This takes place right where Twilight ends. R&R!

After what seemed like an eternity of pure bliss, Edward and I made our way back to the gym. Prom was winding down and only a few people were left. Emmet and Rosalie had already gone but Alice and Jasper were still there. Edward reached for my hand and our fingers were entwined. I looked up at my breathtaking angel and I couldn't help but smile. I don't ever remember being this happy. It's ironic really, if he were to give into temptation he could end my life very easily, yet I would die without him (if not from loneliness and sorrow than from my clumsiness.) Alice spotted us and cheerfully bounced over with Jasper in tow. She gave me a kiss on both cheeks.

"You look absolutely stunning, Bella!" she said whole-heartedly and I, of course, blushed ruby red. She smiled seemingly pleased at my reaction, "We're going to go now and we just wanted to come over and say goodbye."

"Oh, okay we'll see you guys later." I released Edward's hand and gave Alice a hug. I smiled at Jasper who kept his distance to lessen temptation.

Alice threw Edward a mischievous look and my angel wore a beaming smile. Oh no, not anymore surprises! I groaned inwardly. With that, Alice danced away and Jasper matched her pace with ease.

"So where are we going now?" God knows I was afraid to ask.

Edward looked at me trying to mask his excitement and act nonchalant. "Oh, no where you haven't been before." He failed to compose his face this time as he wore a beaming smile that could light up the world. I opened my mouth to answer but he gently put his finger to my lips, then he leaned in and kissed me ever so softly. He pulled away slowly, "No more questions." He said as he whisked me away to his car. I was still breathless and my brain finally kicked in as I was getting into the car. Edward put me down gently careful not to hurt my already broken leg. He double checked my prom dress was in the car before he shut the door. As he sat in the driver's seat his wonderful smell hit me like a semi truck. I closed my eyes and breathed it in never wanting to forget it. When I opened my eyes we were on the highway. I looked over at him to find he was staring at me with a peaceful but curious expression. I quickly looked away feeling my cheeks burn up and I heard his musical laughter.

"Tell me what you are thinking." He said no doubt curious since he couldn't read my mind and for that I was grateful.

I waited a moment then I answered, "You're laugh is my favorite sound in the world." I confessed as I took his icy cold hand. He smiled at me as I continued, "And I was wondering where we were going."

"Didn't I tell you no more questions," he said as he unleashed the full power of his eyes on me, "you will ruin the surprise."

I nodded numbly as he continued to dazzle me. I don't even remember the rest of the car ride. The next thing I knew my eyes were tightly shut and we were running. Oh for crying out loud, in my prom dress? Then we stopped.

"Keep your eyes closed, Bella." I obeyed as he gently put me down and steadied me. "Ready…open."

I gasped at the breathtaking scene that lay before me. It was our spot but completely transformed. The edge was outlined in hundreds of candles with the most fragrant smell. In the center was a blanket covered in red rose petals. I couldn't believe he would do all this for me. "Edward it's absolutely gorgeous!" He led me to the center and we both sat on the blanket. A soft breeze began to blow swirling my hair around my head ever so gently. "What did I do to deserve you?"

My favorite crooked smile played on his lips as he lay down and looked up at the stars. I did the same and I put my head on his chest and concentrated on the steady movements of his breathing. I almost heard his heartbeat. He began humming my lullaby and before I knew it I had drifted off into darkness.