YAY!!! Another update! I'm gonna TRY and make up for the summer and update this story as fast as possible when I have ideas….so yeah…..

Clarity and Toxic stood unmoving for what seemed like eternity. It was twilight by now and it was getting dark. It was a dead silence that sent an eerie chill down Chiro's spine. The silence was broken by a groan from Antauri who was just getting up and holding his head.

Clarity saw him out of the corner of her eye and turned her head slightly, still keeping her eyes on Toxic, towards Chiro.

"Chiro, go and tell Antauri to get Luna to Maezono. She's the only one right now who can break his control." She whispered urgently to the young hero.

"Got it." He said and crept off to where Antauri was just getting up. Toxic noticed and started to charge at him, but Clarity intercepted and kicked Toxic in the side, sending her rolling away.

"Quickly!" She urged and Chiro started to run. Clarity returned her attention to her sister who got up as if nothing happened. Toxic charged again with her wrist blades and started to lash out at the other monkey. Clarity dodged all the attacks being careful not to touch the actual blades and dive-rolled out of the way when she almost got Toxic's tail stabbed through her face. Clarity backed up as Toxic walked towards her and felt her foot almost sink in the water.

Smirking, she jumped back farther out on the lake and dove in. For a moment, nothing happened. But a small pillar of water came up and Clarity was standing ontop of it. She started making slashing motions with her arms and curved blades of ice came out of the pillar and spun at Toxic who dodged each one of them.

Toxic lifted her hand and then lowered it aiming it at the water pillar. Glowing needles came out of her fingertips like they did in the Cave of Legends and they started to hit the pillar full-force. Clarity saw this and jumped off the pillar and landed on the shore. She looked back at the lake that was now a dark purple color.

The two glared at eachother, and Clarity clenched her fists and crossed her arams, "River Ribbon Rush!" She said and opened her hands, the sapphire blue ribbons weaving their way towards Toxic, who apparently had a slightly hard time dodging.

All the while Chiro was helping Antauri get to his feet after explaining what they had to do. Running up to Luna's twitching body, evading Clarity's ice at the same time, they noticed tht she was in worse condition than anticipated. There were beads of sweat on her face and her breathing was shallow and labored. Chiro had no idea what to do so he turned to Clarity who was still lashing the ribbons at Toxic.

"Clarity! Do you have an antidote or something?" He shouted to her. Clarity managed to throw Toxic far out into the lake and she ran over to where Antauri and Chiro were trying to patch up Luna's wound.

"I have one, but it has to be applied to the direct wound, so un-bandage it and I'll do the rest…." Clarity said but there was a loud splash and she was tackled to the ground by a purple and green blur.

Antauri spotted a small vial on the ground and looked at the gold liquid inside. This had to be the antidote. He walked back to Luna and tilted the vial so a few drops at a time fell into the wound and already Luna was starting to look a little better, but still in pain. Her gash was bandaged up thanks to Chiro, but her face was still twisted in discomfort.

Clarity was still in battle with her sister, the two were evenly matched it seemed. Toxic was a specialist with swords and close-combat, but Clarity used magic and she was much more gifted with long-ranged attacks. Right now the two were standing about ten yards apart and Toxic was in the way of the lake. Clarity raised up both of her hands and a large tidal wave appeared and crashed down on Toxic, then froze before being able to reach Clarity. The water had been poisoned and although Toxic was immune to it, Clarity was extreemly sesitive to it. Even a slight scratch that didn't even break the skin would be lethal to her, when with most they might just feel a little nausea.

Chiro took this as a chance to ask, "Clarity! Does this antidote work?" He asked as the monkey walked over with an exhausted look in her eyes.

"It should." She said, but paused, "Luna DOES have a regular immune system, am I right?" Clarity said skeptically. Chiro and Antauri exchanged worried glances.

Antauri was the first to speak, "Earlier in our journey we revealed that her immune system is very weak. Luna is extreemly sensitive to illness." He said.

Clarity shook her head in dispair, "Oh, no…That antidote was something I designed for someone with either a strong immune system or at least one that can fight off the flu or something. But if what you say is true that little mixture will barely do a thing, best case senario would be that she'll last llonger than normal. All of Toxic's poisons are lethal with one exception that gives one terrible nightmares, not to mention physical pain. But that's beside the point, get her to the Super Robot and see if she can boot Maezono out of Toxic's brain.

