Yet another HP/CCS crossover! Some people are liable to get tired of it.

Whenever the CCS characters speak in Japanese I'll first type the Japanese in English calligraphy "Like this" and it'll be followed by the translation in italic like this. Thoughts will be put in 'this quotation format'.

Disclaimer: All Harry Potter locations & characters belong to J.K. Rowling, all CCS characters & locations belong to CLAMP.

A bright summer's day dawned in Tomoeda, the warm sun's rays shot in and out of the metropolitan skyline and washed over the houses in the suburbs, arousing many residents of the Japanese city. In one, however, whilst many others were getting up one significant member of the public had to be roused firmly but carefully.

"AIIII!!!" Cried Sakura as she felt a mass of cold water rush over her, at her bedside one non-human resident with an empty bucket was ready to greet her.

"Ohayō gozaimasu!" Good morning! Kero greeted her enthusiastically.

"Hoeee!" Sakura moaned. "Sore wa nan desu ka, Kero-chan?" What was that for, Kero?

"Nemurimasu dōshite desu ka kara sore wa hitotsu kirei hi no soto ni!" Why sleep when it's a beautiful day outside! Kero answered as he flew over to the window and pulled the blinds open. Wearily Sakura got up and went to get dressed and do all the normal morning things most people do across the world.

Later on Sakura dashed downstairs for breakfast.

"Ohayō!" Morning! She greeted her brother & father upon reaching the doorway to the dining room.

"Sono kaijuu kimemasu narimasen okimasu e." The monster has decided to get up. Touya commented as Sakura arrived for breakfast, once again Sakura got annoyed.

"Watashi wa hitotsu kaijuu-masen!" I am not a monster! She assertively replied.

"Anata no ashi-kaidan hitotsu kaijuu desu moshi nani ka." Your footsteps are a monster's anyway. Touya added to his previous comment, Sakura's blood pressure started to steadily climb; their father decided to intervene discretely.

"Mochimasu anatatachi kan·gae desu kyō o mot·te imasu ka?" Have either of you got any plans for today? He asked his offspring, they turned to him to consecutively give their answers.

"Yukito to watashi desu ikimasu toshokan e." Yukito and I are going to the library. Touya was the first to answer.

"Watashi wa kibō desu sukoshi shizuka sukēto o suru kōen ni." I'm hoping for some quiet skating in the park. Sakura answered afterwards; she was having a difficult time finding things to do to fill the gap that had formed since Shaoran had to return to Hong Kong, five years ago.

After a few minutes all three of them heard an unusual rat-tat-tat at the window, they all moved to see what looked like a barn owl at the window, waiting patiently. Everyone, even Sakura (who has gotten used to unusual events), were bewildered by this and didn't know whether they were coming or going. After a few chirps the owl, noting the dumbfounded expressions on their faces, flew off and the Kinomotos next heard a letter slipping through the letterbox.

Sakura, noting her experience in the unknown, decided to go see what the letter was all about; upon taking the smooth white envelope off the lower floor, which Western society might consider to be a porch, she was astonished by where the envelope was addressed to:

Sakura Kinomoto

Farthest Bedroom on 2nd Floor

Kinomoto Residence

Tomoeda Suburbs

Near Tokyo


(Sorry, I don't know the exact address of the Kinomoto household)

Sakura couldn't figure it out, how did anyone (except Tomoyo) know which room she slept in and why would they write that on an envelope to post, furthermore it was in Occidental calligraphy like the cards; she decided to show it to her father and Touya and see if they could make sense of it.

"Hitotsu mezurashī hanko ga arimasu sore no ue." There's an unusual seal on it. Fujitaka pointed out as he observed the side with the flap.

"Ōfuku jūsho ga arimasen!" There's no return address! Touya pointed out. "Shimasu-masen anata akemasu sore dōshite desu ka?" Why don't you open it? Sakura nodded to him, broke the seal and removed the letter from the envelope; she was amazed by what she saw.

"Sore wa min·na Eigo de!" It's all in English! Sakura cried out, Fujitaka and Touya rushed over to her shoulders and observed the letter; just then the ink that made up the text of the letter swirled and shifted into Japanese calligraphy for them to understand, the scripture read in English:

Dear Miss Kinomoto,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In spite of the fact that there are such schools nearer to you it is felt that you will benefit more if you attend Hogwarts; due to circumstances beyond our control you weren't informed when you'd be the age for first year, thusly we'll accept you in amongst the fifth years. We eagerly await your reply by the 31st July; make your reply using the address above and the owl waiting in the vicinity of your house; a list is included of the things you need to acquire before arriving.

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. McGonagall, Deputy Headmaster.

They all notified that the return address was on the top of the letter and directed to:

Prof. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster

Fujitaka was filled with pride, joyous of his daughter's new status.

"Watashi wa omoimasu ikimasu-ta hō ga ī desu!" I think you should go! He told Sakura, she was getting excited at the possibility; Touya was unimpressed though.

"Kanojo zut·to ī desu karera/kanojotachi yorimo, anata shit·te imasu sono!" She's much better than them (I'm not sure if it's male or female because Hogwarts is both), you know that! He told his father, who had other thoughts.

