Sleeping Sasuke

A/N: Sorry for the looooooooooooooooooong update time I'll try my best to update faster, but I got addicted to the Sims 2 then high school started…Oi.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and I copied some of the words from Card Captor Sakura Vol.5...I'm and bad girl goes and sits in the bad girl corner

Started: Thurs, August 10th (--;;;) 9:25

Once upon a time a King and his Queen lived in a castle far, far away. For a long time they wished for child… and finally, one day, and princess was born. They named him Sasuke. Rejoicing in the princess birth, the King and Queen held a great banquet where all of the subjects in the land could celebrate his birth as well.

And not only the subjects but the fairies- Gaara, Lee and Neji ; both of own where trained by the "wonderful Guy-sensei", to came to wish the princess well.

"Why are we here again?" Gaara asked, angry at no one unparticular….that or just life.

"Because our cables out," Neji reminded him.

Or maybe they didn't…..

"Isn't it such a great honor to be invited to celebrate the birth of the princess," Lee said with tears of…happiness?

Or maybe they did…I'm confused. So yeah, somehow they decided to give to princess "magic gifts", something about not wanting to buy anything.

First up was Neji:

"Princess Sasuke I give you beauty rivaled only by my own (--;;;;;;),"

Next up Gaara:


"You can't pass!" Neji yelled and hit him over the head, "Is it that hard for you to do something nice for someone else!"

"Fine!" Gaara took a moment and dug deep in his kind heart to thing of a gift for the princess, "I give him a nice ass and amazing 'oral skills'," Scratch that; perverted mind.

"You're disgusting," Neji said in a huff.

Next was Lee (shudders save yourself):

"And I give princess Sasuke the gift of-" just then the lights flickered on and off. Finally the lights died down and a spot light shown to the middle of the room where (drama) Queen Itachi stood!

A/N: R&R and I'll start writing ch.6! And so you all know falling moonlight is DA so if she ever has a story- go read it!...please puppy dog eyes

Thanks to all the people who are still reading this (not many --;;) and to my reviewers