I could feel some of the pain subside and my body settled down. I cracked open an eye to see Toxic was frozen in a wave. I slowly started to lift myself up from the ground and Clarity had fins as her ears and at the tip of her tail. I was so happy to see she was okay I gave her a huge hug, but I recoiled from my stomach.

"Luna, do you think you can get to the Super Robot and overpower Maezono's hack?" She asked me and I looked at Toxic's frozen (temporary) prison and back at Clarity.

I smiled and gave a thumbs up, she grinned. I heard the ice begin to crack and there were smallish purple glowing dots hitting it.

"Oh, no…..get to it, NOW!" Clarity ordered getting ready to start fighting again. Chiro and Antauri explained why Toxic was acting so different we headed to the Super Robot. We were running and I could feel my legs start to get less and less stable and I stumbled to the ground. I shook my head as my sight started to get fuzzy. I felt Chiro try to help me up and I smiled in thanks. Clenching my teeth, I forced myself up and we were back on track.

Clarity sheilded her eyes when the ice shattered and one shard cut her side. Luckily, the ice hadn't been poisoned and the cut didn't spill any blood. Toxic rushed up to her and started attacking, forcing Clarity into defence, which wasn't her strong point. For a moment, Toxic froze then started to attack faster, and eventually nailed Clarity in the jaw, sending her spinning to the ground. Then Toxic fired up her jetpack and sped off after Antauri Chiro and Luna.

"I hope I……gave them…..enough time…" Clarity struggled to say, then passed out, her ears and tail returning to normal.

I was doing okay in running, but it was harder than usual for me. I was breathing harder and stumbled more, but I kept up. I felt two hands on my waist and was lifted up into the air as I watched the forest canopy shrink. I looked up and saw Antauri intent on moving forward and saw Chiro in the air as well. I appreciated the help, but I couldn't fight off the feeling of being a little helpless…

As we approached the robot I saw something speed under us. Out of seemingly nowhere Toxic flew up infront of us.

"I thought Clarity was back there stalling!" Chiro exclaimed.

"Apparently she was too exhausted to go on." Antauri concluded. I squirmed around and managed to slip out of Antauri's grip and fell for a good few seconds until I had enough strength to unfurl my wings.

This sime I winced when I strained to keep in the air and I could tell my flying was a little off. Then I was spiraling to the side and saw that Toxic had hit me and she was coming back for another blow. I dropped just in time to avoid it, but that was all the maneuvering I could manage, and I couldn't muster enough strength to gain any altitude. I saw Toxic coming back, but she was intercepted by Slingshot. He gave me a thumbs up and I started to move forward.

The Super Robot was in veiw and I started to move faster, but again felt dizzy and I looked back to see that my wings were losing feathers and I could see them starting to steam…they'd been poisoned too.

I started to fly as fast as I could in my current state, but the strain was too much and I fell from the sky head-first. My eyes were open a little to see the feathers rapidly fall from my wings and they had a dark purple, almost black, tar like substance on the ends. I closed my eyes, accepting the impact I thought I was supposed to encounter, but I felt someone clamp their hands around my wrist. I opened my eyes again and saw Chiro looking down at me with a smile, urging me to hold on. I smiled back and he hauled my arm over his shoulder and we started flying again.

Finally, we got to the Super robot and I ran to the main room and started to type on the computer, stopping a few times because my body started to ache again. Chiro was standing next to me and I continued to type, this was one of the hardest computers for me to hack into.

Slingshot and Antauri stayed behind to fight Toxic and it seemed they had the advantage despite Antauri being severely weakened, but Slingshot was at almost full power and Toxic was weak as well. It started out as none making a move, but Toxic broke the silence by charging at them with her blades at the ready. Both robots dodged by flying in opposite directions. Toxic looked from side to side and extended her hands in both directions, her face painfully emotionless.

I was still trying to stay conscious let alone keep hacking and I was constantly shaking my head to keep the fuzzyness at bay. It took a while but I finally had it, now I just had to wait in case Maezono caught me. The minutes it took felt like eternity and I was just about to get booted out of the system but actually Chiro tripped and he landed with his hands hitting a few buttons. And I was back in without trouble. I blinked at Chiro who gawked at the screen and I set right back to work. I just hoped that Antauri and Slingshot would ba able to stall long enough.

