Title: Knocked Up

Summary: Angels and Demons roam the earth – the Justice League is caught up in the age-old battle between Good and Evil and getting knocked up.

Pairings: include Boostle, Batflash, Blue Arrow (a new pairing consisting of Dove and Green Arrow.) Questressawk(Question/Huntress/Hawk(yes I went there!) and Shinilante... ArseWing , Kobin

The Epilogue

June 2014

It was a bright and sunny day.

Not that anyone in the Hall Residence realized. The eight people that lived in the house were all sound asleep, and the only being awake was the family pet, a golden retriever known by the name of Hankette, and she was lying comfortable in on a sofa watching several fish swim round in a small aquarium.

Helena Bertinelli was hidden underneath the covers, her bare legs wrapped around Hank Hall's muscled legs. In his arms, Victor Sage cuddled up to Hank's hard chest, drooling on Hank's left nipple.

The warm dribble eventually cooled, stirring the man from his sleep. He blinked a couple of times, grumbling as he ran a finger across his wet chest.

"Damn," he grunted, voice clouded with sleep. Looking down at the two people sleeping in his arms, he realized he wasn't going anywhere. Another ten minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt, he figured closing his eyes.

But before he could return to his slumbers, the bedroom door swung open and five, overly excited children ran in.

"Daddy! Daddy! It's my birthday!" One blonde twin cried cheerfully

"And mine!" said the other blonde

"Mummy!" said the only red haired child.

"Mama! Wake UP!" the oldest boy giggled.


"I'm six today!" said the other blonde

"Me too!" Said the first blonde

The three adults let out a groan as they sat up. Joseph, the youngest of their five quintuplets climbed onto the bed and into Helena's waiting arms.

"Daddy! We have to get ready!" Joss cried, "Every one is gonna be here soon!"

"Oh my God," Helena grunted, eyeing the alarm clock with a groan. "Guys, its only five in the morning!"

"And!" Balchaster said, "We have to prepare the balloons and the cake, and the decoration, and we need to open our presents, and we need to get the party bags ready to give to Owie and everyone when they go home and-"

"Okay! Okay," Hank laughed, covering his older son's mouth with his palm. "Calm down. Which one of you is going to come with me to pick up the cake?"

"Me!" all five quins tuned in.

"Okay," Hank snorted, "That didn't solve anything. Alright, you know what, first to get dressed, brush their teeth and make me coffee will go with me."

As quickly as they appeared, the quintuplets ran out of the room, leaving three amused adults behind.

"I can't believe they are already seven," Helena smiled, as she pulled herself out of the bed, slipping into a satin robe. She disappeared into the main bathroom that was connected to their room.

"I'll get breakfast ready," Viktor said, as he too prepared to get up. Before he could slide out of the bed, Hank grabbed a hold of his wrist stopping him in his tracks. "Hank?"

The red-haired man pulled his lover close kissed him passionately, only pulling away when both men needed air.

"I love when you kiss me like that," Viktor breathed.

"I love you," Hank responded gently. The war, the chaos he was known, that resided in him had settled after the birth of his children and his eventual relationship with the father of his children and their mother. The three superheroes had settled into a easy relationship that worked so well for them.

Not that it showed when they were on the job.

When duty called; duty called.

"I'll take the five of them with me," Hank smiled, "And I'll get breakfast ready babe."

"It's okay, I'll do it,"

"No, you make breakfast for them every morning," Hank smiled, "I do the weekends."

"Thank you,"

"No babe, thank you."

"Owen Lucas West-Wayne!" Bruce roared, "What have I told you about leaving your socks in the bathroom sink!"

"Sorry…" the said boy called out from his room. He sat by the window staring out into the clear blue sky. He had a feeling it was going to be a lovely day; he also had a feeling the day was going to be filled with wonder and surprises. "When will we be leaving?"

"When you clean your room," Bruce replied, sharply, before he muttered to himself; "why do I sound like a nagging mother."

"Possibly because you are my mother," the dark-haired child smiled as he walked in slowly towards the fridge. For the son of a speedster, he was a dawdler. Speaking of the devil, Wally barged in dressed in a suit struggling to put on his socks.

"Hey, buddy! Hey babe!" Wally said, flustered, as he ruffled Bruce's hair and kissed Owen on the cheek. Owen made a disgusted face, "Oh sorry kid, wrong way!"

Bruce laughed as he planted a kiss on his partner's moist lips, "What's wrong, Wal?"

"I can't find my wallet," Wally whined.

"It's on the TV," Bruce replied, with a roll of the eyes.

"And I've run out of underwear!"

"Going commando, daddy?" Owen smiled.