"Sore wa ī keiken kanojo no shite!" It'll be good experience for her! He replied, Sakura wasn't sure what to make of all this.

In Sakura' bedroom Kero was getting out his latest video game when the mobile rang, he went to answer it.

"Moshi-moshi!" Hello! (Phone greeting) He announced into the phone.

"Chot·to, Kero-chan!" Hey, Kero! Came Tomoyo's voice out of the microwaves (high frequency radio waves used in mobile phones). "Sakura-chan ga arimasu ka?" Is Sakura there? Kero thought for a moment before replying.

"Kanojo mochimasu chōshoku desu; watashi wa ikimasu desu kanojo!" She's having breakfast; I'm going to get her! Tomoyo made her reply as Kero went off to the door and beyond.

"Ōkē!" Okay!

Sakura finished her breakfast and went into the living room to contemplate on the letter, it was fortunate enough that both the letter and the list of stuff had transfigured into Japanese calligraphy, but she wasn't sure whether she had subconsciously caused the change or if the letter was acting under it's own magic. Just then Kero came dashing into the lounge.

"Chot·to, Sakura," Hey, Sakura, Kero cried out, "Tomoyo-chan sono keitaidenwa no ue desu!" Tomoyo is on the phone! At hearing Sakura jumped up, still clutching her letter from Hogwarts, and dashed upstairs with Kero hot on her heels.

"Moshi-moshi, Tomoyo-chan!" Hello, Tomoyo! Sakura announced as she picked up the mobile.

"Anata shite mo uketorimasu nani ga arundesu ka!" You won't believe what has happened! (Half of it is guess work) Tomoyo told her.

"Tegami kara Hogwarts o mot·te imasu ka?!?" Did you get a letter from Hogwarts?!? Sakura asked Tomoyo, noting how unbelievable it would be for Tomoyo to get one as well and trusting her mystical instincts.

"Dō shit·te imasu-te kuremasen ka?" How could you know? Tomoyo replied with clear surprise.

"Watashi mochimasu hitotsu, mo!" I have one, too! Sakura told Tomoyo. "Odoroku-beki watashi nani sore wa sono sore tanoshimi suki desu anata mochimasu mahou, mo desu!" What amazes me is that it seems you have magic, too!

"Hai, watashi odoroku-beki deshita itsu mitsukemashita kurai sore!" Yes, I was amazed when I found out about it! Tomoyo answered, after which she suggested if Sakura would like to meet up with her at her home.

After a talk with her father and Touya Sakura set off with Kero (in discretion) for Tomoyo's mansion. At the gate Sakura gave the two-way speaker her name and the fact she was to see Tomoyo and went in.

"Sakura-chan," Tomoyo cried out as she rushed out to meet her, "Watashi wa totemo ureshī desu mimasu anata!" I'm so happy to see you! Just then one of the Daijoudi housemaids came out and told Tomoyo there was a phone call for her.

"…kara hitotsu Hiiragizawa-kun?" …from a Hiiragizawa? The maid told them, Tomoyo and Sakura nodded in understanding and Tomoyo told the maid she'd take it and they both went indoors (Sakura pausing to remove her shoes and put on slippers).

"Moshi-moshi," Hello, Tomoyo announced, "Sore hitotsu nagai jikan kara watashitachi saigo kikoemasu kara anata deshita!" It was a long time since we last heard from you! Eriol was always as cool as a cucumber.

"Moshi-moshi, Daijoudi-chan; watashi wa shōtai shimasu anata to Kinomoto-chan watashi no ie e Igirisu ni, watashi shit·te imasu anatachi mochimasu shōtais Hogwarts e soshite watashi mochi sō! Watashi wa agemasu anatachi sono jōhō ni Hogwarts." Hello, Miss Daijoudi; I am inviting you and Miss Kinomoto to my home in England, I know you have invitations to Hogwarts and so have I! I will give you the info about Hogwarts. He told her, Tomoyo relayed this to Sakura and they agreed that this would be the best course of action. Thusly, after giving Eriol an affirmative answer, Sakura went home and both of them made their affirmative responses for delivery by the owls in their gardens.

"Watashi wa sō ureshī!" I'm so happy! Sonomi cried when Tomoyo told her the news. "Watashi kore o suki desu mimasu e Fujitaka-san saikō sore!" I'd like to see Fujitaka best that! Tomoyo sighed and gave her mother big news.

"Sakura-chan zut·to ī desu watashi yorimo, are nani ga arundesu watashi itsu deshita jū toshis o tot·ta." Sakura is much better than me, that's what happened when I was ten years old. Now it turned out she had magical powers, Tomoyo considered it was now or never to spill the beans. This resulted in a long pause from her mother.

"Watashi wa ikimasu te ni iremasu anata to Sakura-chan hitotsu yoyaku shimasu hikōki de Igirisu e ashita!" I'm going to get you and Sakura a booking on tomorrow's flight to England! She told Tomoyo and went towards the nearest phone. 'Touya has a sixth sense,' She thought, 'It makes sense for Sakura to be a witch as well as dear Tomoyo.'