She gazed west across the sun-baked sand. Today was the day. Her curiosity had finally overcome her reservations and she had to try. Dignity be damned!
She was halfway across the creaking rope bridge when her brisk pace slowed, doubts elbowing their way into her consciousness. Could she really go through with this? It had been so long since she done anything like it...
No! She was Leu Tipa, Elder of Leuda.
She had nothing if not determination. After all the hardships she'd led her village though there was no reason for her to shrink from a lousy game of jump.
Striding up to the three children gathered around the springy net trampoline, watching a newly arrived caravaneer jump, Leu tapped one of the young Selkies on the shoulder and braced herself.
Zie jumped when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She been so entranced by the caravaneer's skill that she hadn't noticed anyone behind her.
Turning around and flashing a smile to cover her surprise, she let out a cheerful "Hey Selkie, wanna jump?" Following up her grin with a look of horror at seeing who she had so casually addressed.
"Oh! Elder Leu, I'm sorry." Zie said with a polite half-bow, "How are you?"
The other children and caravaneer watched the exchange with interest, curious as to why the usually reclusive elder had paid them a visit.
'Such a sweet little girl.' "I'm feeling fine, thank you, Zie." Chuckled Leu; "I would enjoy a good round of jump."
"What!" Exclaimed Zie's older brother Nat, "You can't!"
"And why not?" Leu's voice taking on a stern tone.
"Because, because you..." Nat's voice trailed off as he considered what he was about to tell the elder.
"Because you're old and wrinkly!" Interjected Dak, the youngest of the three, "You'd fall and break something."
"That's no way to talk to your elder." Stated Leu, knitting her brow and glaring at Dak with her most withering, authoritarian gaze. The gaze that promised the sharp smack of a ruler across one's knuckles, being sent to bed without supper, and double chores for weeks. The same gaze that had made the burly blacksmiths of Marr's Pass and Alfitaria whimper and hide behind their forges.
The same gaze that was having absolutely no effect on Dak.
He glared right back at her, a childish defiance sparkling in his eyes. "Well it's true!"
Emboldened by Dak's daring, Zie spoke up. "He's right! You can't jump; you're old and saggy. It'd be horrifying!"
'Perhaps she's not as sweet as I thought...' "Zie, that was quite rude. Now I don't care what any of you children say. I'm going to jump and I'll put that lass to shame." Snapped Leu, pointing to the caravan girl and shooting a double-strength glare that cut off any further debate.
The caravaneer hopped off, making way for Leu and choking back her snickers as the elder took her place on the net.
"All right! The current record is 1629. The prize was one chunk of iron and one of bronze." Zie raised her hand in the air, bringing it down as she yelled "Begin!"
"I... I can't believe it..." Zie stuttered.
"3,786 points, that's incredible Elder Leu!" Dak cried, staring in awe.
"I'm sorry we called you wrinkly." Nat mumbled. Keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.
Leu looked down at the children's shocked and exuberant faces. Her prizes of mythril, iron, and bronze clinking in her arms as she considered her next move. "That's all right Nat, I forgive you. Now what lesson did I teach you today children?"
"That we shouldn't judge people based on age and appearance?" Guessed Zie.
"That's not it silly!" Dak scolded, a mischievous glint in his wide eyes. "The lesson is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it,"
Leu smiled, 'It seems they do understand.' "That's right. Very good-" she started, but was cut off when Dak continued:
"No matter how old and saggy you are!"
"... Why me?"