"No, I didn't change," Wally grunted, "Owen, why did I find your socks in the bathroom sink?"

"I put them there," Owen said


"Cause they stunk and I washed them with the hand soap," Owen replied.

"I dunno why I asked..."

"That explains why they were wet," Bruce said, shaking his head. "Owen, you do know Alfred will wash them don't you?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to bother him," Owen smiled. "And the hand soap smells nicer then the laundry detergent he chooses to wash our clothes with."

"He gets this from you," Wally said, brushing his teeth fervently. Bruce rolled his eyes, watching as foam dribbled down the speedster chin.

"Daddy, will you be at the piglets birthday?" Owen asked, sitting before the table with a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. The piglets were the reference that a certain demonic angel had given the five quintuplets.

"Yeah, I'll be late though," Wally replied, "I'll be working until five so, I'll be there at five past okay."

"Okay daddy," Owen replied as Wally ruffled his hair, and kissed Bruce one last time and then flashed out of the mansion. "He forgot his wallet."

"Of course he did."

"You told me that you got all their presents two weeks ago, Michael!" Ted snapped as his husband moodily. Booster Gold looked at his six year old twins and grinned.

"Mamma's a little mad, boys," Booster winked at the boys. The two boys smiled up at their father from the future.

"Michael! The party is in an hour!" Ted cried, "I haven't got the time to go shopping!"

"Babe! I was kidding," Booster grinned, "I got them a present each, wrapped and in the car ready to go. Just dress the boys and we'll go."

"We can dress ourselves daddy!" the blonde Remiel said with a smile.

"Yeah, we're not stupid," Gabriel said. Ted smirked as Booster glared playfully at their child. "Are we gonna pick up Gwenny?"

"Yes," Ted nodded, "Now go and get dressed. And Gabriel, shoes on the right feet okay? Use the labels."

"Okay, mamma,"

"Don't call me mamma! It's daddy!"

"Come on, baby girl," Don smiled, his daughter skipped quietly beside him, hand in hand, as his son marched playfully before him. Behind him Oliver Queen and Cissie carried several wrapped boxes addressed to the quintuplets. "Ollie, are you sure you don't want me to carry one of those presents?"

"No, we're fine," Ollie replied. "Jack! don't you step on those flowers! you don't want uncle Hank angry at you again!"

"I cant believe my brother's into gardening," Don chuckled. Hankette's barking could be heard from behind the door. The door opened suddenly before anyone could knock on the door.

"Uncle Donny!" his youngest nephew pushed past the large dog and wrapped his arms around his uncle's leg. "It's my birthday today! I'm seven! So is Belly, Cally, Britty and Chestnut!"

"Happy birthday little man,"

"Stop calling me Chestnut!" Balchaster screeched from inside. Don laughed as Joss gave his younger cousin a cuddle.

"Hi, Jossy," Phoebe smiled, "I- we brought you a present, and one for Belly, Cally, Britty and Chestnut!"

"Daddddd! They're calling me Chestnut again!" Balchaster screeched yet again. "Can I punch them?"


"Hank!" Helena's voice was heard. "Don't you dare Balchaster!"

"Typical Hank and typical Mini-Hank!" Ollie laughed, as he set the presents down on a table covered in a clown-covered tablecloth. "I hate clowns."

"Chicken," Don giggled, "I cant believe you're scared of Pennywise."

"Were you not watching the same movie as me last week!"

Cissie followed suite and placed the two presents she held down. "I'll go and help Helena and Dinah."

"It's a movie you scare-dy cat!"

"I'm not scared of - " the older man was silenced when he was tackled by his three nieces and chestnut haired nephew. "Hey guys!"

"Did you get us presents!" Callisto and Britney cried together. "Daddy said we have to wait though, we can't open them until afterwards!"

"Which daddy?" Dinah smirked as she entered the hallway and wrapped her arms around Don. "Hey kiddo, how are you?"

"Great, is that? OH MY GOD!" Don screeched, grabbing Dinah's hand to examine the band around her left ring finger. "He proposed! When!"

"Last night," Dinah replied, grinning. The two walked into the kitchen were Helena stood peeling carrots. "He initially couldn't find the ring. The idiot put it in his own wine glass and forgot!"

"That sounds just like Brad!" Helena smiled, "Where's Ollie?"

"In the jumping castle with Hank," Don replied, staring out the window. The quins, his twins and Hankette stood outside watching the two grown men unimpressed. "Big babies."

"I wouldn't mind joining them," Helena laughed, as the three watching Viktor climb into the castle.

"God, that is embarrassing!" Cissie giggled, she pulled out her Iphone and snapped a shot. "Onto twitter it goes!"