Toxic remained with her arms our for a few moments. Suddenly her wrist blades were drawn and they detatched from her arms and they had chains attatched to them. The new development was so sudden neither Antauri nor slingshot were able to fly out of the way in time and they were bound tightly. Toxic began to tighten the chains and the metal on their bodies started to dent, but slightly. Antauri phased from his binds and flew over to do the same with Slingshot. It seemed to take a couple seconds to process that her captives had escaped, but Toxic charged at the two robots at full-force. Suddenly…she stopped moving, like she were a puppet who's strings were taughtly pulled and she couldn't go beyond them. Then she fell limp and she had a drowzy look on her face as the lights slowly returned to her eyes and that seemed to spread across her face. She closed her eyes and her jet-pack deactivated. She fell down and Antauri sped to catch her.

I was breathing heavily and fell back in a sitting position and sighed, glad it was finally over with. My vision was fuzzy and everything turned black and I felt my head hit the ground.

Next Morning

I woke up in the med bay and I sat up drowzily. I couldn't even remember how many times I had been in there brfore so I just laid back down and closed my eyes but didn't sleep. In a few minutes I felt a small breath of air on my face and craked open an eye to look into two green ones. I jolted up and butted heads with whoever was hovering over me and saw Atom fall off the bed.

"Owie!" He exclaimed and I got out of bed to check if he was alright. I noticed that he had a tourniquet of bandages around his stomach and a cotton square swab thing (A/N: No clue what they're called, sorry.) on his cheek that was held in place by some small medical tape. He was rubbing his head and I sighed a little in relief to know that he wasn't seriously injured.

"'Bout time you got up." I heard a voice chime from the door to see Nova with a couple bandages of her own, but nothing appeared too serious.

I gave a small smile and Atom was jumping up and down in excitement. "Yayayayayayaaaay!" He cheered while running around the room until Nova caught him by the arm.

"Shush! Atom, Toxic's still asleep so settle down." She saidn and Atom stopped jumping.

"Oh, sorry…" He mumbled and grabbed my hand. "Come on! Everyone's worried about you!" The kid said sounding as giddy as a school girl. I smiled and followed with Nova trailing a little behind.

We came into the main room and everyone was there except for Toxic and Clarity. Atom startled everybody by running up to and shaking evryone in turn explaining that I was awake. Ruby was first to get to me and she landed on my shoulder while nuzzling me under the chin. Then Otto tackled me -though I didn't fall over- and hugged my waist.

"Yahoo! Now wejust have to wait for Toxic and then everyone'll be awake!" He cheered and I smiled.

"Actually, Clarity is sleeping in her room right now."Gibson said after clearing his throat. Poor thing must have studied herself to sleep.

"Way to pull through that one!" Sprx said with his usual cocky grin. Chiro walked up to me with a smile.

"We kinda didn't have enough time to stay, but Slingshot wanted me to tell you that he's looking forward to see you again." He said and I smiled a little. Maezono must have gotten away again, but I guess that it'd be like that for a long time. But what didn't?\

Later that day, I was sitting in the observation deck and hugging my knees ot my chest. I don't know why, I guess just for some peace. Roby wasn't there since she was sleeping soundly in my room, Otto, Nova, Sprx and Chiro were playing video games, Gibson was in his lab and Toxic and Clarity still hadn't woken up. I didn't really know what Antauri was up to, he never really told anyone.

I just watched the stars glide by as the Super Robot flew and it was a very spectacular sight.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a deep voice say and I whirled around to see Antauri standing behind me with one of his famous half smiles. I smiled back and nodded then gestured for him to sit down next to me.

He seemed slightly hesitant at first, but nonetheless sat down and looked out at the stars with me. There was a long silence but I didn't really mind since I'm used to it.

"I have a feeling you'll find Shuggazoom quite intruiging." Antauri said out of nowhere. I agreed with him, that was for certain but I was actually kinda scared. I mean, I would surely have stuck out like a sore thumb. He could see my worried expression even though I tried so hard to hide it and put a cool hand on my arm.

"You'll be fine. And you should't be worried about what may or may not come." He said. I just took this as a 'relax and quit being a worry-wart'. I smiled with a nod and looked back out at the stars. But knowing how things were going lately maybe life was finally going to slow down for a little while.

WHOOO!! Finished! This literaly took about a week to finish up since I had school and everything…soo….BUUUSYYYYY!! Oh well, at least I posted now. And don't rely on so having a new chappie this weekend, it's getting reall iffy now. Well, I hope you liked this chapter and for waiting (hopefully) patiently. As usual, excuse any typos and please review.