loved her and would always watch over her. He then proceeded to usher her into a boat alongside the other children. As the boats reached the other side of the lake, Harry led the children into the school and then headed to his chambers.

Harry pulled Gryffindor's sword from its case on the wall and sat in his favorite armchair. Whispering his last words, Harry severed his bond and plunged the sword through his chest.

"As long as my child lives, I will be remembered. I may only be another name in a textbook, but I was loved once. What a magical feeling it was. May the world be at peace, for I am leaving. I will always love you.


So, Harry took the Gryffindor way out, again. Did you expect that? I've had this ending written for a couple of months now, so I never really thought this story should have a happy ending. Oh, well. Hope you liked it, even though the ending was kinda... different.