"Poor kids," Don smiled.

"JUMPING CASTLE!" the three women and the blonde man laughed as Gabriel ran through the backyard and jumped in with the older men. Booster Gold was in the castle a minute later as Ted shook his head carrying five bags of gifts inside.

"Big babies," Ted sighed, as he entered the kitchen with out the bags. "Hey Donny, ladies."

"Hey Teddy Bear," Dinah grinned, hugging the short man. "Where's Remy?"

"Outside," Ted replied, "he, Phoebe, Gwen and Joss jumped into the Baby Farm. We wont see them for another two hours!"

"Gwen's here? Great," Helena smiled, "Poor Vigilante and Justin… Monitor duty…"

"Owen! Don't lose your socks!"

"Well Bruce is here," Don smirked. "Owen and his socks."

"I found a pair in the kitchen sink the last time they came over," Dinah smirked.

"I wonder if Bart's here yet," Cissie said, heading towards the backyard. "Oh, hi Bruce. Is Bart here?"

"Hey Cissie, he's in the Baby Farm," Bruce smiled, as he walked past her. "We work with big babies."

"Lets go join them," Don grinned. Bruce stared at him with a blank stare, "Don't look at me like that! You know you want to! Come on Teddy."

"Lets go!" Ted said, pulling the two men along.

"Boys," Helena grinned, "Come on, we'll take this stuff outside and go out with the kids."

"And then we can get in the castle too," Dinah smirked.

"Of course."

"Hey princess," Bart grinned, planting a kiss on his long-time girlfriend's cheek.

"Hi cutie," Cissie pulled him in by the neck and passionately kissed him. It had taken three years of insulting and picking on each other first, before the two finally 'hooked up' as Kon had put it. The interesting part of their relationship was Ollie's reaction to learning his oldest daughter was dating the teenager he once dubbed the most irritating thing to walk the planet.

"Ooooohhhh!" Jack cooed at his oldest sister. Bart ruffled his hair playfully as Phoebe, Gwen and Remy ran after a rabbit.

"Come back bunny!" Gwen giggled, her blonde locks bouncing in the two pig tails they were tied in. "I just wanna hug you!"

"He's too fast!" Remy panted, "Let's catch the goat instead!"

"Here goaty goaty!" Joss called as the four children chased after a white kid.

"Were we ever this annoying?" Bart asked chuckling. "We were cuter, that's for sure."

"You were a nightmare," Ted chuckled, "Remy, be gentle buddy."

"Okay ma," Remy replied. Bart grinned as Ted shook his head.

"Not a word, Brat," Ted growled.

"I didn't say anything mamma," Bart smirked, pulling Cissie along with him, "Lets go on the jumping castle."

"Will you idiots get off!" Gabriel snapped, as he pushed at his blonde father trying to push him out of the castle. "We want to go on!"

"Gabriel!" Ted snapped, in the exact tone his six year old son used.

"Come on," Joss pulled Remy and Gwen along with him, out of the Baby Farm and into the jumping castle. Of course, being young children they left the gate open and out popped the white bunny rabbit.

"Oh No!" Phoebe cried.

"Hey!" Booster screeched, "Bunny rabbit's escaped!"

The next half hour was spent chasing after the speedy little rodent, as more and more guests arrived. Kon and Tim arrived with presents in hand; hand in hand. Diana, Clark, Donna, Garth, Cassie and Kara arrived moments later. They too joined in trying to catch the insolent rodent.

This was what greeted Dick Grayson and Roy Harper when they arrived with their four-year-old son, Evan. The child was a complete unexpected surprise; but before the angels had left, Gabriel (the archangel, not the bratty six year old.) cryptically told Roy and Dick that he would see them in nine months time. Their first time together had resulted in their young son; Evan Cody Harper.

Roy's reaction to falling pregnant wasn't pretty, but the reaction from Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen was amusing. Both men spent months complaining about being grandfathers before the age of forty.

Of course when Evan called out for Grandpappy(Bruce) or for Grampy(Oliver) both men would be ready hand and foot for their grandson.

The time was approximately five when up above in the blue skies sat six angels watching, contemplating whether to join their human companions or not.

"Should we go?" Gabriel asked

"Let's go!" Jophiel said.

"They didn't invite us," Uriel replied.

"Well duh! Its not like they have our emails or something," Lucifer snapped, "idiot, how are they gonna invite us when they cant reach us!"

"They could pray!" Uriel cried, "Stop being mean!"

"Stop being an idiot!"

"Will you two shut up!" Michael growled. "What do you think Cassiel?"

The said archangel was already walking towards Heaven's stairway, "I think what are we waiting for, lets go. I want some cake, and some coke!"

"And Vodka!" Lucifer said, running after his sister.

"Tequila," Michael smirked slightly as he rose and stepped after them. The three remaining angels glanced at one another and took off after their older siblings.

"Hang on!" the golden hair Verchiel called, "We're coming too!"

The six archangels turned to find an entire legion of heaven's fiercest warriors dressed casually in jeans, each one carrying a present.

"We wont all fit in their backyard," Jophiel said, thoughtfully.

"So lets move the party to somewhere we will all fit," Metatron smirked, "Like perhaps, a local theme park?"

"And I know just the one," Lucifer said.

"We are not going to Hell House," Michael snapped. "Again…"

"I was thinking more along the lines of Disney World," Lucifer replied, "But that's not a bad idea."

"What in the blue hell?" Hank screeched when suddenly the scenery changed from their backyard to a familiar theme park. "What the hell is going on?"

"Daddy, where's the jumping castle?" Isabella cried in surprise her mouth wide open.

"And the cake?" Joss sniffed

"And our presents?" Callisto and Alexis asked together.

"And the goat!" Balchaster asked.


"Oh my God!"

"No, not quite," Michael smirked, before the smirk disappeared. Joss, Gwen, Isabella, Alexis, Phoebe, Jack, and Remy tackled him to the ground. "Get off me, you little monkeys!"

"UNCLE MIKEY!" they all screamed.

Owen, Callisto, Gabriel, and Balchaster ran to Lucifer repeated the action of their friends.


"Don't call me Lucy!" Lucifer snapped, but he hugged the kids back nevertheless.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bart asked, laughing.

"Thought we'd drop in," Cassiel smiled as Evan wriggled from his father's arms and slid into hers. "Hello, Speedy Junior."

"Granny!" Evan giggled. Cassiel's face went blank.

"What have I told you about calling me granny!" Cassiel said, shortly. "making me feel old."

"You're more then billion years old, love," Lucifer snorted.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Kon asked, his arm snaked around Tim's waist.

"I've always wanted to go to Disney World!" Lucifer replied. "Now excuse me, I'm going to find Mickey Mouse, and then I'm gonna kick him!"

"Well that explains it," Michael said, shaking his head. "And here I thought it was some kind of life-long dream of his, he merely wants to kick Mickey Mouse…"

"Can we go with Lucy?" Balchaster asked. "Please! Please! Please Daddy!"

"Fine, just stay with Lucifer," Hank replied. "And don't cause any trouble… err, on the other hand I'll come with you guys. Who am I kidding, 'don't cause trouble!'"

The young children cheered as Jophiel and Uriel tagged along.

Elsewhere, back were Hankette sat wondering were the hell everyone went as she munched on the large birthday cake, Wally West arrived with a flash.

"Wha- party over already?"


Roy smiled at his tiny child. He had his eyes, but Dick's dark hair and features. "What's wrong angel?"

"I wanna go on that ride," the child pointed at a ride with a short stubby finger.

"Okay," Roy pulled his young son into his arms and headed to the boat ride.

"No daddy," Evan shook his head as Cassiel and Dick hung back talking quietly. "That one!"

"You want to go on the rollercoaster?" Roy asked. Evan nodded, with a grin. "Okay."

"Roy! He can't go on a rollercoaster!" Dick scolded. Evan pouted, "Come on, we'll go on the Boat Ride."

"Boring," Evan whined, "Daddy, coaster!"

"Come on, Dickie, what's the worst that could happen!" Roy said, with a grin "he'll be fine! I'll be right beside him."

"Roy- Roy! Oh for heaven's sake, Martha do something,"

"Can't, free will," Cassiel said, shaking her head amused. "and its Mar-ta!"

"So was this what you saw?" Hank asked, sitting between his two lovers, arms wrapped around each as they floated down a peaceful river.

"Yes," Viktor nodded, "But I don't remember seeing any of the angels though."

"You didn't find it strange we all ended up here in Disney World?" Helena asked.

"No," Viktor smiled, "Everything was peaceful, perfect. I was scared this would never happen but here we are. And no conspiracies."

"No conspiracies," Hank chuckled. "That's a bonus."

Evan was crying softly in Roy's arms carrying him of the ride as Dick glared daggers at his lover, arms folded like a brooding wife. Roy looked away shamefully.

"I told you so!" Dick growled. Cassiel giggled amused. "It's not funny."

"It's hilarious," Cassiel said, punching Dick playfully. "When you're as old as I am, these kind of things are funny."

"Stop laughing granny, not funny," Evan sniffed.

"Its cake time!" Bart said, as he zoomed past the group, "In the Castle! Hey, what's wrong Evvy."

"He went on the roller coaster," Cassiel smirked.

"Err, why?" Bart asked, with a raised brow.

"Cause Roy is an idiot," Dick grunted.

"Shullap daddy, leave daddy alone," Evan sniffed, snuggling into Roy's neck. Dick smiled slightly, as Bart laughed.

"Who do you want to shut up Evvy?"


"Daddy Roy?"

"Shallup Brat," Evan sniffed, "Daddy tell Brat to shallup!"

"So rude!"

"That's what you get for teaching him to tell everyone to shut up," Roy smirked, kissing his son's dark mane. "Baby boy, you go to daddy for a minute, I need to go pee."

"Come banana head," Dick chuckled as Evan all but jumped into his arms. He pecked Roy on the lips, both men knew that all was forgiven. "Let's go to the castle and sing happy birthday to the quins."


"Because it's their birthday?"

"Why do we have birthdays?"

"Because that's the day we're born,"

"When's my birthday?"

"July 28th remember," Dick laughed, "Not long left and you'll be five."

"Why will I be five?"

"Because you were born five years ago," Dick said, wondering why four year olds asked a thousand questions a day.

"Oh, okay," Evan nodded. The child raised a brow as they neared the castle, "Can I have a lollypop?"

"Daddy!" Owen jumped up, legs wrapped around his father's waist and hands around his neck. "You're very late. You said you'd be here by five but its almost eight thirty now!"

"Well, no one told me the party was being moved to Disney Land." Wally hugged him tightly as he winked subtly at Bruce and smirked.

"World," Owen said, as he dropped to the ground, still hugging his father's hand. "The angels brought us here. Everyone is here, even Bob."

"Who's Bob?" Wally asked.

"I dont know," Owen shrugged, "Lucy told me..."

"You're just in time for the cake," Hank grinned, as Wally joined the large group crowded around the gigantic cake. It was made from five levels, each level was a different colour of cream each a favourite colour of the twins. Seven candles were placed on the top level ready to be blown out.

The large crowd made of children and superheroes and angels sang the world known song Happy Birthday before the candles were blown out. The crowd cheered as Helena kissed the nearest quintuplet. Flashes from several cameras flashed reminiscent photos.

"Beep Beep!" Bart smirked, poking Evan in the side placefully.


"Evvy," Dick said warningly.

Before anyone could continue the odd chant the angels had started, Joss grabbed a handful of cake and smeared it across his brother's grinning face.

"JOSEPH!" the older sibling roared as the crowd roared with him (laughing of course)

"Joss!" Helena tried to scold her son but burst out laughing.

"Maaa, its not funny," Balchester whined.

"You have to admit, Chessy it's a little funny," Bella grinned. Balchester growled at her. Before anybody could react; Balchester grabbed his younger and smaller brother by the back of the neck and pushed him hard into the cake.

The crowd chuckled as Joss pulled himself up, comically covered in cake as Hank drew in closer to his son, brow raised.


"Daddy!" Joss all but wailed.

"Wait! Wait! Oh crap!" Before Hank could stop him, Joss ran into his arms crying, covering Hank in the creamy cake. "Damn!"

The crowd roared with laughter as Hank picked up his son and cuddled him.

"Balchester, Joseph," Hank chuckled, "Tomorrow when you wake up, you're both grounded for a week!"

"Where are our presents?"


WHOOO HOOOO! Wow, its taken a hell of a long time but I'm done! Its changed a lot since I first posted this but I think it's a good change. I had a blast writing this and the lovely reviews from everyone made it very worthwhile, including you few fellas who wondered why men got knocked up.

When you involve angels into something, you can do anything! hehehehe... not to mention its a fiction...

I started this fiction on a depressing note(five blokes dying) I figured I'd end it on a happy note(Five kiddies celebrating their birthdays with their lovely family)

Well, that's that. All done finally after a century of writing this, its done!

There will be some one shots here and there but they wont be posted here, but under a new story probably called Knocked Up one shots.

Some of the follow ups will be stories about Roy's pregnancy, a fiction for each of the five men's families, kids first day, a wedding day for someone – you guys choose who, a awkward date between Brad and Dinah(I have a soft spot for that OC he's such a little idjit) and more

The one shots will also provide more of a insight into the kids and what type of children they are, how they've been raised and so on and so forth

If you guys have any ideas about oneshots post them in the reviews, and if Im able to come up with something, I will post it up here for you all to read

One more time, thanks for all the reviews, support and awesomeness over the last few years!


Take care and Spike your hair, woo woo woo you-

Hang on that's not right.

